Telling Him-Peter Maximoff

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This one I was thinking about for awhile now. What if Peter still hadn't told Magneto that he's Peter's father and the reader sees that Erik still hasn't quite moved on from the loss of his family so she convinces the speedster to reveal the secret.

Some angst. Enjoy.


It was another day in the Xavior manor. It was the weekend so everyone was off doing their own thing. Students were either catching up on homework or goofing off while the staff graded papers and members of the X-men were either training or carrying on with their own hobbies.

You spent the day outside by the pool sunning yourself. It was peaceful for awhile until a certain speedster runs right past you. You jump to your feet in surprise which gave Peter the opportunity he needed to run past you again, causing you to fall into the pool.
Even if you couldn't see underwater you were pretty confident the mischievous speedster was laughing his ass from his little prank.

When you swim up to the surface, you scowl at Peter who stopped laughing for a brief moment, only to resume when he sees your wet hair sticking to your face. "You think you're so funny, huh Mr. Funny Man?" you scold. "What, come on, it's hilarious," Peter says in between laughs, "You should've seen your face right as you were about to fall in. He shows you a picture he took on his phone when he had slowed down for just that moment, "This is so going on the internet." "Could you at least help me up first?" you reach out your hand. Peter takes it, only to have you pull into the water.
Peter bobs up to the surface, spewing water, and also realizing his phone shorted out. "Now we're even," you say with a smirk. "You owe me a new phone," Peter scolds.

---------End Flashback------------

Since that day, after the pool incident, you and Peter started going out to dinner and forming a relationship together. During that time, you got to know more and more about the speedster. Even though he was a reformed klepto that used to live in his mother's basement way passed the age of twenty, it turned out there was a sensitive side to him.

That same sensitive side became more apparent the day he told you about his father. You didn't even know how the topic came up, it just did; all you knew was that it wasn't exactly something Peter advertised out in the open, save to his closest friends and now you, his girlfriend. It was kinda understandable given that his father is the one and only Magneto, wanted on almost every continent, shady past that contained more than a lifetime of pain and agony, and the man who took off leaving Peter's mother to raise his children without him. 

Still you felt if you were in Peter's position, you would want to tell your long lost father he had a child out there, especially after everything he had lost.
"You ever think you'll tell him?" you ask one day while you and Peter were lounging about in your shared bedroom. "Tell who him?" Peter asks, more fixated on a video game. "Who do you think I'm talking about here?" you ask back, "The same person we've been talking about the last half hour." "Hmm, oh yeah him," Peter nods absentmindedly, "Yeah I'll tell him." "When?" you ask again. "Someday," Peter simply says. "Peter," you sigh, "I'm trying to be serious here." Peter looks and sees you mean it, so he pauses the game.

"Look, I told you I would tell him on my own time," he assures, "'s not a good time." "Why wouldn't it be a good time?" you point out, "You're not doing anything, just sitting around and playing video games, you already beat your high score on Pac-man five times already, the team has no missions to go on, what is stopping you?" "I have time," Peter shrugs. "Do you?" you say, "you spent so much time wondering where he is, you know where he is now, and the longer you keep putting this off, the less time you'll have and the more likely something will happen and you may never-" "Why are you so obsessed with this now?" Peter gets a little defensive. "I'm not," you say back. "No, really, tell me," Peter interrupts with the same defensive tone, "We've been together how long and now you're bringing this up. Yeah, I get it, maybe I'm putting it off. Maybe I have been putting it off, and yes maybe there was a time when I wanted to find him and tell him, and yes I have all this time to tell him I'm his son. But, things changed, after what he went through in Poland, losing a wife and child and then telling him he has another one out there, I didn't want to put that on him."

"It's because of that, this would be a good time to tell him," you speak up. Peter was a little confused so you elaborate some more, "On the last mission, the one you weren't one, we ran into Erik on Genosha," you explain, "He looked...sadden."
"He seemed friendly as usual to the professor, but he there was something in his eyes; sadness, like that kind that cuts deep into your soul. It was unusual, so I asked the professor about it, but he wouldn't tell me. Then before we left, I overheard him and Erik talking. And...I shouldn't have stopped to listen, but I did."
"And?" "And I learned that day was the anniversary of the death of Erik's wife and daughter," you confess, "He may have moved on, but the pain is still there. He's convinced that he doesn't have any family left. I know he's done bad things too, and there's no excuse for it...but it's hard to watch a man who's lost everything continue to suffer even when he has nothing left to lose."

Peter's facial features were telling; he never thought of it this way, that his father could still be hurting from just thinking that he was the only one left and that he had no one else to call his family. Sure he had a great number of followers and supporters, but even they couldn't fill the dark, gaping hole in the elder mutant's life.
The speedster realized you were right; Erik Lensherr needed to know he still had family out.

Immediately Peter stands up. "Whoa, what's going on here?" you asked, surprised. "You're right," he answers, "Magneto needs to know, and I'm gonna tell him. Right now." "Wait, Peter," you say, "Don't you want to practice your-" before you could finish Peter takes off, "speech." you finish.
You sigh and lean back against the bed knowing your suggestion would've been ignored anyway; if Peter was going to make this truth known to Erik he was going to do it in his own way.


You would have expected hours to have passed before your speedster boyfriend was about to induced one of the biggest events in his life.

However, he was back in a span of five minutes. In hindsight, it really shouldn't have shocked you all that much given that Peter could never stand still in one place for too long. In fact, five minutes, probably felt like hours to him.

" did it go?" you ask with anticipation. Peter looks down at first before looking back up to answer, "I told him," he said, "I found him and just told him I'm his son. I told him about my mom and then I left. What he plans to do next is up to him. I don't expect him to just start being a father to me, but I'll wait and see what he plans to do with found information."

"How did it feel?" you further question. "Well, I don't really feel much different," Peter shrugs, "but it did feel good to get it off my chest. Who know where we'll go from there." "Still, I'm proud of you," you smile.

The rest of the day was carried on same as normal.

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