Coping with New Surroundings-Kurt Wagner

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This is actually inspired from personal experience of being in a new environment and having to deal with it as a non-neurotypical person.

So for this one, the reader is a mutant who is also on the spectrum and she's in a relationship with Kurt but he doesn't know about her being on the spectrum and he doesn't know what to do when she has a meltdown.

Remember this is from MY own personal experience and doesn't necessarily apply to everyone else as the spectrum is wide and varied.


"Kurt," you groan as you lay in bed with him, the blue mutant wrapping an arm and tail around you. The tail you didn't mind as much as this was something you were used to by now, but having him spoon you when you're trying to sleep was a different story. 

"Hmm," Kurt mumbles, still half asleep. "Kurt, sweetie, can you back away?" you ask him as you move his arm off you. It was the first time you and him were sharing a bed, and having him hold you like this in the middle of the night while you were trying to falling asleep wasn't really helping you that much. Kurt seemed confused, "I...I can't sleep with you trying to smother me like this," you admit. "Okay," Kurt still seemed confused, and maybe sounded a little hurt, but he respected your request and pulled away. You felt him start to uncoil his tail around your ankle, "I'm okay with the tail," you assure him, "I don't mind that." You feel Kurt keep the tail in place.

It wasn't your intention to hurt Kurt's feelings, if indeed that was the case, but you needed space in order to sleep, and it wasn't something you were used to. Not yet anyway. Admittedly it was something you could work on, but lately it feels like there were a lot of things you could work on, a lot of things you still needed to get used to.

When your mutation first manifested, it came as a surprise not just for yourself but for your family as well. You'll never forget the look of terror on your parents' faces from what they witnessed.
They had already had a hard time understanding you and your needs as it is.

That moment, the life you once had was turned upside down; even more so when you were sent to Xavior's School for Gifted Youngsters to learn to control your mutation.

Everything had happened so fast you didn't have time to react. Moving into a new environment, new home, new room, new everything. You didn't want to make a scene so you kept it all in, wanting to stay strong and not let anyone know how much this was bothering you.
And you didn't want anyone to know about the condition that was diagnosed in you before your mutation came to light.

You managed to make friends during your time here. Among those friends, the one you became closest to was the Incredible Nightcrawler himself.
Kurt took an interest to you almost immediately the first time the two of you had met. You still weren't quite sure why; in your experience, the guys you've dated usually found some of your quirks a bit off putting such as having trouble making eye contact when talking or your brutal honesty or that how kissing was weird for you.
But it didn't seem to bother the blue skinned mutant. He still cared for you all the same.  

When the two of you had started dating you took things slow with Kurt and he respected that.

As mentioned before this is the first night the two of you are sharing a bed. It took some time before you were comfortable enough to hug and kiss him and make eye contact with him for little more then a few seconds. You still tend to pull away when kissing lasted longer then you were comfortable with.

Apart from the incident earlier, the rest of the night relatively well; although, you didn't quite get enough REM sleep since you were still adjusting to someone new sharing your bed.
You let Kurt cuddle you for a bit and give you a few kisses in the morning before you wanted to get up and begin your morning routine.

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