The Abandoned Haunted House Part 2

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"Good luck, man," Scott smiles while he, Jean, Ororo, Jubilee, and Peter crouch on the other side of the fence while Kurt, who was the unlucky mutant to draw the short straw, slowly and also hesitantly approaches confines of the abandoned house.

"Vhy did I ever decide agree to come here in zhe first place?" Kurt mutters to himself. "You can do it, Kurt," Jubilee encourages, "Just remember we're right behind you." "What if zhe ghost sees me?" Kurt points out. "What are you so worried about? If the ghost does see you, you can just poof out of there," Peter urges.

Swallowing, Kurt continues to sneak his way to the front of the house, crossing himself and constantly mumbling small prayers for God to protect him from whatever unholy evil lurks in the house.
After what seemed like forever, the blue mutant finally made his way to the door. Kurt slowly reaches for the door knob and twists it open...or tried to, it ended up being locked. "It's locked," he announces to his friends, "Oh vell, I guess ve have to go back to zhe mansion." "Kurt, you do realize you can teleport inside and unlock the door from the other side right?" Peter deadpans. "Oh," was all Kurt could say, mentally face-palming for thinking the others wouldn't remember that part. Taking a deep breath, Kurt bamfs inside and opens the door a few seconds later.

Kurt then motions for the others to come inside. "So what's it like in there?" Ororo inquires. " is very dusty in zhere," Kurt answers, followed by a sneeze on his part. 

The interior of the house was dark with only the moonlight to shine the way. Lucky Peter thought ahead and handed some of the kids flashlights. Like Kurt described, the place and the furniture hadn't been dusted in a very long time, the paint on the walls was starting to chip, and the old faded portraits were covered in cob webs.
As the gang wander the lower halls, they were unaware of another presence that lurked in the house;  one that watched the unwelcome intruders from the ceiling, and one who definitely wanted said intruders to go away and never come back.   

The gang continues to explore every crevice of each floor of the house for a good while. "Well, Scott, I have to say, this haunted house is really not as haunted as Alex made it out to be," Jubilee speaks up after a while. "All I've found so far are spiders and roaches," Ororo agrees, "No ghosts. Guess that story about that girls was just an old wives tale."

Speaking of tail, Peter thought it would be fun to mess with the kids, so he speeds up to one of the bedroom and grabs one of the torn sheets. He places it over himself and then speeds up to the area of the house where the kids were and raises his arms to make himself look scary. It worked; Scott, Ororo, and Jubilee fell back on their behinds, and Kurt bamfed up to the top of the ceiling, hanging on one the rafters by his tail.
Peter pulls the sheet over his head and stats doubling over in laughter, "the look on your faces," you says in between fits of laughter. "That's not funny," Ororo scolds. "You could've given someone a heart attack," Kurt snarls from where he was hanging.

The blue mutant shakes his head, and was about to climb down, but then he noticed something...or possibly someone lurking among the rafters. Kurt has to squint; even with his night vision, he seemed to have a hard time making out the silhouette. The figure seems to face him, red eyes that appeared to be glowing rather angrily.
The figure makes a low, almost evil growl, causing Kurt to bamf back down to the floor below, "Okay, guys, ve really need to now," he tugs on the sleeve of Scott's shirt, urging them to leave. "Kurt, what's wrong?" Jean asks with concern. "I...There's something up zhere," he points to the rafters, "It's unnatural and had a look zhat screams evil." "Uh, okay, let's not overreact," Jubilee tries to intervene, "Maybe it was just a mannequin or something." "Mannequins do not have glowing eyes or make evil sounds," Kurt points out, fear laced in his tone.

"Pfft, nice try, Nightcrawler," Peter scoffs, "You're just trying to scare me back after that ghost prank. Well let me tell you right now, it's not going to work."
Right on cue, a loud sound reverberates across the house, almost like something banging against something huge and metallic, which got the gang all riled up in a fright. "Uh, please tell me it was one of you," Ororo nods to Peter and Kurt, both boys shake their heads for confirmation.
The sound occurred again, causing everyone to huddle into a circle. All the doors slammed shut. Peter speeds to open the doors back, but to no avail, "They're locked I can't get them open."

"Uh, Jean, was that you?" Scott nervously asks. "No," Jean answers, starting to get scared herself as she attempts to use her telekinetic powers to open the doors,  "And I can't get them open. I can't even get the windows open." "Kurt can't you get us out of here?" Scott suggests. Kurt touches two of them and attempts to bamf them out of here, but nothing happens. "What are you waiting for?" Jubilee presses, fear in her voice, "I...uh....I can't," Kurt panics, "Somezhing's keeping us from leaving." "It's the ghost," Ororo realizes.
"Come on, I thought we already established there were no ghosts in here," Scott says, but has second thoughts when a gust of wind blows right by them.

"Leave this place!" an eerie voice exclaims. "Uh, please tell me that was one of you," Peter squeaked out, panic starting to get to the speedster. Another gust of wind occurs, and the flashlights go out, only increasing the fear in the group.

A pale white light shines at one of the door, to which the gang face. Out of nowhere a figure of a woman in a raggedy dress faces the mutants. "I said..." the woman speaks in a low tone before screaming, "GO AWAY!"

The light disappears, and the group is suddenly swallowed by an unnatural darkness.

To be continued in Part 3.

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