The Abandoned Haunted House Part 1

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With Halloween coming around the corner, (well we still got several weeks to go but I couldn't wait any longer), the time has come to do a Halloween inspired one-shot.

For this one, some of the X-men sneak out of the mansion at night to check out an old abandoned house that's supposedly haunted, and forces people inside to experience their worst nightmares. What they really don't know is that someone does live in that house with a mutation that causes people to hallucinate and face their worst fears (it's kind of similar to genjutsu from Naruto).

 It was storming outside today at the school and the power was out. So to pass the time, some of the students figured they could sit around and tell scary stories until Hank and Charles could get the power back out.

"And then, the young couple came out from their hiding places and dared to make a run to escape the house," Peter tells the story as his friends sit around in a circle in the lounge, "little did they know....that the furniture inside were possessed by ghosts and were hellbent of killing them!" Peter makes scary ghosts noises for emphasis.

The others in the circle just stared at the speedster with blank and slightly confused looks. "I think the story about the haunted tree in the back of the mansion better," Jubilee deadpans. "What not scary enough for you?" Peter scoffs. "Honestly, zhese little gatherings looked a lot more exciting in zhe American films," Kurt comments. "Well I'd like to see anyone else top my story," Peter challenges.

Right on cue, the lights came back on, and Hank enters the lounge, "Okay  kids, powers back on, sorry it took so long," he addresses, "Oh by the way, mail's here if any of you were expecting mail."
Even though many of the students at Xavior's school considered this place their home, there were others that still kept in touch with their families from their old homes. The group gathers around to see what came today.
Scott got a letter from his parents, Peter got a little gift from his mom and Kurt got a couple keepsakes from his foster family in Germany.

While scrolling through the junk mail, something caught Jean's eye, "Hey, what's this?" she pulls the strange looking letter from the pile. Peter snatches the letter from Jean's hands. "looks like it went to the wrong address," Peter observes, "13 Elm street." "Huh," Scott remarks, "Why does that sound familiar?" "Maybe we should bring it to the professor," Ororo suggests.
"Bring what to the professor?" Alex's voice was heard as the elder Summers brother enters the lounge.
"This letter that's suppose to be sent to a house on 13 Elm street," Peter summarized, causing Alex to flinch.

"That's not possible, nobody's lived in that house for years," Alex states. "What are you talking about?" Ororo frowns a little. "Oh, I guess you don't know," Alex realizes, "Well except for you, Scott, right?" "It does ring a bell, but I don't know where," Scott admits. "Oh come on, it was all over the news," Alex lightly exasperates, "You know, the abandoned house on Elm Street? It's been on sale for years, but no one is willing to buy it?" "Vhy not?" Kurt questions. "Because," Alex leans in for emphasis, "The last person who lived there said they heard strange noises...saw strange things...things from their very worst nightmares." 

The others exchange some rather confused looks. "What you mean like ghosts?" Jean further inquires. "Nope, sorry, can't say anymore," Alex turns his back to leave. "Hey, man, you can't leave us hanging like that," Scott protests. "Sorry, I've said too much," Alex counters, practically rushing out the lounge before anyone else could say anything.

"Okay, I'm not the only one who thought that was weird right?"Jean asks. "I think I just remembered what Alex was talking about," Scott adds, "I saw that house on the news last year during Halloween. Several kids walked in there one one heard from them for two weeks until the cops found them all of them curled up in fetal positions, mumbling about seeing their darkest fears."

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