The Search- Remy LeBeau

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This is inspired from real life. There's a cat that lives in my neighborhood, I don't know if he belongs to anyone but I've seen him wander around. In this one-shot the reader has a special cat like that, that makes frequent visits to her place till one day the cat goes missing. When searching for her feline friend, she runs into Gambit who offers to help her find the cat.


You were home, right on time like you usually were on Wednesdays. You check the time and notice it was also that time of the day again. Your little friend should be coming around about now, showing up at your kitchen window and start meowing for scraps.

You look in the fridge for any possible leftovers; to your luck there was sliced ham and turkey that could make due for little Elliot the cat. You wait patiently with cuts of lunch meat in Elliot's reserved bowl. Time ticks by and the cat is nowhere to be seen. You found this odd, as he was always on time, and would never pass up for free food. Some more time passes, but he still refuses to show up. You open the window and take a look around, "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty," you call out, "Elliot? You out there? I have food waiting for his royal highness." No meow or any other type of response. This was unusual.

Deciding not to make too much of a big deal out of this, you carry on about the rest of your day.

The next day you wait for your feline friend, but he doesn't show up again. The day after still no show, and the next day after that. Elliot was nowhere to be seen. You were starting to get concerned at this point.
When you first moved in, the cat was pretty much the first one to welcome you to the neighborhood. You didn't really know where he came from or even if he had an owner; there was no collar or cat license, but he didn't seem all that scared around people, especially you. You weren't really a cat person to begin with, but there was something about this cat that drew him to you. It started out with some leftover chicken from your first shopping trip since moving in. Then it became something of a routine. Each day Elliot would stop by around the same time after you came back from work; if you were late he'd be waiting by the same spot by the window meowing as if to say "you're late." Sometimes you'd give him leftover scraps, sometimes a bowl of milk. Either way, Elliot would ate or drink till he was satisfied. And sometimes he would stay afterwards to let you pet him before he took off to God knows where.

So when Elliot fails to show up on his regularly scheduled time in the last four days you knew something was off. You decide to walk around the neighborhood and see where that cat could've run off to.
You search trees, bushes, alleyways, and anything other nook and cranny that could be suitable for a cat to live in.

No signs of Elliot anywhere, and you noticed the sun was going down. This wasn't exactly the best neighborhood to be walking alone in after dark, so you thought it best to turn around and head back home.
On the way, you notice a group of men near an alley on the other side of the street, giving you some rather creepy looks. Some of them catcalled, so you try to ignore them, quickening your pace. It didn't do much good as you put distance between yourself and them they start to pursue.

You turn a corner hoping to lose them but end up at a dead end. "Where ya going sweet cheeks?" you hear one of their voices behind you. You sigh in annoyance, seeing how this was the one time you go outside without your taser. You brace yourself, ready to fight for your life, when you hear an unfamiliar voice behind them, "Is der a problem here, gents?" he speaks with a Cajun accent. You turn around to meet this new individual; there he was nicely dressed, longish hair, and rocking the hat and staff.

The other men stare at him in confusion, "No problem here, man," one of the men responds, "We're just messing around with this sexy lady, so you best get lost." The strange man looks at you and sees the fear in your eyes, "Maybe I should it hear it from the lady myself," he tries to walk past the gang but they shove him away, "What part of get lost don't you understand?" another one warns. In response the stranger taps his staff to the ground, causing a surge of red energy to surround him as his eyes glowed red. "It's one of those mutant freaks!" one of the men exclaims as they all run in the opposite direction.

You look at this strange mutant men in awe. You held no fear for his mutation; if anything, there was something about that drew you to him, almost like an aura of charisma. "Uh, thanks for the help," you manage to say. "Think nothing of it Chere," the man responds with a smile, "when I see people in danger, I have to run and offer a hand every once in awhile." "Well I appreciate it," you say, "But I think I can handle it from here. Thanks again."
"I don't mean to pry," he speak up as you're about to leave, "but what's a nice looking lady like yourself wandering this neighborhood this time of night?" "I didn't intend to stay out this late," you admit, "I was looking for my cat. Well he's not really my cat, I mean...he stops around my place same time each day and I give him food. But I haven't seen him the last few days, and I've been worried."
"All this trouble for a cat?" "...He's a special cat," you defend. "Well a cat this special should have a few extra hands to look for it," he says, "Let me give a hand."

Seeing how he was nice enough to save your life you nod and the two of you continue the search for Elliot, "My name is Remy by the way," he says. "(y/n)," you say back.


After several more hours of searching, there was still no sign of Elliot. You were starting to get tired so Remy takes you back home.
When you got there, however, you spot the furry feline right by your door. He looks to you and meows.

"Elliot!" you rush over and kneel to pet the cat, "Where have you been? I was worried about you." Remy's eyes widen, "Is dis who you've been looking for dis whole time, Chere?" he asks. "Yeah," you nod, scratching Elliot behind the ears. "He's been hanging out at my place the last several days," Remy tell you. "What now?" you look up. "Yeah, he let himself in around the time you thought he went missing," Remy explains, "I have a couple cats of my own that I just fed and he went and ate the leftovers like he owned the place. Then he started coming back around the same time since."

You turn to the cat, "You traitor," you scold, "I welcomed you into my home with open arms and this is how you repay me? Faithlessly looking for a little extra bowl of milk on the side all because I had been late once or twice?" Remy chuckles at your little rant to the cat, "if it makes you feel any better, 'Elliot' here got chased out of the house by my cat Lucifer." "With a name like that, I wonder why," you deadpan. "He's never really been a nice cat to begin with," Remy admits, "But I spoil him and the others all the same. Can't help it, that's how you earn their affection."

"By the way," he continued, "What made you come up with the name Elliot?" "He looks like a cat I knew at my old place," you explain, "Her name was Ellie, so I decided to call him Elliot." "That wasn't what I was calling him when he started showing up at me place," Remy says. "What did you call him then." "Well...I was considering calling him Leo," Remy admits, "but I think Elliot suits him better." Elliot rub up against your leg, "I think Elliot agrees," you respond.

"Have you considered officially making Elliot your cat?" Remy suggests, "You two seemed to have formed this unbreakable bond here. You were so worried about him you came searching and Elliot here came back to you." You think about it for a moment, "You know what, I can't think of any reason why I haven't. What do you think, Elliot? You want to live with me? Permanently? A roof over your head? All the cat kibble and bowls of milk you can eat and drink. Maybe a couple of scratching posts and cat nip?" The cat rubs against your leg in response, purring when you scratch his cheeks.

That moment, you made sure to get everything you needed to care for a cat from PetsSmart, and that Elliot got all the necessary vaccinations from the vet's along with a collar and cat license. You made your place a personal cat heaven just for Elliot.

And of course, Remy would make frequent visits to make sure Elliot was doing least that was his reason. You later suspect that these visits would be for a whole lot more than for just the cat.

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