I'll be Home for Christmas Part 1

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This will be a little mini-series to get into the spirit of Christmas. For this one-shot, Logan is leaving the X-men again to try and rediscover his past, and it's around Christmas time. The reader then goes on a quest with some of the X-men to track down Logan and bring him back home because no one should be alone on Christmas.

There may be some angst. Enjoy. Oh the reader's mutation gives dog-like senses such as smell and sound and has cat like eyes.

It was the most wonderful time of the year again in Westchester. The snow was falling, the Christmas decorations were strung about throughout town and everyone just seemed to be in an uplifted mood through the spirit of giving.

You had took it upon yourself to do some last minute Christmas shopping for everyone back at the X-men mansion. Okay maybe it wasn't exactly last minute since Christmas was only three days away, but you'd been so busy with missions and stuff you hadn't found the time to finish getting gifts for your friends.
You had just finished and was about to head back, when something caught your eye in one of the shop windows. It was a teddy bear, that was dressed to look just like Wolverine. You couldn't help but smile at that. It was then you also realized you hadn't gotten a present for Logan yet; it was understandable given that the man never seem to be around during this time of the year. But the moment you saw that bear, you knew you had to get it for him. Yeah Logan's not really into the cutesy stuff, but maybe he'd get a kick out of this one.

Once you went in and purchased the stuffed bear, you head back to the mansion, a skip on your step and a big smile on your face.

Back at the mansion, you see the whole place had been decorated from top to bottom; since the rest of the X-men had been just as busy as you with the mission, no one really had the time to put up the lights or the tree until now.
You walk inside into the main lounge to see the tree had already been put up; Rogue, Kitty, and Piotr were putting the decorations on the tree while Kurt and Warren were placing decorations around the lounge. 
"Wow, it all looks amazing," you comment getting your teammates' attention, "But Kitty, I thought your family didn't celebrate Christmas." "Doesn't mean I can't help out with the decorating," Kitty points out, "By the way, if anyone takes a picture of me doing this on their phone and sends it to my mom, I'll phase through the it and smash it into pieces."
"Duly noted," you reply.

"I just love Christmas," Kurt quips in as he hangs by his tail to string the lights on the top part of the walls, "It truly is zhe most vonderful time of the year."
"What was Christmas like in the circus?" you ask the blue mutant. "Well ve would go to great lengths to decorate zhe tents and ve put on special acts for zhe holiday," Kurt explains, "We didn't have a tree to decorate, though." "How can you have Christmas without a tree?" Piotr asks. "Not a big one like zhis," Kurt replies, "you have to remember ve rarely stayed in one place for very long, so it didn't make sense to keep a tree around." "How you guys get presents then?" Rogue quips in. "Ve exchanged presents on Christmas Eve," Kurt shrugs, "Kinda like zhe Vhite Elephant tradition. Zhe vere also kind enough to let me slip out to attend midnight mass. Speaking of which, vould anyone be willing to come with me zhis year?"

Some of the others exchange glances, unsure if they really wanted to go. Lucky for Kurt you did have some Catholic upbringing, "I'll go," you offer, "it's important to you, and it's always nice to have some tag along for mass." "Thank you," Kurt happily nods, then bamfs from the ceiling to the floor.

"Hey everyone!" you hear Hank's voice as he enters the lounge with cups of hot chocolate. "Warm refreshments anyone?" Alex asks as he walks in with mugs of spiked eggnog. You and the other X-men in the lounge run up to grab a mug of either or, you were in favor of the hot chocolate (the eggnog although mixed with spiced rum didn't have any whip cream or mini marshmallows in it).

"Look beautiful so far," Hank comments looking around the room, "And the tree's look like it's coming along pretty well." "Well it's not quite finished just yet," Kitty points out, "Someone still needs to put the star on top." "Ooh, let me," you speak up, setting down your mug and grabbing the star. Although you didn't think about the whole height of the tree thing. "Uh," you look way up, "I think I'm gonna need a ladder first." "No need for that, let me," Warren stands behind you and lifts you up to the top. It surprised you at first, but it was actually kinda fun, and convenient too. With Warren's assistance you placed the star on the tree, and suddenly the tree felt like it shined brighter than it already was.

"Thanks Warren," you say as you found your feet back on the ground, "I bet those of wings of yours came in handy decorating the tree back at the Worthington estate. I imagine the tree was three times as big as this one." "Well the servants usually decorated the tree," Warren admits, "And in case you forgot, my dad didn't exactly like it when I showed off my mutation." "Oh yeah, that's right," you say, remembering Warren's father's general disdain for mutants.

"Well that's all in the past," you decide to change the subject, "right now we're all here together for the holiday as a family. Which reminds me." you run to get your presents, "I brought you all presents in the spirit of the season." That got your teammates' spirits up as you hand them their gifts.

After that you trek through the rest of the mansion to look for the rest of the X-men so you could hand them their gifts as: Peter, Ororo, Jean, Scott, Bobby, Jubilee, and any others. By the end, you realized you had two gifts left to give; one for professor Xavior and the other one for Logan. You already knew you'd could find Charles in his office at this time of the day, but you wanted to give Logan his present first.

You wonder down the halls when you run into Scott and Jean again, "Hey guys," you greet. "Hey, (y/n)," Jean greets back, "We didn't the chance to say thanks for the gifts." "Well it's all in the Christmas spirit," you tell her, "Have you two seen Logan by chance? I haven't given him his present yet." "He might be sleeping," Scott suggests, "You remember that all nighter he pulled last night when the recent snowstorm caused the mansion roof to spring a few leaks." "I already knew about that," you answer, remembering that the guy had spent the whole night patching up those holes on the roof without so much as a cat nap. When the Wolverine sleeps, it's best not to wake him, you would be better off waking a sleeping bear in that case. "I checked to see if he was still sleeping, but the door to his room was open and he wasn't there," you continue, "I looked everywhere but I can't find him." "Well I don't know what to tell ya (y/n/n)," Scott replies, "Jean and I haven't seen him recently either. "Maybe the professor saw him recently, you should talk to him," Jean suggests.

Taking the red headed mutant's advice, you head for the main office to talk to Charles. "Evening, professor," you knock, letting Charles know you were entering his office, "Is this a good time?" "By all means, come in (y/n)," Charles nods as you step inside. "I brought you a present. Merry Christmas, sir," you hand Charles his present. "Why thank you, (y/n)," Charles happily accepts his gift, "And a Merry Christmas to you too." The professor also takes notice of your facial expression, like you wanted there was something else you wanted to get off your chest,

"I'm assuming there's something else you want." "How could you tell? Did you read my mind?" you asks, eyes wide. "I don't need to read your mind to see there's something troubling you at the moment," Charles points out. You sigh before speaking, "Well...I have one last gift left that I bought for Logan, but I can't find him. You haven't seen him recently by chance, have you?"

Charles seemed reluctant to tell you, but he knew it would come out eventually, "I'm afraid you just missed him," he tells you, "Logan left the mansion a couple hours ago. I don't know where he went off too and I don't know when he'll be back."

To be continued.

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