Too Good to be True- Logan Howlett (w/ Jean Grey)

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Okay, okay, I had to. I couldn't help it. Based on this scene from Witcher 3. Watch to see where this is going.


"Logan?" "Logan, wake up," you and Jean whisper in the sleeping mutant's ear. Logan groaned a bit, wondering what was going on. He opened his eyes to see you and Jean at his bedside.

"Jean? (Y/N)? What's...what's going on?" Logan asks, still groggy from sleep and slowly sitting up from his bed. "We wanted to tell you something," you were the first to say, "Jean and I have been talking for a while now." "And we both came to an agreement about how much we're fond of you," Jean finishes.
"Okay, I'm still not sure where this is going," Logan admits, feeling a bit confused about why you and Jean, the two active participants of his love triangle were in the same room as him and each other.

"The points is," you continue, "Life is too short. Well, maybe not too short for you, but for Jean and me, it's too short to be fighting about some man. So..." "So, we figured why not share you instead?" Jean finishes the suggestion.
Logan looked at the two of you strangely, not sure how to respond. He wasn't so sure if he even heard right.
"Meet us in Jean's room at midnight," you tell him, "Bring wine. Lots of wine."

You and Jean walk away, leaving Logan stunned, and wondering what had just happened and if this was real or just some dream.

You've had an on again, off again with Logan throughout the years, long before he became part of the X-men (your mutation extends your life expectancy, making you age slower than most). While it was not really anything serious, you had grown to care for him. Then Logan met Jean, who was still with Scott at the time. It became something of messy love triangle with those three, which became even more messier when you came back into the picture. Logan would come back to you whenever Jean ended things with him to go back to Scott. Then when Jean and Scott had officially split up, Logan was then placed in a triangle with you and Jean.

He tried, in his sneaky and very sleazy way to have you both, but when both you and Jean had figured it out, you felt used at this point. The feeling was mutual for Jean. Initially you had wanted to place the blame on Jean, feeling like she was the reason you couldn't fully have Logan.
After thinking it over, however, you realized Jean was not the problem; she never was. Logan was the one who pitted you against her. Come to think of it, you barely even knew Jean; for the longest time, you had viewed her as a rival more than anything else. 

Plenty of the X-men had expected you and Jean would actually fight about this, but it never happened. If anything, after talking things over, you and Jean actually had a lot in common and had formed a bond over this. It felt silly to fight at all, especially over a man of all things.

Just goes to show that women can be civil with each other, and not let a man get in the way of forming a meaningful friendship (contrary to what a lot of old shows would have you believe).  

Despite being friends with Jean now, you were still mad at Logan. Using her telepathy, so that no one else would know, the two of you formed a plan.


Once midnight came around, Logan was standing right in front of the door to Jean's room. And, as you had requested, he brought a bottle of wine of two.

Using her telekinesis, Jean opened the door and let the man in.

The lights were off, but candles had been lit to give the room a certain romantic ambiance. Rose petals littered the floor and even the bed. You and Jean stood by the edge of the bed, wearing robes.
"I thought you wouldn't show up," you say in a sultry voice as you slowly untie the robe. "We really hoped you would," Jean says, mimicking your seductive tone and actions.
The robes came off to reveal some very sexy lingerie.

The two of you saunter over to Logan in a seductive fashion, you on end, her on the other, getting him to hold the both of you in each arm.
Placing the wine down, Logan started to enjoy the moment, breathing in yours and Jean's scent; he noticed you both were wearing the perfume he liked so much. You kissed his neck while Jean got him out of his shirt and pants.

Once down to his underwear, you lead Logan to the bed and get him to lay down. You give him a somewhat passionate kiss to really sell it. You straddle his hips as Jean brought out the handcuff. Logan was about to get up, having an impression you and Jean were both going to be cuffed, but you push him back down. Jean cuffs Logan's one hand to one bed post and you cuff the other.

You get off Logan and move to the edge of the bed. Jean moves over to you and the two of you do a little dance, making it seem like Logan was going to witness some sexy girl-on-girl stuff.

Jean then moves to the night stand where the wine was. She uncorks one bottle and pours a glass of wine for her and another for you.
"Aren't I getting any?" Logan asks, still cuffed to the bed.

" exactly what you deserved," Jean says in a stern tone. "What?" Logan's eyes widen a bit as you and Jean clinked the wine glasses and take a sip. "I think I could go for a midnight snack," you say, "I think I saw Hank making s'mores in the kitchen earlier today. What do you think Jean?" "I could eat," Jean shrugs.
You and her walk out of the bedroom.

"Hey! This isn't funny!" Logan calls out, trying to pry himself out of the handcuff. It didn't do much good. The cuffs were made with adamantium and the bedposts were reinforced with metal, specially for this occasion, just to make sure Logan couldn't even try to break away.

"Come back!" he calls out again, thrashing all to no avail.

You and Jean spend the rest of the night indulging in snacks in the kitchen, laughing from thinking about the prank you just pulled on Logan. Finally getting back at him for the pain he caused you.

-----------the next morning--------------

Logan woke up the next morning to the sound of the door opening again. He half expected either you or Jean had come back and un-cuff him from the bed.

To his dismay, he sees the last face he ever wanted to see.

"Well, well, well," Scott says, a wide grin on his face, "Looks like the ladies really got the better of you last night. Never thought you were the bondage type of guy. Or at least, not from the masochist side."

"Are you done yet?" Logan asks, annoyance in his tone of voice. "Almost," Scott says, "I'm just really enjoying this." "I don't see what you got to be so smug about," Logan retorts as Scott unlocks the cuffs, "Last I checked Jean chose me." "Yeah, well, I wasn't the one who was stupid enough to think I could have both her and (y/n)," Scott retorts back, "Seriously, man, what were you thinking?"

"Guess it was too good to be true," Logan admits, "Neither Jean nor (y/n) were really the sharing type. Got what I deserved in the long run." "Damn right you did," Scott agrees, a little too quickly, "on the bright side, I don't I've ever seen Jean this happy before."

"Wait, you've seen her?" Logan asks. "Yeah, she and (y/n) went out for a little girl's day out with Rogue, Kitty, and Storm, I think," Scott confirms, "If I were you though, I don't think it would be a good idea to go after them."

"You're probably right," Logan agrees, feeling that he very well did learn his lesson.

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