My Own Mutant-Kurt Wagner

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I've been watching a lot of Steven Universe lately, and I was thinking about the episode where Garnet splits up so Ruby took some time away from Sapphire and the other gems so she could be her own gem, and she leads Steven on a frontier adventure as a cowboy. 
So it got me thinking, what if something like that happened with Nightcrawler, though Kurt would lead his friends on a swashbuckling pirate adventure since that's what he likes.

The reader's powers are also similar to Sapphire's and there might be some implied stuff at the end (interpret it anyway you want). Enjoy.

"I can't believe it," you say, more to yourself but the others around you heard it three times already. You had just finished reading the letter Kurt left behind after your big fight; you had regretted it and wanted to make it up to him, but before you could he leaves a note behind saying he was running away so he could think.

"Maybe he didn't go that far, he's probably still on the school grounds," Kitty offers for encouragement. "He is a teleporter," Rogue points out, "at this point he could be anywhere." "Well it's still worth taking a look around," Kitty replies, "Let's just go around the school and see if anyone saw Kurt recently."
You and the two girls did so, asking anybody who was around if they've seen the blue mutant. Ororo, Bobby, Alex, Scott, Jean, Jubilee, Remy, Warren, Piotr, and Logan; all were questioned, but none had the answer. Logan though did mention that he'd seen the Elf earlier today whom asked for a pen and paper, which you figured had to be around the time Kurt decided to run away.

"Well I guess he really did run away then," Kitty concludes once the search was over. "Sorry, (y/n)," Rogue places a hand on your shoulder in sympathy, "I know that you really care about Kurt and you worry about him so much." "I do," you nod, feeling the tears well up, "Even after this big fight of ours, I do still worry about him." Bobby walks in, having overheard the conversation, "Hey, (y/n), if you're looking for Kurt, did you think about using that future vision of yours?" "It's not exactly future vision, Bobby," you explain, "It just shows me possible outcomes of the future." "Well do any of those outcome show Kurt coming back?" Rogue suggests. "Oh yeah, I didn't think about that," you realize, "Let me try." You close your eyes so you could get a good look of what could happen. "So, what do you see?" Kitty asks after a few moments. "I...I think I do see him coming back," you confirm, "but, I don't know when. And....he's so....he's so amazing...and charming and spontaneous. I...I don't understand....Why would he be dressed like a pirate?!"

Rogue and Kitty were a little confused over what you saw, but it gave them some hope that Kurt would be alright after all. It didn't help though that the tears were already spilling out. "Any chance we could get the professor to help us out?" Kitty asks. "Unlikely since he's away at a peace conference," Rogue answers, "we're on our own for this one." "Maybe not," Kitty says with determination, "You stay with (y/n), here, I'll go see if I can round up a search party to track down Kurt." "Good luck," Rogue nods as she continues to comfort you.

Kitty went around the manor to see if anyone would help her out on this little endeavor. Bobby volunteered, and as did Ororo and surprisingly Logan, which turned out to be a good thing since he could track down Kurt's scent (that sulfur smell that comes with his teleporting powers lingers for a good while).
"So any idea where he would head off to?" Kitty questions the little group. Logan takes a whiff of the air, "He went that way," he points to said direction, "But there's something strange." "What do you mean?" Ororo questions. "Usually when the Elf runs off, he teleports. But based on how strong the scent is, I don't think that was the case. He ran away in the most literal sense, that's what I'm thinking." "Well if that is the case, we can still catch up with him," Kitty says with hope, "Let's go get our friend back."

"What exactly did Kurt and (y/n) fight over?" Bobby asks; he traveled by ice with Kitty behind him, Ororo used her powers to fly, and Logan got on his motorcycle. "I don't know the exact details," Kitty admits, "But it had something to do with (y/n) feeling like she was holding Kurt back or something. It seemed pretty serious if it forced him to run off like that." "I don't get it," Bobby wonders, "Those two always seemed so perfect for each other; I mean, next to Scott and Jean, they were the IT couple ever since we were teenagers. They were voted most likely to get married, and we hardly ever saw them fight." "Sometimes when two people love each other, they can hurt each other without realizing it," Ororo provides for insight, "Even the most 'perfect' couple will have something to fight over every once in awhile; it's a part of every healthy relationship." "Well, I just hope Kurt didn't get hurt too bad in this one," Kitty quips in. "Ah, the Elf's been through worse," Logan shrugs, "He'll get over it."

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