Comfort in My Own Skin- Anna Marie

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A request by DabiTheFireDemon
Who asked for trans male reader in a relationship with Rogue and experiences certain things when he meets Gambit and learns about Rogue's on and off again relationship with the Cajun mutant.

Some angst and moments of body dysphoria (which affects individual transgender people in varied ways, no one experience is the same). Enjoy.

"Hey, has anyone seen (y/n)?" Rogue inquires of her friends. She had woken up a little later this morning and you weren't in bed with her, which concerned her since you were almost always there when she'd wake.
"I believe he might be in the kitchen," Ororo answers, "At least he was when last I checked."

Rogue nods then heads for the kitchen. She didn't find you, but she did see the table was set up with a plate of pancakes and side of bacon with orange juice.
And right on cue, you walk in, apron on with a little bit of flour in your head. "What's all this?" Rogue asks. "What I can't do random romantic gestures for my girlfriend?" you ask. "Course you can," Rogue nods, "I like this. I like it a lot."
She leans in to kiss you.

"Happy birthday, babe," you tell her. "Oh, so you did remember," Rogue sweetly says before she sits down to enjoy her breakfast.
So far, things were off to a great start for your girlfriend's birthday. You could hardly wait till later in the day for the surprise party you had planned for Rogue.

-------Time Skip-----------

The party was off in full swing. You were pretty proud of yourself for the work you put into it, having wanting to make this your girlfriend's best birthday ever (or at least good enough to crack the top 5).

So far Rogue really looked like she was having the time of her life, dancing like no one else was watching, which you found to be adorable. So much so that you joined in with her.
"I can't believe you really went all out with this," Rogue tells you as you and her keep dancing. "You don't think it's too much?" you ask. "Not at all," Rogue earnestly assures, "I love it. I love you."
"...I love you too," you say back, and meaning it.
This was the first time you ever heard those words coming from her. You and her have only been dating for a few months, but you really truly love Rogue and you were so happy that she loves you too.

You and her were face-to-face, about to lean in closer for a kiss...


The moment was ruined when at the sound of a voice that was not familiar to you.

The two of you turn to face a tall, handsome looking man with red eyes. You could already tell he was a mutant but you never met him at the school before.
"Remy," Rogue recognize this strange mutant, "Wha-what are you doing here?"
"What do you think for, Chere?" Remy asks back, "You didn't think I'd forget your birthday now, did ya?"
"I guess not," Rogue shakes her head, "At least you always managed to remember the important dates, that's for sure."

"Uh, you two know each other, is there something I'm missing here?" you ask, trying to inject yourself into conversation, not sure how you should feel about this interaction, "oh, right, sorry (y/n/n)," Rogue realized, "Uh (y/n) this is Remy, we call him Gambit. This is (y/n), he's new here." "And we're dating," you add, feeling the need for that, "In fact, I was the one who planned this whole party, just so you know."

"Oh," Remy look to Rogue then back at you, "I wasn't sure if ole Wolverine was telling the truth, but he did mention you were seeing someone, Chere. How long you been at this school now, (y/n)?" "Almost 6 months," you tell him, "I've never seen you around here before." "Remy has his own place in the city," Rogue explains, "Though, last I heard you had business down in your hometown of New Orleans." 

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