The Beginning of Something Great-Kitty Pryde

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A request by paultiteuf360 who wanted a one-shot with Kitty Pryde and Franklin Richard's from the Fantastic Four (for those of you unfamiliar with the comics he is Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman's kid)
Non-reader insert for this one but I hope you enjoy it all the same.

It was late at night, half past midnight to be exact. All was quiet in the Baxter Building. Sue and Reed, and the kids were tucked in for the night.

Everything was peaceful; none of the Fantastic Four would suspect that one of the X-men would think to sneak into their headquarters and steal whatever tech was laying around.

Kitty Pryde phased through the outer walls of the building. having completely memorized the blueprints of the Baxter Building from top to bottom, she made sure to phase into the blind spot of the security camera and jumped up to phase through said camera to render it damaged.

After phasing through more walls, Kitty eventually made it to the one room where she knew the tech she needed would be stored.

Normally Professor Xavior wouldn't have asked one of his students to resort to such tactics and steal from one of their allies; however, a new mutant student had arrived at the school recently and has been having a difficult time controlling their powers.
It was then that Dr. McCoy had recalled some tech he had been working on with Reed Richards that could help with this particular situation.
Unfortunately, Reed believed the tech was not yet ready and had considered it to be unstable at the moment. Despite intense negotiations none of the Fantastic Four would budge on this decision.
The new student's powers continued to become more out of control, leaving Charles to take drastic measures.

Which is why Kitty was sent on this special mission. She was somewhat close to the Fantastic Four and had spent time in the Baxter Building. Also her ability to phase through walls would be handy to avoid whatever security measures the Richard-Storms had in place to protect the tech.

"Okay, I'm in," Kitty says to herself, scanning the lab, "at least I think I am. This has to be the right room."
She turns and finally sees the tech in the middle of the room under a large glass container and surrounded by lasers. "Ah," Kitty says, "good thing it wasn't a snake. Would've bit me. And of course there would be lasers. Though, I thought a tier genius like Reed Richards would've been more creative with the security."

Kitty took a few steps forward towards the tech, then stopped dead in her tracks when a giant projection sprung up from nowhere right in front of her.
Kitty jumped back, landing on her bottom. She had to shake her head a bit, thinking she was seeing things. The astral projection was indeed that of a kid, small boy who couldn't be more than ten, maybe eleven.

"Whoa, what the hell is this?!" Kitty demands. "Uh, I think I'm the one who should be asking that around here," the projection of the kid says. "Oh, okay, this is live," Kitty says, "not a hologram recording then, this is good...I guess."

Franklin Richards was supposed to be in bed, and he knew that; and he certainly knew he was not supposed to be using his powers right now since his dad hadn't placed any EEG probes on his head to measure his brain waves and other vitals. Ever since his own powers started manifesting, however, the kid couldn't help but test them out, and he had been wanting to do that on his own without his parent's supervision. Much as he understood why his dad wanted to make sure his powers were stable, Franklin felt he was at the age where he could experiment and test his powers without either of his parents watching over him like he was a little kid.

And the only time Franklin could do that these days was late at night when everyone was asleep and neither his sister nor his uncles would snitch on him to his parents.
And this night of all nights was when Franklin was testing out his astral projection abilities.

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