Yummy Brownies Part 2

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Here's Part 2. Enjoy (I realized I say that a lot. It's just I never know what else to say).

Sometime later after your friends ate those brownies you snagged from the Avengers, they too began to feel very different.
Next thing any of them knew, they were all engaging in therapeutic hugging sessions with you and Logan. "Wow, hug really do make everything feel better," Scott finally agrees after hugging Logan for several minutes. "Yeah, even though I can't make actual skin contact, this still feels amazing," Rogue agrees, hugging out with Kurt. Ororo was hugging Warren and you were hugging Kitty, which only lasted until Kitty phased right through you. This caused the both of you to lose your balance and stumble. "Hey, what'd you do that for?" you whine. "Sorry, guess all this hugging healing got the better of me," Kitty giggles, which made you giggle as well. The others joined in on the giggling too.

Suddenly Kurt gasps and bamfs from where he was standing to another place in the room. "What's the matter with you, Elf?" Logan inquires. "Shhh," Kurt places a finger to Logan's lips to quiet him, "Did you hear zhat? Zhere is a monster somevhere in the walls. Listen." You all strain your ears and heard nothing. Kurt bamfs again, starting to jumble in a mix of English and German that the monster was going to get them. "Wait, wait, stop," Ororo tries to calm her blue friend down, "It's not from the walls it's your stomach." Kurt lifts his shirt a little to confirm, "Oh, right," he shyly laughs, "I guess I'm hungry." "We should order a pizza," you suggest. "Or two," Kitty quips. "I can call and order twenty," Warren takes out his phone and orders.

----------Sometime later--------------

"Well? What's the prognosis?" Logan asks as you, Ororo, Rogue, and Kitty compare your hands to his. "Ah hate to admit it," Rogue answers, "But there's no doubt about it...Logan's got the softest hands out of all of us." "How is that even possible," Ororo wonders out loud. "I'm telling you it's that healing factor." "Well yeah, but I always figure there would be some calluses or at least a little bit of scarring," Ororo replies.
"That's exactly what I said," you gasp. "You're not psychic are you, Storm?" Kitty asks.  "...I don't know," Ororo admits, "Maybe I am." "Ooh, why doesn't Rogue absorb your powers and we can find out for ourselves," Kitty suggests. "...That's a great idea," Rogue giddly agrees.
"How can that even be possible?" Scott repeats, checking Logan's hands. "Hey, hands off," Logan scolds, "We may be closer now, but not that close."

Before our Southern Belle could proceed with the process, however, they ladies were interrupted by the sound of Kurt snapping his teeth as he ran around in circles chasing his tail. "What are you doing, Elf?" Logan "Zhis, long spaded thing keeps following me everywhere I go," Kurt blatantly answers, his accent a little bit thicker than usual given his non-sober state, "and I just figured it out right now." "That's probably because that long spaded thing is attached to you," you try to explain as the blue mutant continued his antics. "Oh yeah," Kurt abruptly stops, only to continue when he taps his shoulder with his own tail. "Ooh let me get it for you," Kitty offers reaching to grab the tail but phases through it instead. You, Rogue, Ororo, and Logan couldn't help but giggle at that.

"Pizza is hear," Warren announces, bringing a tower of pizza boxes. "Yay!" you all shout, crowing in to grab as many slices as you could, not caring what toppings they had. "Hey, here's an idea," Rogue speaks up, mouthful with pizza, "Why don't compare Logan's hands to Warren's wings and see which one's softer." "What wings?" Warren frowns, he sneezes which caused several of his feathers to fall out, "oh those," Warren sniffs, laughing a little.

While Logan and Warren were doing the comparison, you felt an unusual vibration in your pants pocket. You were enjoying maybe A LITTLE too much, until you realized it was actually your phone ringing. You check the caller ID, "Ooh, I better takes this," you tell your friends, "It's ole Iron sides himself." The other X-men exchange looks as you answer your phone, "Helllloooooo," you drag out your greeting. "Hey, (y/n)," Tony says from the other end, "I know you told us not call you for help anytime soon, but I have to ask. Did you happen to find a batch of brownies on the top cabinet of the kitchen and take it with you." "What exactly are you insinuating, Stark?" you answer, "You think I'm so petty I'd siphon some food off of you when my new friends will order pizza for me? Something you never did despite your vast fortune." "I'm gonna take that as a yes," Tony says, "listen, there's something I need to tell you, but it's not something I can do over the phone." "I am not rejoining the Avengers, Tony," you firmly say, "we've talk about this. I'm with the X-men now, they're my teammates, and you should just leave it right there." "(y/n)-" "I'm hanging up now." you end the call.

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