It's in the Past- Piotr Rasputin

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Another request by GlamRockCrash
A little bit of angst...well maybe a lot.
Also for clarification, this is the Deadpool version of Colossus.

You pace back and forth, contemplating how you wanted to break the news. You've thought about this before, but you were never sure if this day would actually ever come. Now it has, and you weren't sure how to go about it.

You stop pacing and take some deep breaths, mentally going over the main talking points. You look outside the window to see the sun was still coming up as this was early in the morning; it should be noted this was something that had been eating away at your mind since the night before when, which was the night when you had that revelation at the dinner table...about what you wanted to do for the rest of your new life.

The sun shines in a certain angle reflecting from a disk you had on the table. You walk over to the table.
You stare at the disk, holding it in your hands like it was something fragile.
In some ways it was. It held your life in your hands, the life you had before the X-men...before him.

This was something you had wanted to keep from Colossus for as long as you could, not knowing if what you and him had was meant to last. You had convinced yourself previously that if he ever got his hands on this...if he ever saw what was on this disk and saw the life you had before the X-men...well you were always certain then that this thing between you two would fall apart for sure.

You were conflicted. You loved him, you wanted to keep this from him, but on the other hand if you didn't, then he wouldn't fully have you, just parts you wanted him to see...he wouldn't know your true self.

No, you think to yourself, this must be done. You must tell Piotr your secrets if he is to fully understand what he is getting himself into. You love him after all, you know he loves you, and the last thing you ever want to do is deceive him, you've done too much of that in your life already as it is. 

Taking deep breaths, and swallowing your pride, you stand straight and head to the classroom where you knew Piotr was teaching.
You walk in and quietly slip in while Piotr was writing sentences on the chalkboard. The man always had a fascination for world literature so this class was a perfect fit for him.  Once he finished he looked over to see you had taken a seat, you giving him a certain look that said you wanted to see him after class.
When he dismissed the students for a quick break, you stand and approach the man you love, "Is something wrong, little rabbit?" he asks, you make a small smile at the mention of his pet name for you.

"No, nothing is wrong," you assure before you struggle to put the next words together, "it's...I just- it's that...*sigh* I, uh, there's something I need to talk to you about, Piotr. I think it best we talk it over after you are done with classes for the day."

Piotr saw the look in your eyes, and he knew this was serious. He nods, and you walk out before the students returned to resume their lessons.
Before that, you turn to see Piotr's hand was shaking as he wrote on the board. You knew then he was nervous about this impending talk, and that was saying something given that he was currently in his metal form.
It was possible he was more nervous then you, but before you could give him any assurances, the students came back. This was not something they needed to hear, so you slip out and return to your room.

You basically remained their for the rest of the day while school continued. You tried to mentally go over what you wanted to tell him, and also playing out every possible scenario. Part of you kept to the worse case scenario, believing that Colossus would dump you for good the moment he found out the truth about your past.
You try not to think about it; it's not that Piotr wasn't completely in the dark about your past life as an assassin, you never kept that particular aspect away from him. He knew, or at least he had some idea, of the things you have done all those years ago, many of them which you are not proud of and wish you could forget.
Something you envy about Wolverine in that he had no memories of his past life before the X-men and you wished you could be in the same boat as him regarding your own.

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