Family Secrets Part 2

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Part 2. Some mentions of past addiction and self-harm.


"You're well aware that you're fired of course," Mrs. Worthington says to (y/m/n). The two women were sitting at the kitchen table, the older woman sipping from a cup of tea.
"I know," (y/m/n) looks down in shame, "I am so sorry Mrs. Worthington, I never meant to hurt you. He was just so kind to me, and I felt so..." "He made you feel like you were the most special woman in the world," Mrs. Worthington finishes, "My husband has a way like that with the women in his life."

(y/m/n) said nothing. "Do you really want this child?" Mrs. Worthington asks with a serious tone. "I uh, I think so," (y/m/n) says, pulling a sonogram picture from her purse to show the older woman, "the doctor says it's a girl."
Mrs. Worthington's facial expressions did not change.

"I need help," (y/m/n) confesses, "I'm almost done with nursing school but tuition has been going up and I still have all this student debt I need to pay off." "None of that is my fault." "If I just finish school and get a job, I know it'll be okay." "And who do you think is going to look after the baby while you work?" Mrs. Worthington points out, "Cause God knows he certainly won't."

Tears begin to well up in (y/m/n)'s eyes. "Well don't do that, what does that solve?" "I don't know what else to do Mrs. Worthington!" (y/m/n) sobs, "I just know I don't want to get rid of this baby!"
"Alright," Mrs. Worthington concedes, "We'll figure something out (y/m/n). It's going to be okay...You're going to be okay."

-------End Flashback-----------------------

You were back at the house you grew up in. Both your moms were out for the day, so you were left alone to silently stew after what you went through. You were starting to regret ever going to that mansion, telling Warren that you and him were brother and sister.
All your life, or at least for as long as you could remember, you wanted to know where you came from. Your moms were always good to you, but when you were old enough to know about the birds and the bees, you wanted to know who your father was, hoping it would explain some things about your life that very few people knew about.

But now that the man who impregnated your biological mother was dead, there was no chance of getting closure, no chance of getting to know him. Maybe it was better this way; you made this far in your life without knowing, you may as well not know for the rest of your life.

You were interrupted from your thoughts by a knock at the door. You go to answer it, but wasn't too happy when you saw who was on the other side.
"What do you want, what are you doing here?" you glare at the winged mutant before you.
"Look, I know we didn't exactly get off on the wrong foot back there," Warren admits, "but I want you know it wasn't anything against you. It was all unexpected, and I know I made that excuse already, but...I really want to get to know my long lost sister. Honest."

You were skeptical, but decided to accept Warren's offer. "And," Warren continues, "Just as a way to make up for the rough start, I'd like you to have this."

He hands you a slip of paper. Upon further inspection, you realize it was a check for a very considerable large sum of money.
"What the hell is this?" you frown at him. "Well, I figured since you're my sister, half of my father's stuff does belong to you," Warren points out, "This is just a part of what if technically your inheritance, but I'm planning to send more. Hey, maybe if you want, we can set it up like a sort of trust fund, might help in case you plan to apply for college." 

"What makes you think I couldn't pay my own way through college?" you ask to make a point. "Oh, well, I uh...I thought..." Warren starts to stutter. "What, you didn't think I could make my own way in this world without your charity? You have any idea how elitist and insulting that kind of thinking is?" "It wasn't my intention-" "Again with the intention," you interrupt, "your intentions don't change how insulted I feel by this gesture." "Hey, it's part of your inheritance, it's your right to claim it," Warren gets defensive, "You know, most people would jump at this opportunity if they were offered a quarter of what you're getting." "Well I'm not most people," you say sternly as your rip the check into pieces, "Keep your charity, I don't need it. I don't WANT it. I don't want anything to do with the deadbeat who was nothing more than my sperm donor."

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