I'll be Home for Christmas Part 3

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"Remind me again how you managed to steal a truck?" Rogue inquires as you, her, Kitty, and Kurt drive up north in the truck you commandeered from a random parking lot. With Kurt's teleporting ability, the four of you managed to make it across the Canadian border, but you knew the guy was getting tired and would have to find other means of transportation if you were going to catch up with Logan. "I know how to do things," you answer, hands on the steering wheel, "And we're not stealing we're borrowing so get your feet off the dash board. Actually I need you to take the wheel for a quick spell. Gotta make sure we're on the right track."

You open the window and stick your head out so you could take a whiff of the air. "And vat do have for the hourly report?" Kurt asks, he and Kitty shivering the back from the open window. You roll the window back up and make a left turn, "We're on the right track," you report, noticing the number of trees that were passing from view, "Something tells me though we'll have to stop at some point and continue the search on foot." "You gotta be kidding me," Kitty groans, knowing that would mean them having to go out and freeze their butts off, "Couldn't we at least get something to eat first before we do that? Even Wolverine would had to have done that at some point."

You knew the mutant had a point, and you would prefer to save the snacks you packed for an emergency. You have Rogue take the wheel again so you could whiff the air once more, "We haven't lost the scent, and it's not that faint so I guess it wouldn't hurt to grab a bite to eat."


About four or five miles later, the four of you find a diner to stop at. Lucky for you all, no one really seemed to give a damn that any of you were mutants, so none of you had to worry much about getting harassed by the other patrons.

"So I really think we need to talk," Kitty states after the waiter took your orders. "About?" you frown, seeming confused. "What's the plan? What happens when we do find Logan? What are we gonna say?" Kitty elaborates. You actually hadn't thought about that to be honest. "Well uh...I don't know. To be honest I didn't think we'd actually make it this far." "You're kidding right?" Rogue seemed surprised and maybe slightly annoyed, "You dragged us on this...wild goose chase and you have no idea what you're gonna do when we actually catch the goose...or the wolverine in this case." "Okay one, it's not a much of a goose chase if we definitely know where we're going," you point to your nose for emphasis, "And two, I never asked you guys to come with me. Did I yank you by the hair and drag you all the way to Canada with me?"
"You didn't," Kurt admits, "But zhere is some concern that maybe you may be way over your head trying to bring Logan back to zhe mansion...even if he may not even vant that."

"So this was never really about Logan was it?" you began to realize, "You all just wanted to make sure I don't die on some futile mission is that it?" "No, no, that's not what were saying at all," Rogue interjects, "it's just...we just think...Kitty you want to say something?" "We really don't think this is a good idea, (y/n)," Kitty decides to get to the point, "Much as we all care about Logan, the chances of him actually coming back with us are pretty slim. You know he prefers to go it alone most of the time." "I know, I know, I know, I get it," you start to get annoyed, "Logan prefers to be alone, he's a brooding loner who would rather stand in the darkest corner while the rest of us are having fun, cause that's who he is. You really think I don't know that?" You let out an exasperated sigh before continuing, "Look I get it, no one understands the joys of being in one's company better than me. I just don't think doing it all the time is very healthy for one's well-being, especially for someone as damaged as Logan. I thought he should know no matter where he goes, he'll always have a place to call home with us." 

Before long, the waiter returns with your orders.

"Vhy does this matter so much to you, (y/n)?" Kurt decides to ask. You take a moment before answering, "Logan's the reason why I came to Xavior's school in the first place. The night I met him, the house I lived in with my parents got broken into. They held all three of us at gunpoint, but Logan was wondering around the neighborhood when it all went down, and he showed up in the  nick of time and stopped them. If it weren't for Logan, I probably wouldn't be here. He gave me a chance to go out and do something with my life, I'll always be grateful for that." "And this is your way of returning the favor?" Rogue hypothesizes. "It's more than that," you explain, "Logan was there for me when I needed help, now I want to be there for him when he needs someone to lean on. Yes, I know he can hold his own in a fight, but that shouldn't stop us from lending a hand." 

The rest of the meal was continued in silence. After the check was paid, the four of you make it back to the truck. You were starting to feel a little tired, so Rogue offered to drive while you would still open the window every so often to make sure the four of you were on the right track. Another hour or so you start to get drowsy and fall asleep. You didn't even feel Rogue touch your face with her bare hand so as to absorb your dog-like senses.

When you woke up some time later, you realized the road the four of you were on was a little too familiar. "Wha- what road are we on?" "Don't worry about it," Rogue assures, but you were still unsure. "Marie, is there something you're not telling me? Kurt? Kitty? What's going on?" You quickly roll down the window and take a whiff the air, "the trail is starting to fade. Where the hell are we?" "Now, (y/n/), before you overreact..." Kitty was about to explain before you started to put two and two together. "We're heading back to the mansion aren't we?"

The fact that your teammates were avoiding eye contact confirmed your statement, "Why? After what I just said, you're still not the least bit moved about bringing our friend back?" "(y/n)," Rogue exasperates, "in case you haven't noticed we've been on the road for a day and a half. If we keep this up we won't make it back home in time, and we'll probably end up freezing our asses." "That's why we have Kurt!" you exclaim, than growl out in frustration, "You people are starting to drive me insane, I knew I should've gone alone!" "You would've end up half froze in a block of ice if you did," Kurt points out. "What exactly are implying?" you glare at the blue mutant. "Vell...If I'm being honest you can be just as stubborn as Wolverine...and sometimes zhat has gotten you into some life or death situations because you refused to back down." You gawk at that. "Look, (y/n), much as we want to bring Logan back, we are doing this for your own good," Kitty interjects, "Just think, once we get home, we'll can sit around the fire and sip mugs of hot chocolate. You'll feel better."

You notice the truck was slowing down as it starts to approach a small town, "Like hell I will," you mutter. Immediately, you unclick your seat belt, open the door and jump out with your backpack.
You ignore the shouts and screams from your friends as you bolt into the woods, following Logan's scent trail.

It was Christmas Eve which meant you didn't have much time left to find him.

More to come.

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