Pitch Perfect Project Part 2

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Here's Part 2 of this one-shot. Enjoy.

After going over various ideas to help you get your creative juices flowing for your project, Jean and Jubilee decide to up and give you the good news.

Meanwhile you were in your dorm room, doing a bit of handstand, right when you heard a knock on the door. "(y/n), it's Jean," you hear Jean's voice. "And Jubilee," Jubilee quips, "Can we come in?" "Uh yeah, sure," you confirm.
The girls open the door to see you standing on your hands. "Uh, what are you doing there?" Jean breaks the ice. "I thought hanging upside down and getting the blood to rush to the brain might help kick start the part of my brain that generates creativity," you explain, "It works for Kurt, why wouldn't work for me?"   "You got anything yet?" Jubilee inquires. "Uh..." you close your eyes, "I think so...something's coming to me, I can feel it....*sigh* now it's gone." You give up and stand back on your feet.

"Just as well," you continue, "I never been much of an acrobat. So what brings you two by?" "Well," Jean begins, "Me, Jubilee, Scott, Kurt, Peter, and Ororo have been talking and..." "We want to help you with your project?" Jubilee finishes. "Really?" you seemed intrigued. "Well yeah, you're are friend, (y/n)," Jean shrugs, "We really want to help you pass this class." "You sure this isn't because you don't to experience the Scream of Imminent Doom again?" you cross your arms, "I mean I wouldn't blame you, but if that was the ONLY reason-" "Don't worry, it's not," Jubilee interjects, "Look, you need a way to channel your stress and anxiety other than what you've been doing before, and that's where we come in." "What did you guys have in mind?" you give in. "We thought the best thing is to take you to the one sure place where you will definitely find your inspiration," Jubilee excitedly explains.

-------Time Skip---------

"We're going to the mall? Seriously?" you frown in skepticism as you and your friends are driving into town.
"Come on, it'll be good for you," Jubilee insists, "The mall, it's lively, colorful, lots of stuff happens there, you're sure to find inspiration for your song." "I don't know," you sigh, "What if I end up getting stressed out again and I end up shattering every single window at that place?" "You won't," Jean assures, "look we talked to the professor, he gave us the okay to do this. He wouldn't have let any of us go if he didn't think we couldn't control our powers."

"Alright, fine, let's do this," you nod reluctantly, "But this don't work we're coming straight back to the school where I can find a nice tree to hang upside down from."
"I don't remember taking to zhe professor," Kurt whispers to which Jubilee shushes him, "What Professor Xavior doesn't know won't hurt him," she explains, "And (y/n) really needs this."

--------The Mall----------

"So anything coming to you yet?" Scott asks as you all walk around the mall. "Scott, we've only been here for like five minutes," Jean points out. "Well you never know," Scott responds. "Inspiration doesn't come just like that," you explain, "Like any art, that song will come when said song is good and ready."
"Well, since this is about helping you, where do you want to start?" Jubilee asks of you. "...I don't know," you admit, "I can't remember the last time I was hear to be honest. Maybe you guys should pick for me."
"Well in that case, let's start with the arcade," Scott points to said place.

The gang got to playing around the arcade; you were particular found of Galaga. "I'm out of coins," Scott says once his last game ended; lucky for him, Jubilee used her powers to take care of that.
Once your game ended you take a look around; you noticed Kurt was attempting to play two games at the same time, one of which he tried to use his tail. "Is that actually working out for you?" you approach. "honestly no," he admits, "it's worth a try zhough, ja?" "Why don't I help," you offer, "The one you're using your tail on is one of them race car games right? Let me be the eyes, and you stay focused on the other one."
This little duo you had with the blue mutant worked pretty good surprisingly.

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