Wedding Fever- Charles Xavior/Erik Lensherr

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This was requested by CaptainAustria who asked for Cherik wedding basically. Personally, while a romantic pair bond between Professor X and Magneto is interesting, I just don't see it happening given that the two have DRASTICALLY different ideals. But far be it from to judge other people's ships (unless of course said ship is problematically abusive).
Anyway for this one-shot the reader wants to plan Charles and Erik's wedding and she stats to drive everybody crazy.

Enjoy. Hope I do this justice.

"Here's to us," Charles raises his champagne glass. "To us," Erik raises his own, clinking it against Charles' as the two participate in their regularly scheduled date night. Although this night was particularly different from all the others as this was the night the telepathic mutant proposed to the magnetic love of his life. 

Once their date was done for the evening, Charles and Erik head back to the mansion. Meanwhile you were there in the lounge, having decided to stay up late to go over reports from the last mission. You were just about done and ready to call it a night when the happy, newly engaged couple came in.
You noticed right away they were happier than usual.

"I'm guessing date night was exceptional tonight, you two lovebirds are practically glowing," you speak up, getting their attention. "Well a better way to put it was tonight was surprisingly pleasant," Erik replies, smirking knowingly at Charles before showing you the ring. "Is that what I think it is?" you point, excitement starting to grow. "I don't even need to read your mind to know what you're thinking, (y/n)," Charles nods in response. "Charles put a ring on it," Erik adds to the good news.
You squeal in delight, "Congratulations!" you run up to pull the two into a hug, "I know things haven't always been perfect between the two of you, but I was always rooting for you guys." "Thanks, (y/n)," Erik replies.

"Yes thanks, (y/n)," Charles quips in, "and now you know about the engagement, I would ask you to keep to yourself for now until Erik and I have the chance to break the news to everyone else." "My lips are sealed," you assure, "BUT...only under the condition you let me plan your wedding." Charles and Erik exchanges glances at each other, "You really want to plan our wedding?" Erik seemed slightly confused. "Oh yes, please let me," you slightly beg, "It'll top Jean and Scott's wedding by the time I'm done." "While the offer is highly appreciated, (y/n)," Charles answers, "I'm not entirely sure you have a full grasp of the stress and hard work you would have to put into planning a wedding. There's the decorations, the invitations, the catering, the actual date of the ceremony, not to mention booking venues for both the ceremony AND reception far in advance." "I can handle all of it, free of charge" you assure the skeptical professor.  "Oh let her, Charles," Erik insists, "She's doing this for free after all, we can use that money to book our honeymoon destination." "Oh very well," Charles sighs. "Thank you, I love you guys," you squeal. "Just try not to go overboard," Charles says sternly, "Remember less is more."

-------time skip-----------

"Okay, so how does these look for a color scheme?" you inquire of the grooms to be, showing what you had come up for colors. "Interesting combination," Charles answers, even though he wasn't quite sure if it was a choice he would've gone with. "I just thought since you like this color, Charles," you point, "And Erik, you like this one, combining the two seemed appropriate." "Maybe, but," Erik takes a good look at the color scheme, "Don't you think they really seem to clash against each other?" "What about this one?" you show another color pattern. "Oh wow," Charles replies, trying not to sound too surprise, "Those are very bright." "If you don't like these, I can always come up with something else." "No, no," Erik insists, "I think you've done enough with these and the last 50 or so color patterns." "Um why don't we take a break and move to something else?" Charles suggests. "Ooh, good idea," you snap your fingers, "I just remembered I booked a cake tasting for the two of you today an hour from now, and I'm bringing the team so they can do a voting poll flavor wise. You two also better going, you have to be at the tailor's around that time too." "You arrange for us to our suits tailored while you and the team go cake tasting without us?" Charles seemed confused. "I thought it would save time for all of us," you shrug, "Don't worry, you'll like what I'll have picked out, trust me on this." "Why do we need to get our suits now, the wedding is another few months from now?" Erik seemed just as confused, "I told you it'll save time," you tell him, "Just think of the all the time you'll have for yourselves by the time the wedding comes around."

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