Who's the One for Me?- Anna Marie

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My first Rogue one-shot. It's also partially inspired from an episode from the sitcom Mom. Rogue sees the reader years after the two had part ways in their relationship, but Rogue is also in this on again off again relationship with Gambit, and now she's not so sure who's she's meant to be with.

The reader's mutation is telekinesis and she's immune to Rogue's absorbance powers.

"So who's this new recruit exactly?" Rogue inquires of her friend Kitty as they both head to the Danger Room. "Professor didn't really say who," Kitty shrugs, "all he told me is that she wanted to make a difference in the world and thought being part of this team would be her first step in doing so."

The two ladies stand in the small room next door to observe this new recruit. A few minutes later, said recruit walks in, ready to fight whatever was going to be thrown her way. Rogue stared in slight shock, but masked it seeing that Kitty was more fixated on watching what you were capable of. "She's a telekinetic," Kitty observe as you throw opponents around back and forth with your powers, "Just like Jean. You think she can read minds too?" "No, believe me, she can't," Rogue answers. "How do you know?" Kitty asks a little confused, "Wait, do you two know each other?" "...Another lifetime ago I did," Marie mutters.

After the little assessment of your skills, you stand by proudly waiting for the results when Kitty and Rogue walk in. "So what do you think? I think I did pretty good if I do say so my...self?" you stop when you recognized the woman next to Kitty. "Rogue?" "Hey, (y/n)," Rogue greets, "Long time no see." "So you do know each other," Kitty confirms. "Yeah we know each other alright," you nod, slightly smirking, "If I recall we REALLY knew each other quite well back on the day." "What is she talking about?" Kitty asks confused. "You really never told any of your friends about us didn't you?" you raise an eyebrow at your former lover, "Guess I can't say I'm all that surprised. You weren't much of an open book the first time we met." "Rogue, seriously what is she talking...about..." it took a moment for Kitty to put two and two together, "ooooooohhhhhh." "yeah," you confirm, "me and her."
Rogue seemed a little embarrassed by this encounter, "Um...well...it was nice seeing you again after so long, (y/n). I'd loved to catch up with you, but I have some...other things to do. Some team stuff so, it'll have to wait. See ya later." "I hope to be seeing you again sometime soon too, Marie," you wave back.
"Um...okay then," Kitty awkwardly speaks up, slowly backing away towards the exit. "I think I gotta go too. It was nice meeting you, (y/n), you did a great job fighting, and I hope we'll get to work together soon." 


"So how is it you met this woman, Rogue?" Jubilee asks as she, Kitty, Jean, and Ororo sit in the common room, drinking in hand. "Well, it was sometime after I ran away from my old home," Rogue explains, "I met her on the road about a year in. She was the first person I met who didn't fall into a coma when I touched her." "Wait, I thought you were careful about letting people touch your skin," Ororo says. "It was sorta by accident," Rogue responds, "(y/n) and I...when I met (y/n), it was like something clicked between us. We had a lot of things in common, and we could talk for hours. One day we kinda sorta had a moment, and next thing I knew she leaned in and...kissed me. I panicked and pushed her away at first, cause I was scared. I didn't know she  couldn't be affected by mutation." "And what, you just stayed when you realized she couldn't get hurt like that?" Jean frowns a little. "Pretty much," Rogue shrugs, "I knew she liked me and...I guess I liked her too. We stayed together for about a year and a half since the kiss. She was also my first."

"If everything was so great between you two, what made you leave?" Kitty asks. "Well...after that year and a half, I began to notice (y/n) was getting a bit more serious about our relationship," Rogue answers, "She was beginning to ask questions about where exactly we were going, like she wanted us to take us to the next level or something. I got scared, I wasn't sure if I really did like her to the point where I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, or if I was just settling because I didn't think there was anyone else out there I could be with and not put into a coma. So I left in the middle of the night when she was asleep. I left a note before hand, and sometime afterwards I found myself here with the X-men." "Wow..." Jubilee says, "Was it hard? Leaving someone you cared about like that?" "Yeah, it kinda was," Rogue admits, "But, with some time and distance it got a little easier."

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