I Don't Deserve You-Piotr Rasputin

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This my first Colossus one-shot.

The reader is...or was in a relationship with Piotr but then breaks it off with him because she feels like she doesn't deserve him.

Some angst, maybe some fluff.

"Piotr?" Kurt calls out, knocking on the door to his friend's room. Accompanying the blue mutant were Bobby and Logan. "Piotr," Kurt calls out again, "It's been a few days and you haven't left your room. We're all starting to get worried about you." "You don't think he's dead do you?" Bobby asks.

"Move outta the way, Elf," Logan pushes Kurt aside and kicks the door open.

Inside was dark; the lights were off and the curtains were drawn. Empty pizza boxes were scattered all over the floor. And right on the bed was the mutant Colossus himself in boxers and a t-shirt and looking like he hadn't had a shower in a while. Piotr opens one eye to see his friends had walked in uninvited, "please, come in," he says sarcastically, "the door was wide open for anyone."

"So I guess you still haven't completely recovered from that break up with (y/n), huh," Bobby comments. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay and that you haven't done anything drastic yet," Kurt says, "We were about to play a friendly game of baseball, we could always use extra players you know."
"What's point?" Piotr mutters turning on his side, away from his friends, "What is point of anything?"

"Oh boy, this is worse then we thought," Bobby says. "Come on, bub," Logan encourages, "I know what you're going through, I've been through a few heartbreaks myself. It gets easier after awhile. I know you and (y/n) were crazy for each other, but if she wasn't the one, there's sure to be others." "There was no one else like (y/n)," Piotr sadly states, "She was love of my life. I thought we were happy together. I just don't know where we went wrong."

Kurt and Bobby exchange looks. Everyone on the team knew about you and Piotr, how out of the blue you up and ended what everyone thought was the perfect relationship. No one knew what happened or why you walked out. Piotr didn't know and you had yet to disclose to anyone the reason why.

"Okay, I had enough of this," Logan says, dragging Piotr out of bed by his feet, "It's not like you to be lay in bed and mope around all day just because you got your heart broken. You're going to play baseball and bond with the rest of the team whether you like it or not."
Much as Piotr wanted to say no, he knew there was no arguing with the Wolverine. So reluctantly, the metal changing mutant gets to his feet and drags himself out of the room right behind his friends.


"Hey, (y/n), you in there?" Kitty knocks on the door to your room. There was no answer. Deciding to take the risk, Kitty phased through the door to investigate.

The curtains in your room were drawn closed. You were laying in bed, an empty pizza box laying on one side and a bunch of empty beer bottles laying right next to the box. You were curled up in a fetal position, so Kitty decided she would have to tread lightly on any and all subjects that include ending a certain relationship with a certain someone.

"Looks like you had one hell of a wild night," Kitty starts the conversation as she removes the beer bottles and pizza box off the bed.
"Go away," you grumble.
"Seriously, (y/n/n), when was the last time you got any sunlight?" Kitty asks as she walks up to the window and opened the curtains.

You groan in protest and and pull the blanket over your head to block out the light. "Come on, Dracula," Kitty insists, pulling the blanket away from you, "you've been cooped up in here for way too long, you need to get out and get some fresh air." "Why? What's the point?" you ask depressingly, "What's the point of anything? What purpose do I have to get out of bed right now?"

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