Paintball Wars Part 1

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This is completely based from a season 1 episode of Community. I was thinking what Xavior's school was in a similar situation. The reader is also a student at the school.

Also there's no specific X-men show of movie I'm using here.

Hilarity and paintball fights all around. Enjoy.

"Well we have to do something," Hank says, pacing back and forth, "these kids are expecting a prize of some sort for the paintball game and since Xavior's at that conference, we gotta think of something quick."

"Well what do you suggest?" Ororo asks. Hank stops to think about it. Then he has an idea.

--------time skip-------------

It was afternoon when you went outside to sit by the pond, exhausted from all the studying you've been having for the upcoming finals. You remembered Professor McCoy had announced a paintball game earlier today to help the student vent off some of the stress, but you weren't really interested, especially when you heard the original game prize was stolen.

You sat down, under the tree, taking a book and deciding to maybe study a little more, but you ended up closing your eyes and falling asleep. Your mutation allows you to camouflage, blend into your surroundings, and sometimes it kicks in when you're really sleepy.

About an hour later, you woke up, and you realized you were in camouflage mode. You turn it off and examine your surroundings. You notice paint was all over the place. You face the school and realize the building was covered in paint too.
It was then you just remembered the paintball game had happened. You figured it was probably over by now, so you walk inside.

The entire inside of the school was also covered in paint splats, and it seemed to be empty, giving it a rather ominous vibe to it.
You notice a banner laying on the ground and someone was moving underneath, like they were struggling to get up. You pull the banner over and see it was one of your fellow students, covered in paint. 

It was Sean, aka Banshee.

"Hey, you okay, what happened?" you ask, "What happened to the school for that matter?" "The...the paintball game," Sean managed to say, "it was about to start, but then Professor McCoy, he...he announced the prize. The prize."
You notice the look in Banshee's eyes like he experienced some kind of horror, "We turned on each other! Rip each other apart like animals!"
"What? Why? What was even the prize?"

"Was?!" Sean looks to you, "This is not over! This is still happening! RIGHT NOW!"

A random paintball was shot at Sean who screamed in shock, causing you cover your ears (and also caused several of the glass windows nearby to shatter).
You look to see the assassin, and it was Toad of all people. You frown wondering why he was  even here. Last you checked, Toad was with the Brotherhood. "Toad? What the hell, you're not even a student here."

The aforementioned mutant turns his paintball gun towards you, "Whoa, hey, I'm not playing!" you exclaim, turning to run. "Everyone is playing!" Toad calls back, chasing after you.

You turn a corner and run down the hall. Right as you did, Kitty phased from the walls and pointed her two paintball guns at Toad who tried to fire at her, but the she only phased through the paintball bullets. She pulled the trigger and hits Toad. "Ahhh, you suck!" Toad whines, realizing he was out of the game.

"Kitty?" you look at your friend, who twirled her pistol before putting it back in its holster, "Come with me if you want to live," she tells you. You nod and follow, not knowing what else was going to happen.

Kitty leads you to a door to some random classroom. She knocks on it with a specific rhythm before opening it and motioning for you to enter.
"Look who I found," Kitty says to whom you realized to be Kurt.

"(Y/n)!" Kurt exclaims, running up to hug you, "I didn't think you were still around. I'm so glad you're alright." "Uh, yeah," you nod, feeling confused, "About as alright as I can be. What is going on? I dosed off studying for the finals and the moment I woke up everyone has lost their minds. It's just a stupid paintball game." "Yeah," Kitty agrees, "but last mutant/student standing wins the prize."

"Oh...the prize," Kurt says in awe. "What is this prize?" you frown. "She doesn't know," Kitty realizes. Kurt and Kitty exchange looks before Kurt answers, "Professor McCoy said the last one standing gets to be exempt from three of the final exams this coming week." "Exempt?" your eyes widen, "As in, we don't have to take three of the finals? Exempt as in we can opt out of whatever classes we choose and don't have to worry about your grade being knocked down?"

You eyed the paintball gun that was laying on the table. You fixing to make a grab for it, but Kurt and Kitty beat you to it, guns pointed at you. "Easy," Kitty warns. "You do realize what this means, right?" you point out, "Three exams, THREE finals you can op out of. Think of it. Calculus, physics, maybe anatomy and physiology."

"We can do a whole lot of things with it, yes," Kitty admits, "Kurt, care to talk her through it." "We won't be able to share the prize, that much is true," Kurt agrees, "which we will turn on each other eventually. But, the way I see it, we stick together for the time being. The longer we work as a team...the longer we last and make it as the last three standing. You really want to take those chances?" "You do realize my mutation can allow me to sneak up on people and get the drop on them before they can even see me coming right?" you point out. "For most yes," Kurt nods, "but what about against the likes of Jean...or Quicksilver?"

"Quicksilver?" you frown again, as Kurt and Kitty lower their weapons, "He's playing? Wait, Toad was playing too? What the hell is the Brotherhood doing, they're not even students here. They're not bogged down with the stresses of finals week!"

"Ah, they got information somewhere from the inside that the game was happening," Kitty explains, "they probably figure if any of them win this game, no one gets exempt from the finals and the stress will make us too distracted to stop the Brotherhood from doing whatever it is they'll be planning to do."

"Seriously?" you frown, "They're really that petty they would take part in this just to distract us and stress us out more? I mean come on, we really gonna resort to cheap ploys." You then proceed to take off your hoodie, "Aside from Toad and Quicksilver, who else from the Brotherhood is in?"

"Well there's Domino," Kitty answers, "She been holed up on the second floor, shooting whoever shows up around the corner of the hall. There's also Blob and Pyro, they're in the game." "And let's not forget Avalanche," Kurt points out. "Yeah, him too," Kitty nods.

"Well, if we're gonna take these guys out, we gotta increase our numbers," you suggest, "We need to round up whoever is still in the game and take the Brotherhood out. Then we can worry about who gets the prize later."

"Rogue and Gambit are both holed up in the library, I think," Kitty says, "And I think Bobby and Piotr are probably in the Danger Room." "What about Jean and Scott?" you ask, "Or Alex and Warren, and Jubilee?" "Don't know about Jean and Scott," Kitty admits, "And Alex and Jubilee were both sadly some of the first to get taken out of the game." "Knowing Warren, he's probably perched up either on the roof or somewhere in the trees," Kurt points out.

"Okay," you nod, grabbing a paintball gun, "We better stick together. We split up, we'll taken out a lot quicker. Let's head to the library first. Find Rogue and Gambit."

Right on cue the door slammed open, and Quicksilver runs through fixing to shoot his guns. Kitty was quick to react and grabs both you and Kurt, allowing the paintball bullets to go right through you.

"Kurt, get us outta here!" Kitty exclaims.

Nodding, Kurt teleports the two of you to the library.

Part 2 coming soon.

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