To Be Beautiful- Illyana Rasputina

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A request from PinkBerryMilkys

The reader is in a relationship with Illyana but she has insecurities about her body and feels she doesn't deserve to be with the mutant. I partially based the reader from a character from the Witcher.

Angst and bodily insecurities and mentions of past abuse. Enjoy.


"Quite a mare you got there," some stranger says as he walks right up to your father who was tending to the horses on his ranch. You had tried to help but he wouldn't let you, only shoving you off when he had enough of you. "And the horse ain't so bad looking either." You cringe when you realized the man was talking about you.

"How much?" "For the horse?" your father responds, "I'd say about...$3,000." The man turned his gaze to you, "How much for her?" You could only look to your father, horrified that he was even contemplating the price for you. "$1,000," he says. "I'll give you $750," the man counter offers. "Done," your father agrees. 

"What? No! You can't! Please!" you beg, throwing yourself at your father. "Get away from me, you mutant freak!" he pushes you away, "The deal has been made."
"Come with me," the man sneers, grabbing you by the arm.
"Get off me!" you demand, trying to pry yourself away all to no avail. "Please!" you plead for your father who only walks back to the house, "I'm your daughter!" "You are no daughter of mine, mutie," he only sneers.

The look of disgust on your father's face was the last you see as the man who bought you threw you into the trailer with the other horses.

--------End of Flashback------------

It was late in the night in the X manor as you tossed and turned in the bed you shared with your girlfriend. You were having a restless dream, one that took you back to your old home, more specifically back to the final moments there before you found yourself in the manor. 

Your frantic movements had not gone unnoticed by your girlfriend, Illyana, who stirs from sleep. She sees you thrashing about in your sleep, nearly flailing your arms about. Sounds of distress and anguish erupt from your lips.

"(y/n)?" she speaks up, trying to shake you awake as your thrashing got worse. "(y/n), wake up." You hit her in the gut, knocking the wind out of her. She pins your shoulders down. "(Y/n)!"
Your eyes open wide and you jolt upwards, unknowingly pushing Illyana aside. At this point, you were panting and was breaking out in cold sweat.
You quickly look around to absorb your surroundings, and you sighed a little in relief knowing you were in your bedroom and it was all just a bad dream.

You turn your gaze to Illyana, whom you noticed the concern look on her face, and the way she was holding your stomach like she got punched there. "What did I do? Did I hurt you?" you ask with slight worry. "I'm fine," she assures, "I should be asking that about you." "What do you mean?" "You were thrashing and yelling in your sleep," she elaborates, "It looked like you were having a nightmare." 

"Oh," you say, realizing your nightmare affected you more then  you thought. Nevertheless, you didn't want to burden your girlfriend, especially at 3 in the morning, "I'm fine," you tell her, "It was just a stupid dream, it didn't mean anything." "Didn't look like it meant anything." "Illyana, it's fine, I promise," you say, giving her a reassuring kiss for emphasis, "Let's just go back to sleep yeah?"

She still wasn't convinced, but she nods her head and the two of you rest in bed as before. While Illyana, went back to sleep right away, you still stayed up for fear of reliving that nightmare again, the same one that took you to your past.

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