The Abandoned Haunted House Part 3

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Here's Part 3.

----The Xavior mansion-------

Back at the mansion, Charles was woken by something telepathically alarming. He wasn't sure what it was exactly, but it felt like something or someone was screaming for help someplace not far from the school.

The professor manages to get Alex and Hank out of bed and head for Cerebro to confirm his suspicions. Sure enough, Charles found six of his students out of bed and definitely out of the mansion, WAY past their curfew. Charles also discovered something else lurking inside the house they were in; someone who he'd been meaning to recruit to the school to help with their mutant powers.  

----------Back at the haunted house---------

The mutant group was swallowed by an unnatural darkness as the ghost they encountered screamed at them to leave the house.

Frantically the mutants try and reach for each other in the darkness, calling for each other with hopes of trying to stay together. However, the group became separated as the darkness began to fade and  each mutant found themselves in completely different places.


Peter found himself in the middle of a field, everything seemed serene. But then, the landscape turned grey and ashen and becomes ignited in flames, and the speedster finds his friends on the other side of the field, about to be consumed by the raging fire.

Peter runs as fast as he can, but the fire out speeds him, about to overtake his friends. Suddenly Peter couldn't run at all; looking down, he sees his feet are stuck in what appears to be cement or tar or something of that nature. Peter reaches out in desperation, but can only watch as the fire surrounds his friends and the speedster sinks fully through the cement like substance.

Next thing he knew, Peter found himself in the exact same place during the Apocalypse incident. Apocalypse himself had the speedster by the arm and broke both his legs this time. Peter could only helplessly watch as his surroundings begin to swirl and twist and come rushing at him.


Scott found himself in his old high school, right in the same old hallways. The young mutant also noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses, but lasers weren't coming out of his eyes. In a panic, Scott closed his eyes just in case.

"Summers!" Scott turns hearing someone call out his name. It was the bully that confronted him the day he got his powers.

Scott opens his eyes, hoping maybe his powers will scare the guy off. It didn' lasers popped from his eyes like last time. Scott closes his eyes and opens them again, but nothing happened. As the guy runs after him, Scott turns and bolts across the hall.
"Get back here, Summers!"

Scott is consumed by darkness once more and finds himself in the lounge area of the mansion, where all his friends and the other students had congregated. That was when he felt the familiar force of his powers emerging from his eyes. Scott immediately closed his eyes, but the power surge continued to increase. He wanted to run, yell for the others to get away, but he couldn't.

Within seconds, lasers erupted from his eyes, causing the mansion to fall on him and everyone else.


Jubilee found herself in the mall with her friends, momentarily forgetting the predicament they were in minutes ago. That was before security guards show up and charge at her. Only they weren't security guards...they were from sentinel services.

Jubilee attempts to use her powers to provide cover but nothing happens. She then bolts for the nearest exit.

The scene changes and Jubilee realizes she's back at the mansion, or more specifically, the mansion when it got blown up that one time.
A helicopter flies over the mansion ruins and lands on the grounds. The soldiers exit the helicopter and fire something into the sky that causes her and the other students to fall unconscious.

When she woke up and got to her feet, Jubilee realized she was the only one; everybody else was still unconscious. She rushes to one her peers and attempts to shake them awake. It doesn't work. Upon closer inspection, Jubilee realized the skin of said peer was cold as ice, like death.

All the other students were ice cold as well, and their bodies started to whither. They were all dead. Jubilee blacks out as the sentinel service officers apprehend her and drag her away to be tortured.


Kurt found himself back in the Munich Circus; in fact, he was in the middle of an acrobatic performance. He was doing well until a mishap caused him to slip and fall. He closed his eyes, expecting to make contact with the ground.

When Kurt opened his eyes, darkness surrounded him, and he also noticed he was cramped in a rather tightly confined space. The blue mutant recognized it was the same box he was stuffed in the day he was forced to fight in the cage. In a panic, Kurt struggles to break free, all to no avail.

The box was tipped over, and Kurt braces to get into another fight like before. To his shock and surprise, Kurt wasn't dumped in the cage this time; instead, he found himself in the same place he Scott and Jean ended up in when they tried to rescue their friends from that Stryker guy.

Kurt tries to escape but realizes his powers were rendered useless. He was strapped to a table and could only watch in fear as torture like instruments were brought to the table.


Ororo finds herself back on the streets of Cairo. She was running for her life from a group of men who accused her of stealing. She runs until she hits a dead end. She faces the men and tries to use her powers to push them away. Nothing. Not even so much as a light wind.

The men surround the young mutant, and Ororo backs up against the wall, which ends up swallowing her. Ororo now ends up in a small, empty room, much like what one would expect to see in a mental asylum.

The walls suddenly start to close in on her. Ororo begins to have a panic attack due to claustrophobia. Her powers weren't working and the walls kept coming in as Ororo starts to hyperventilate.


Jean found herself back at the mansion. All seemed well...well enough that she had temporarily forgotten she had been in haunted house not too long ago.

However, the mansion starts to shake as if an earthquake had struck. Jean panics, even more so when voices start to plaque the inside of her head. It was then she realized she was the reason the mansion was shaking.
Her powers were out of control; everything the professor been teaching her up to this point were rendered useless.

Jean tried to stop herself as everything in the mansion started to fall apart. Nothing worked, and it only got worse as flames of the phoenix force began to erupt from withing her, consuming everything surrounding her.


Outside the haunted house, Charles, Hank, and Alex finally arrived.
"Looks like some of the students decided it was a good idea to break curfew and snoop around someone else's property," Charles states as the three face the house.

"Well to be fair, this house has a bit of history that made it too tempting to not explore," Alex points out. "And who's fault was that?" Hank glares at Alex. "Hey, I didn't say anything," Alex gets defensive, "I also never said anything about another mutant living in there either."

"We can discuss who's to blame later," Charles interjects, "Right now we have to get those kids out of there...we'll have to convince the resident gifted youngster living inside to release them from her influence, and possibly come back with us so she may have a chance to better control and expand on her gifts as well.

Stand by for Part 4.

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