The Abandoned Haunted House Part 4

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Final part of this little mini series. Enjoy.

"You want us to go in there and stop her?" Alex inquires of the professor outside the haunted house. "No, not yet," Charles insist, "Let me try talking to her. But first we need to release the students from her control." "And how are we going to do that?" Hank interjects, "Last I checked this particular mutant can alter minds into believing they are in a reality that's different from the real world."
"Then we just have to convince the others which world is real and which is fiction," Charles states, concentrating his telepathy towards the first mutant student he could reach.

--------Inside the house------

Jean was trying her best to fight it, to suppress her powers as the phoenix force continued to consume everything in its path. At this point all she could was close her eyes and hope she would burn herself out.

"Jean," a familiar voice rings through her head. Jean opens her eyes, hoping to locate the source of that voice. "Jean it's me," Charles' thoughts ring through her mind. "Professor?" she calls out. "What you're experiencing right now isn't real," Charles informs her, "It is all an illusion."  

"It doesn't feel like an illusion," Jean manages to squeak out, "It all feels too real, and I can't control it." "Focus on the sound of my voice," Charles tells her, "Think of the all the times we've practiced controlling your powers, Jean. When have you ever lost control like it feels right now? Focus on my voice, and focus on your surroundings, the surroundings that are real, not what is currently in your head.

Jean inhales deeply, then exhales. The voices that were once swarming her mind were now a distorted blur, as was everything else around her. The shaking mansion, her losing control of her powers, it was all nothing more than vivid illusion.
Concentrating on the professor's voice, Jean begins to see the real world through her hallucinations. She was still in the haunted house with her friends, who were all laying on the ground, covered in beads of sweat as a result of their own hallucinations.

Jean takes another look around and discovers another figure in the house, lurking about in the rafters. Jean could also see that said figure had red eyes, and her hands together as if casting some sort of spell, or power or something of that nature.

Jean recognized it to be the ghost she and her friends had been searching for, the same ghost that supposedly haunted this place. This ghost had invaded her mind and the minds of her friends. "Get out of my head," Jean growls out, catching you by surprise.
"How?" you say to yourself, "This isn't possible." Of all the people who've come and gone through this house, no one has ever been able to break your trance, see through the hallucinations you've been able to cast on others since you were a child.

"I said," Jean gets to her feet and crosses her arms before unleashing her own brand of power, "GET OUT!!!" The phoenix force emanating from the mutant was more than enough to push you from the rafters and land on the floor.
Once you made contact with the ground, the others slowly start to come to from their illusions, slowly getting back to their feet as well.

"Oh, what happened?" Jubilee asks, rubbing her head. "I don't know," Peter answers, "One minute, both my legs were broken, and next thing I know I'm back here." "Where is here again?" Scott quips in. "We're in the haunted house," Jean recaps to her friends, "Only this house really isn't so haunted."
Using two fingers, Jeans telekinetically moves you from where you laid and yanks you to your feet, "It's just a mutant, like the rest of us." "Uh...hey," you greet in an attempt to salve the situation you were currently in.

"Wait, you're saying this girl is the ghost?" Ororo frowns a little, "She's the reason people who walk in here get stuck in here for weeks on end?" "It was one time," you get defensive, "And they were asking for it, like all of you." "What did we do?" Peter gets defensive back. "Well for starters, you all thought it was a good idea to break and enter into someone's property in the middle of the night when the signs clearly say to keep out," you point out.

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