My Life to Live- Wade Wilson

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I'm basing this one-shot from Helluva Boss, inspiration from Blitz's relationship with Loona (I wonder what it would be like if you locked Blitz in a room with Deadpool, it would be utter chaos).
So imagine Deadpool has a business similar to I.M.P. and he adopts the reader as his daughter. Said reader is a mutant young adult with a teenage attitude (whose appearance kinda resembles that of Loona) and a goth aesthetic.

Enjoy. Also some partying, swearing, and alcohol intake in this one along with some slight suggestive content (if you squint hard enough). Also mentions of blood and body dismemberment.

It was another day at the office, and you were just sitting at the desk scanning through various social media, liking different pictures, posts, and tweets, and also watching silly videos. You were in the middle of contemplating starting your own channel and doing videos of your own when the door suddenly opened, but you show no signs you were startled.

"Hi, honey, I'm home!" you hear Wade's voice as he walks in with a chainsaw, "back from doing what I do best," he tosses a sack of severed heads, "letting heads roll."
You roll your eyes at that 'dad' joke before going back to business. You had other plans in mind tonight once the work shift was out.

"How's my darling starlet doing?" Wade walks up to you, pulling you into a hug. "I'm just fine, Wade, thanks for asking. By the way, your latest clients mailed in the checks from your last job, the one with those guys in the white sheets." "Ah yes, definitely one of my favorite jobs so far," Wade says in reflection, "I would've taken that job pro bono if they didn't include a bonus."
"And you got another job, this one involves some rich assholes on a private jet, I think it was something about putting their workers in constant danger or something." "So my next target is that Amazon CEO, got it," Wade nods, before cracking his neck.
"Ewww, that is so gross," you grimace. "It's not gross, it's practical," Wade insists, "now I gotta get some Pilates in before the next job."

You roll your eyes.
"Uh, Wade, there's something I want to tell you beforehand," you speak up. "Oh yeah, what's up?" Wade asks, "need some advice? Some money? Maybe a personal hit on anyone giving you a hard time for your mutant status?" "Uh," you deadpan, "I uh, I was invited to a party at the X manor, it's tonight in fact, and I want to let you know so I could-" "No, absolutely not, I forbid it," Wade was quick to shut it down. "What? Why?!" you exasperate. "Parties, night parties with rowdy goody-goodies are no place for vulnerable wolfish goth girls," Wade insists, "and the goody-goody crowd, everyone knows tends to be the most repressed, just imagine how much those closeted FREAKS would drool over you."
"They're not like that," you insist, "and in case you haven't noticed, Wade, I don't exactly have much of a social life, I don't even have any friends."

"Sure you have friends," Wade insists. "Like who?" "Well, uh, there's me," Wade points out, "then there's uh, there's...there's that got guy that brings us bagels every other morning." "That's because that's his job," you deadpan. "Well be it as it may, you're still not going," Wade exclaims. "Who are you to tell me where I can and can't go?" you scoff. "Well for one, I am your father," Wade points out. "Only on paper," you point back, "and I'm an adult now, so far as you're concerned I can go wherever I want, I don't need your permission." "Adult or not, you're still my daughter, so uh, you can't go," Wade insists, "and that's final." 

You roll your eyes once more as he walks away.

Wade Wilson could be an annoyance at times, especially when it came to your well-being. He's been that way for as long as you could remember, that being since the time he adopted you, which was right before you aged out of the foster system.
In spite of all this, he meant, and you knew he cared about, he wouldn't have adopted you if he didn't, but he could sometimes be insufferable and suffocating in terms of his overprotective parenting act.

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