Perfect Storm- Ororo Monroe

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My first Storm one-shot. The reader has powers similar to Storm but has a  harder time controlling them so Ororo gives the reader a hand. They also discover something else that results in combining their powers.

"Alright," you say as you take a deep breath, trying to encourage yourself, pull yourself together for this one moment. "Here we go," you mumble, "You can do this. Today is the day. Just remember what the professor said."

Taking in some more deep breaths, and taking some more time for mental preparation, you take a fighting stance. You extend both your hands and feel your powers seep through them. Storm clouds began to gather. You begin to picture the way you wanted them form; just a simple rain storm and nothing more.  It was going well at first, like how it usually starts. but through the process, certain unpleasant memories began to take shape, and the clouds began to darken and become more menacing. Realizing what was happening, you quickly work to make the clouds dissipate, but it didn't do much good. At this rate the storm could easily turn into a cyclone.

You close your eyes, hoping for the best. Then suddenly, the clouds disappear and the sky was clear again. Your eyes go wide, "Wow," you say to yourself, "I actually managed to stop it this time." "Not quite," you hear a familiar voice behind you. Turning around you see the face of fellow mutant Ororo Monroe. "Ororo?" you gasp in slight surprise, "You...stopped the storm?" "Well, I did stay back to see if you could do it on your own," Ororo admits, " was getting worse, and it looked like it would turn into a hurricane at this point."

"So I didn't get the hang of it this time," you sigh in defeat. "You'll get it, I know," Ororo offers as reassure, "You just need more practice." "Practice, practice, practice," you growl in frustration, "What's the point of practicing when I'm getting nowhere?!" "(y/n)," Ororo says, noticing more storm clouds were gathering, "I practice everyday, day in and day out, and I'm no closer to controlling my powers! I mean how am I supposed to  make it out there on missions when I can barely summon wind and rain without lightning striking at random and hurting my friends, or a tornado pops out of nowhere?!" "(y/n)!" You look around and see the clouds gathering. In a panic, you try and calm them down, but it did no good. Once again Ororo had to step in and make the clouds disappear. "See what I mean?" you tell her, "I can' matter how hard I work or much effort I put in...I'll never be able to calm the storm around me." Sighing out in frustration, you run off to another part of the school grounds.

These little outbursts of yours were nothing new. Around the time your mutant powers manifested, you were getting a beat down by some bullies at school; the same clouds that you can channel and created came to and lightning stuck them. While a relief from the bashing, it was also a terrifying experience for you. When your parents found out, you knew they were trying to be supportive, but you could see in their eyes they were just as scared of you as you were of yourself as your powers became stronger and harder to control. It was a huge blessing then, that professor Xavior came when he did and brought you to the school.

A little therapy on Dr. McCoy's part suggested that your powers came around when something bad was happening to you. So in your psyche you attributed your gifts with something bad as well, which would explain why you were having a hard time controlling them. While the professor had considered maybe placing some psychic barriers to block out that particular memory, he had thought it best for you to face it head on; conquer your fears and maybe become stronger for it. You did everything that was suggested to help control your gifts; breathing techniques, meditation, daily practice. Nothing seemed to be working. Even at times when it felt like you were getting better, the memories would come back and you were back to square one again.
One person that did try and help you during training sessions was Ororo. Her powers were similar to yours, so it made sense for her to teach you what she knew. Her techniques worked for awhile, but you still needed help in calming the storm around you.

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