Closure-Warren Worthington

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This one-shot centers around Angel's relationship with his father. If you're familiar with the comics, you'd know Warren's father was openly anti-mutant, or at least claimed that mutants were just people who needed to be treated as sick individuals. Either way, it's safe to say it drove a wedge between Warren and his dad.

Anyway, the reader is engaged to Warren and she suggests that maybe she try and reach out to his dad and let him know, while hoping he could get some kind of closure with the past.

Angsty drama with some steamy fluff in the middle. Enjoy.

"Okay, let's see," you say as you skim through the bridal magazines, "It's taken a good number of hours, but I think I managed to narrow it down to three venues. Which one you think we should go with? I'm partial doing something by the sea, kinda overlooking the cliff where you could scoop me in your arms and whisk me away towards the horizon, but it would kinda fitting if we did the traditional church thing. Just imagine everyone in my family and the priest, and the looks on their faces that an angel was being married in the house of God," you joke, smirking at the thought.

"What do you think?" you inquiry of your fiance Warren, who you just noticed seemed more preoccupied to listening to some random rock song on the radio with the way he was headbanging. "Angel?" you speak up but he still was listening. "Warren!" you shout, getting him out of his rock daydream, "Huh, what?" he shakes his head, "oh uh that second thing you said, honey. I like that a lot." You sigh and shake your head, "you know, Warren, for someone who was eager to put a ring on this finger you haven't exactly shown much interest in making the wedding plans," you point out, showing the engagement ring for emphasis (the ring by the way is simple and vintage, which is quite unexpected given his vast wealth and occasional need to show it off, but this was a sign of how well he really knew you).

"Of course I'm invested," Warren insists, "I AM the one paying for the whole thing, in case you forgot." "Oh how could I forget, my sweet sugar daddy?" you joke, though Warren took it seriously as he leans into you with a smirk. The look in his eye when you call him that was enough to set him up for a quickie.
Soon enough the two of you were engaged in a heated make out session, Warren wrapping his fluffy wings around the you and him for closeness and extra warmth.
Next thing you knew the two of you were laying in bed, out of breathe and having only a thin sheet covering up any bare skin.
"Wow," you manage to say, "Be sure to save some of that for the honeymoon." Warren only smirked in response then placed a kiss on top of your head.

Laying there for another minute or two, you get back up, putting your clothes back on. "Wha- what are you doing?" Warren asks noticing you putting your bra and panties on. "We still have a bunch of stuff we need to get out of the way for the wedding," you point out, "Fun as this was, we can do more of it once we confirm the venue and guest list." "Pfft, that's still months away," Warren lightly scoffs, "You can put that off for another hour or so and come back to bed." "Warren," you playfully scold, tapping his nose,"Knowing you, another hour ends up becoming the rest of the day." "You got me there," Warren concedes.

You go through the guest list, checking off who from your family would be attending first. You parent would be there as would your brothers, they didn't have a problem having a mutant marry into the family. Most of your aunts, uncles, and cousins would be there too. Now on the groom's side, you noticed the majority of the family showing up were the X-men. "Hey, Warren?" you ask, getting your fiance's attention, "did you have anyone else to add to the guest list?" "No, I think I've got my people," Warren answers, "Why, who else did you think would be coming?" "Well I know my parents are coming," you tell him, "What about yours?"

Warren's features darken at the mention of his family. "You did tell them you were getting married?" you question, but he refused to answer. You knew this was a sensitive subject, but you felt you needed to probe a little bit more. "Why would I tell that man anything about my life?" Warren scoffs, "I may have his name and he may not have wrote me off the will, but that's all I'll get from him. Not like seeing me settle down would make him approve of me anymore...not unless I didn't have these," he flapped his wings once for emphasis.

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