Rage and Rescue-Logan Howlett

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Another Fairy Tail inspired one-shot which is also my first Wolverine one. I was thinking about a situation where the reader is a young (by young like sixteen or seventeen) mutant who gets kidnapped by Sabertooth and is brought back to Stryker and Logan goes after him like Natsu did to Gajeel in the Phantom Lord arc. The reader's mutation causes her features to become similar to a canine's (i.e eyes, claws, teeth) when in danger and makes her go savage.
I'm also thinking of the X-men Evolution versions of Wolverine and Sabertooth as I write this.

Plenty of violence and...implicated threats of the violating kind.

You woke up very groggily, trying hard to remember what happened before you pasted out. As your vision started to come back, you noticed everything was upside down; did you pass out on the ceiling or something? No, you're outside, and there's trees around, there's no ceiling to pass out on. And you're moving too; at least that what it feels like, even though your legs aren't moving. Actually you can't move your legs at all; it feels like something is keeping them bound, along with your hands.

It suddenly becomes clear that you were slung over someone's shoulder. You turn your head slightly so as not alert the person who abducted you. It was a man with really long hair and sharp claws. It was then you remembered exactly what happened. You were a mutant whose powers had recently manifested and here you were being kidnapped by the one and only Sabertooth.

When your powers first came to, you were a teenager coming home from school when a gang jumped you. You were scared, especially when one of them pull out a knife. Something happened to you in that moment, you couldn't explain how it happened or what it feels like, but suddenly you didn't quite feel like yourself, like a human. You felt more like an animal and attacked like one. 

When it was over, you looked at the bloodied mess before you. You look at your hands and saw the claws, you looked at your reflection at a nearby car and saw the eyes and the fangs. You were scared, you had no idea what the hell just happened to you or what you had done. The police showed up right then and pulled out their guns. You wanted to run, but knew it was a bad idea. You put your hands up as they take you in.

By the time you got to the precinct, your claws had gone away, you checked your mouth and realized your fangs were gone too. You didn't know what happened, but one thing was clear at this point; you were not a normal human being, you weren't even human at all; you were a mutant. There was a good chance the local cops would call the MRD to handle you.
Before that could happen, though, you were told you had a visitor.

Ever since that one visit from Professor Xavior, your life changed for the better...at lest it felt like it did most of the time. While you were in a safe place where you could learn to control your mutation, there were days when it got the better of you, where you lost control and would attack whoever was closest to you. As you got to learn more about your powers, it was apparent they were activated as a defense mechanism; whenever you were in danger, the rush of adrenaline brought out the animal inside you to attack and defend. It was times like this when you couldn't tell the difference between friend and foe, but there were people there that could you bring you back to reality. One of those people was a man named Logan.
As a mutant with animal like senses he knew what you were going through, he knew what it felt like to lose control of those senses, and he was usually the one who could talk you back to your human form. It was something the two of you had bonded over, and it was a relief for you to be able to talk someone you could relate to in that sense.

Now here you were, bound and gagged, slung over the shoulder of Wolverine's big time rival. There was bad blood between him and Sabertooth, this much you knew; even though Logan didn't exactly know what started it all, you knew this is the sort of rivalry that spans decades, the kind that can't be resolved in one sitting. You were scared, but you had to stay in control if you had any chance of escape. Taking in a deep breath, you extend one claw from your index finger (something you've been practicing with Logan so as to be better keep the animal part of you under control), and cut through the ropes that bound your hands. You weren't as subtle as you thought you were as Sabertooth had caught wind you were awake. "What do you think you're doing, girl?" he sneers.

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