A Little Help- Kurt Wagner

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For this one-shot, the reader is a human whom Nightcrawler has eyes on. He wants to ask her out but is scared she'll say no, partially because of his appearance. So Jean, Scott, and the others try to lend in a hand and set Kurt up with you.

Some fluff and Kurt being insecure.

It was there once again; the voice that piqued his interest and focused his attention to where you were sitting, laughing at a joke one of your friends made. To Kurt Wagner, your laugh was probably the most beautiful sound he ever heard.

This had been going on for sometime now; weeks as a matter of fact, ever since Jean, Scott, and Jubilee took Kurt to the mall. The first time he heard that laugh was at the food court where you sat with your circle of friends, eating lunch, and just having a good time. If he could, the blue skinned mutant would've approached with confidence the first time around and rack up the nerve to just talk to you.

Sadly that hasn't happened; despite being in a place where mutants weren't AS feared, Kurt still had trouble talking to non-mutants, given that there would always be people that would stare at him and give him weird looks wherever he'd go. This would often lead to Kurt thinking up and overthinking various scenarios  in his head on how the venture to ask you out on date would occur, most of said scenarios usually ending with you either laughing at his attempt or just plain being repulsed at the very idea. Because of this, the guy decided he would just have to settle with gazing at you from afar and wish for something that would never happen.

In the present, Kurt was gazing your way once again, completely oblivious to the conversation that was going on amongst his peers.  
"Kurt? Kurt?" Scott tries to get Kurt's attention, "Hello? Snap out it, Wagner!" Scott then snaps his fingers in front of Kurt, shaking him out of his trance. "Huh? Vhat? Did you say somezhing?" "Were you even part of this conversation?" Jubilee inquires. "Of course I vas," Kurt shrugs like it's obvious, "Somezhing about school and training, vhat else is new?" "Well it looked like you had your eyes fixed on something just awhile ago," Scott observes. "Not something, someone," Jean corrects, which made Kurt slightly confused, "I read minds, remember? So who's the lucky girl?" "ooh a girl," Jubilee perks up, "wow, Kurt, didn't know you had it in you. Please tell us, who is she?"

"I uh....I..." Kurt starts to stutter now that all eyes were fixed on him, tail swishing in a nervous manner "She's over zhere," he nods to where you were sitting. "Ooh, she's pretty," Jubilee remarks. "I don't really know her...," Kurt continues, "but I....I vould like to." "Well what are you waiting for?" Jean presses, "Go up there and say hello, see where it goes from there." "No, no, no, no, nein," Kurt hastily shakes his head, "it's not going to happen, she vould never talk to me, not in a million years." "How would know that if you don't even know her?" Jubilee points out. "Come on, man it wouldn't hurt to just talk, maybe ask her out to dinner" Scott tries to encourage, "I mean the worst she can do is say no."
"I...I don't think I can do this," Kurt answers honestly, "I'm scared."

Scott takes a moment before answering, "You know what, man. If you don't want make the first step, that's fine by me." Kurt breathes in a sigh of relief, feeling the pressure being lifted off his shoulder. "I'll talk to her, break the ice for you," Scott says as he suddenly stands and approaches your table. Kurt was about to get up and stop him, but Jean and Jubilee hold him back; all the blue mutant could do now was sit and watch as Scott takes a seat between you and one of your friends as he started chatting. Unable to witness more, Kurt teleported the hell out of there.      

Meanwhile you and were friends were conversing with Scott merely about trivial stuff; you had a feeling maybe this guy wanted to go on a date with one of you.
"So you go that school, the one for mutants?" you inquire in the middle of the conversation. "That's right," Scott nods, "Maybe you'd want to see it one of these days." "I would," one of your friends quips in, "Especially if they have guys there as cute as you." "I'm flattered, but I'm actually already taken," Scott points out, "I do however have a friend who's single right now and he's-" Scott turns around to point, expecting Kurt to still be there, but only to see the mutant was gone and nowhere to be seen; the blue chicken had flown the coop.

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