The Big Exam

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Written in the Spirit of Finals Week.
Also partial Inspiration from Derry Girls. Enjoy.

"Remind me again who's idea this was?" you hear Scott ask as you go through all the notes you had taken.

There was a big exam in history class today and you had decided to invite Kurt, Scott, Jean, Jubilee, and Ororo to your room for a study/sleepover to help each other prepare.
"You didn't have to come you know," you point out, taking a sip of some Red Bull, all hoped on caffeine and freaking out from the workload,  "You want to fail the history test, then fine go ahead and leave. But let the rest of us work in peace so we don't have to hear you complain every five seconds. Got it, Scott?!"
"Okay, okay, fine," Scott concedes, going back to his notes, "Where were we?"

"I believe we were still in the middle of the Great Depression," Ororo answers. "FDR and the New Deal to be exact," Kurt adds.

"Why do we need to study all this in the first place?" Jubilee brings up. "Uh, maybe it's because if we don't learn our history, we are very likely to repeat it and we can hope to better ourselves in the future," Ororo says again. "No, I don't mean that," Jubilee elaborates, "I mean why do we need to study at all when we got a telepath here with us that can just give us the answers during class. You know, with her telepathy?"
"Yeah, that's not going to happen," Jean shakes her head, "The Professor will be there, proctoring the exam to make sure there's telepathic communication involved. Also I'm not going to just give you guys the answers, not even Scott." "Believe me, I tried, she said no," Scott confirms.

"Okay, can we all stop talking and start focusing," you interject, "We have an exam in less then...uh, what time is it?" "Well, let's see for ourselves," Scott stands up and opens the curtains. Sunlight shines through, indicating time was pretty much up.

"Oh good God, it's morning already?!" you exclaim as you start to panic, "What are we going to do?" "We could start by calming down," Scott suggests. "We are still on the New Deal, Scott!" you point out, "We haven't even gotten to the second World War and we haven't even so much looked at the Cold War or the Civil Rights Movement!"
"US dropped a couple bombs on Japan before getting into a passive aggressive disagreement with Russia, and everyone was raging for the right to sit on the same bus seats as white people. Seems pretty straightforward," Scott shrugs.

"Well I for one can't tell my battles apart from any of the big wars," Kurt quips as he goes over his notes for the First and Second World Wars.
"Well maybe if your country wasn't so eager to get into fights with everyone else just to prove how great your people are, we wouldn't have to remember any of those important battles in the first place," Jubilee makes a jab. "Do keep in mind, Jubilee, that my great country is the reason you can put sauerkraut on those hot dogs I saw stuff down your throat when we went on that field trip to Manhattan," Kurt jabs back, "Not to mention that your birthday is around the corner and I recall you requested your cake to be German chocolate."

"Can we forget about the German chocolate cake and sauerkraut for one minute?!" you exclaim, "Is no one the least bit concerned that our exam is in less then two hours and I can't so much as remember anything?! It's everything I try jamming into my brain it just right back out, it's like-" at that moment your hand started shaking, "Oh boy, I'm really stressed out now." "That could the caffeine coming from those energy drinks," Scott points out, "Seriously, (y/n), how many of those did you have?" "Oh I don't know," you say, "Two...three...maybe a dozen."

"Right then, it's official," Scott says, "We are royally screwed."
At that moment you jump to your feet and run out screaming your eyes out. "Nice going there, Scott," Jean scolds, "You got her freaked out more then she was already was in her caffeinated state." "She'll get over it," Scott shrugs again, "Look, I told you from the get go this was all a waste of time. We're gonna flunk this final anyway so what was the point?" "I am not flunking any finals this semester," Jubilee says with determination, "I don't want to go through this again."
"Maybe we should start with getting some breakfast," Kurt suggests.

-----------time skip------------

The gang make it to the breakfast table of the manor's kitchen where bacon and waffles were being served.

