Mistakes We Made-Erik Lensherr

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This is a Bojack inspired one-shot.

In this one, the reader is an old love interest of Magneto whom the mutant visits after some time had passed, he finds out the reader has a family of her own, and he gets to know them.

This is also the Micheal Fassbender version of Magneto. Angst and some language along with some close calls. Enjoy.

(y/h/n)- your husband's name.


"Well, well, well," you say as you approach the man you haven't seen in nearly thirty years, "Erik Lensherr, never thought I'd see that handsome face of yours again." "(y/n)?" Erik turns to see you leaning by a tree, smoking a cigarette, "It must've been years since we've seen each other. How are you? You look like you haven't aged a day." "Hmmf, liar," you joke, knowing it's been almost three decades since you've seen each other.

Thirty years ago you and Erik had once been in love and shared many passionate nights together. Things fell apart after what went down in Cuba and Erik and Raven left you, Charles, and the other X-men back on the island. It was disheartening, but time moved on and you had your life to live.

"What exactly brings you to town?" Erik asks of you. "I was just at a funeral for a friend," you admit, taking a puff of smoke, "They're depressing as hell." Erik laughed at your joke. "I'm not gonna be here long," you tell him, "As soon as they put the body in the ground, I gotta get back home."
"Why don't you stay here a little while longer," Erik offers, "Maybe catch up with what's been going on in our lives." "As tempting as that sounds, I really can't stay long," you answer, "but...," you hand a business card, "If on the small chance you find yourself in Texas, please feel free to pay a visit."
Texas?" Erik frowns, "I always imagined you in Colorado, in a cabin the woods." "That was thirty years ago, and I was there for like three months," you say, "Now I live in Texas."

With that, you put out your cigarette and walked back to the funeral.

--------------End of Flashback----------

It was almost 8 in the morning and you were about ready to open up shop when a truck pulled up by the entrance. You see the one man you haven't seen since that funeral in the flashback.

"Erik," you greet, "What are you doing here?" "I...I had to leave town and thought I should see you," Erik answers. You take note of the mutant's disheveled state, "You look like you haven't slept in days." "I, may have pulled an all-nighter trying to get here," Erik admits.

"Well, why don't I take you back you to my place for some breakfast?" you offer, turning the open sign back to closed. "Don't you have a shop to run?" Erik asks somewhat confused. "Eh, it's leather," you shrug, "Anyone in Texas is in dire for that stuff they'll find it. Anyway, I can't wait for you to meet (y/h/n) and the kids." "I'm sorry, what?" Erik's eyes seemed to have widen, but you laugh it off and escort the man to your place to meet your family.


"So, who are you again, and how you know my mom again, you and her like dated or something when she was in New York?" your teenage daughter inquires of Erik, whom awkwardly sits at the edge of the table while you, your daughter, son, and loving husband sit and serve their own plates of pancakes.

"You never mentioned anything about me?" Erik asks you. "It was a long time ago," you shrug, standing up to get some more orange juice, "It hadn't come up." "So, Erik," (y/h/n) speaks up, "What does bring you to Texas?" "Well (y/n) said if I was ever nearby I should pay a visit," Erik answers. "But ARE you doing IN Texas?" your daughter points out. "That is a good question, Erik, what does bring you here all the way to Texas?" You agree with a follow up question. 

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