The Mess That is Our Relationship- Scott Summers

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This is another Bojack inspired one-shot. I was thinking (spoiler alert) of Mr. Peanut Butter's relationship with Diane, how he uses grand romantic gestures in order to show his love and kind of a way to hide his insecurity of Diane leaving him like his ex-wives did, but Diane doesn't like those kinds of gestures. 

Knowing Scott and how possessive he was of Jean (especially when Logan was nearby), I thought what if he were to do something similar with the reader  whom, like Diane, doesn't like big gestures, but Scott keeps doing them because he has insecurities from his relationships with Jean and later with Emma Frost.

Plenty of Angst. Enjoy.

"This place is pretty cool," you admit as you wonder around the place that was recently renamed the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning (formerly known as Xavior's School for Gifted Youngsters). As the X-men's newest recruit, with the gift of super strength and telekinesis, you were in awe of the history that encompassed this place.

"I'm glad you like it," Ororo comments, "and I hope you'll be able to make yourself more at home here. We go on many missions so I hope you'll be able to adjust to unexpected wake-up calls." "I'm sure that won't be a...problem?" You stop to notice a mysterious male figure with a strange looking visor covering his eyes.

"Who's that guy over there?" you inquire. "That is Scott Summers," Ororo answers, "We call him Cyclops." "Huh," you simply say, wondering what story this particular mutant had to tell. Ororo could see you were somewhat infatuated, "If you'd like I can introduce you to him," she offers. "Uh, sure, okay," you say absentmindedly.

"Scott," Ororo calls out, getting the man's attention, "I don't believe you have met our newest recruit. This is (y/n)." "Hi," you greet. Scott eyed you up and down as if to size you up, "What exactly can you do?" he asks. "Well not much I guess," you shrug. "Don't be so modest," Ororo tells you, "She's quite strong." "I can also move various objects with my mind," you add. "Telekinesis?" Scott asks. "Yeah that's it," you nod. "Interesting," Scott says, "For someone who claims their gift isn't much, that is pretty impressive." "You really think so?" you say wide-eyed. "I know so," Scott smiles, "With a gift like that, and if you stick around long enough I think you'll be a great addition to the X-men."
You smile back in response.

Little did either of you know this would be the beginning of many interludes between the two of you.


As time passed by and you got better settled into the manor while making new friends, you managed to get closer to Scott. One of the things that struck you the most interesting about him was his brooding temperament. While Scott wouldn't turn down hanging out with his friends or go out on missions, the mutant seemed to keep to himself. 

Acquiring information from your new teammates, it turned out Scott wasn't always like this. During his younger days at the manor, when it was Xavior's school, Scott was more outgoing and somewhat care-free, especially when he started Jean Grey. Those two were nearly inseparable, the IT couple, together they were a force to be reckon with. 

That started to change however when Wolverine and the White Queen came into the picture. Logan had no qualms getting in the way if it meant getting to spend time seducing Jean and sometimes succeeding. Those moments became a constant source of turmoil for Scott and Jean's relationship. Eventually this conflicted love triangle compelled Scott to look elsewhere for comfort, which he found in the psychic arms of Emma Frost. Although the affair was a psychic one, it didn't stop Jean from trying to shatter Emma in her diamond form when she found out.

After Jean died during the Phoenix event, Scott then pursued a legit romantic relationship with Emma.

"So, uh Scott and Emma," you inquire of your friend Kitty, "are they still a thing?" "Not recently," Kitty admits, "They broke up shortly before you came here." "Oh, interesting," you say, realizing you might have an opportunity.
Kitty notices the look on your face, "Why do you ask?" she questions. "Oh, nothing," you say nonchalantly, "Just it's interesting that Scott and Emma were together for as long as they were given that affairs rarely last." "You want to ask Scott out don't you?" Kitty realizes. "What, no, I wouldn't," you quickly deny.

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