Your friends look around the large table but notice you were nowhere in sight. Hank was already at the table with a large stack of waffles topped with extra-EXTRA whipped cream.

"Uh, Professor?" Scott speaks up, "You didn't happen to see (y/n) by any chance did you?" "Not as of yesterday," Hank answers adding more whip cream and syrup to his waffles, "She better show up soon. Breakfast after all is the most important meal of the day and especially on the day of an important exam."

"Okay, I'm starting to get worried," Ororo admits, "If (y/n) does end up missing the exam, she'll never live it down."

"Let me try and find her," Jean suggests, using her telepathy to find you around the manor. "Well? Anything?" Jubilee asks worried. "I'm working on it," Jean snaps a little harshly, which she realized, "Sorry, we've been up all night and I just downed six cups of scalding hot coffee in one sitting. Not my proudest moment, anyway, (y/n) is very erratic right now from all those energy drinks, so it's kinda hard to pinpoint where she is exactly. But...I think she might be outside." 

The little group ran outside, but when they looked around, they couldn't find you. That's when Kurt ports up to one of the trees as a way to look from above. Ororo picks up on the idea and uses the wind to pick her up as high as the manor's roof.

"Uh, not to raise alarm," Ororo speaks up, her gaze towards the roof, "but I think I see (y/n) on top the roof...and she looks like she's about to sky dive off it.

At that moment, the others look up to the roof and sure enough, you were standing very precariously on the edge of the roof. You weren't sure why you there or how you even got there in the first place. All you knew was, you weren't ready to go into that class and take the exam. Your heart was beating so fast you felt it would burst from your chest, you were breaking out in cold, clammy sweat, and it was getting harder to breathe by the minute.

"What's she doing?" Jubilee asks from the ground. "I don't know, but it doesn't look good," Scott admits. "I think she might be having a panic attack," Jean says.

Right on cue, Ororo lands on the roof and approaches you, grasping your shoulders, which made you gasp. "Relax, it's me," Ororo assures, "Try and take a deep breath, (y/n), and tell me what you see." "I uh," you look around in desperation, "Okay, I, uh, I see tiles on the roof and the sky and clouds." "Good, good," Ororo nods, "What else?" "I see a couple trees," you continue, "And the pond...and Kurt, and Scott, Jean, Jubilee...and you." "Feeling better?" she asks. "Yeah," you nod, "What was that?" "You grounded yourself," Ororo explains, "A little trick Xavior taught me for when I find myself in tight spaces."
"Thank you," you nod. "Now let's get you back inside and maybe get ready for class," Ororo suggests, which you pull away. "No, no," you shake your head, "I can't...I can't go through with this." "(y/n), really." "I mean it," you insist, "I'm not going to pass this exam. I'm going to fail. Might as well except that now and retake the class next year if that's what it takes." "Do you really want to do that?" Ororo asks. "Of course not!" you exclaim, "But what other choice do I have? How am I supposed to-"

You had taken a step back by accident and ended up falling off the roof. Ororo was about to jump in and save you, but Jean beat her to it, using her telekinesis to stop you from making contact with the ground below you.  

"Whoa, you okay there (y/n/n)?" Scott asks once you recovered. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine now," you assure, "...oh who am I kidding, I'm doomed. Done for. I'll never pass this class." "Amazing you're still on that after you literally just fell 20 some-odd feet," Jubilee comments.
"...You're not going to fail, (y/n)," Jean assures. "How do you know that?" you ask, skeptical. "Because you've been studying your ass for this, that's why," Jean answers, "I mean, even if you did bomb this final, would really hurt you that much? You've been doing pretty well in that class this semester if I remember correctly." "...Yeah I guess so," you admit, "I just really hate taking tests." "Yeah well, who doesn't?" Scott shrugs. "You got this, girl," Jubilee encourages, "You'll make it just fine."

With encouragement from your friends you rack up the courage to head to class to take your exam.

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