Family Secrets- Warren Worthington

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This one-shot is inspired partly from Bojack and partly from the sitcom Mom.
Warren's father died and in the midst of it all, he meets the reader whom he learns is his half-sister.

Reader, by the way, is half white, the other half can be whatever race/ethnicity you want (in my case it would be Latina).

Some language. Enjoy.


"Uh," Mr. Worthington clears his throat trying to get his wife's attention, who was in the middle of reading a book. "What?" she says impatiently, her attention on him. "I, uh...I really messed things about, honey," Mr. Worthington admits. "Oh?"

The man took a breath before finally explaining what happened, "it's (y/m/n). She, uh, the girl went and got herself pregnant." "Interesting," Mrs. Worthington looks up from her book, "she got HERSELF pregnant. Very interesting indeed."
It was no secret to Mrs. Worthington that her husband was screwing the maid behind her back. Hell, it was no secret that her husband has been cheating on her multiple times with other women. It's been like this ever since their son ran away from home.

"Yeah," Mr. Worthington nods, "And, uh, she wants to keep the baby. I've been trying to talk her out of it, but she won't budge. Maybe you can try talking to her, woman to woman." "What do you want me to say?" Mrs. Worthington asks. "I don't know what else to do!" Mr. Worthington exasperates, "You think I enjoy groveling to my wife? Maybe if you had paid a little more attention to my needs-" "Don't you dare." "I'm sorry, it's just...what if this child ends up like Warren?"

Mr. Worthington sits on the couch, head in his hands, "Please...I know we've grown so far apart, and I know you hate me. But please...just think of the poor girl. Think of what she'll have to go through if this child ends up being a mutant just like our son."

Mrs. Worthington lets out sigh, knowing her husband has really messed things up; he wouldn't have come to her if it wasn't this bad.

-------Time skip: Years Later-----------

"So, this is all yours now?" Ororo speaks up as she and Kurt follow Warren into the mansion that he recently acquired via the will left from his recently deceased father.
The winged mutant in question just received the message from Worthington Industries of his father's passing the day before and already he made the trip from the X manor to the place of his childhood. Oddly enough, it all seemed so much smaller than how Warren used to remember.

"Yep. It is," Warren answers Ororo's question matter-of-factually, no hint of emotion to indicate any love loss between him and the man who left him this, "I wonder how much it'll go for on the current market."
"You're already thinking of selling?" Kurt asks. "What's it to you?" Warren glares a little. "Well uh," Kurt tries to reason, "It was your childhood home. It must at least hold some good memories growing up in this beautiful mansion."
"No, not really," Warren shrugs again, "It's just an empty house now. Not that there was never really a time when it didn't feel hollow and empty."

Neither Ororo or Kurt would say anything just yet, but Warren hadn't seem to properly take the time to mourn for the loss of a parent...either of his parents for that matter. Warren hadn't so much as shed a tear when his mother died or showed any other kind of emotion like anger or disappointment or anything along those lines. And now he was in this same situation again. Both X-men were concerned for their friend, as bottling up whatever he was hiding was not all that healthy.

The moment was interrupted when a knock was heard at the door. "Who could that be?" Ororo wonders out loud. "Can't be the undertaker, he already collected dad's corpse the other day," Warren answers as he goes to answer the door.

On the other side he sees a young looking woman, late teens it seemed, with (your hair length/color) and appearing of (your ethnicity).
"Oh uh, I probably don't have the right address," you admit as you eye Warren head to toe. You show him the address you had typed into your phone. "Uh, no, this is the right place according to your phone," Warren confirms, "Uh, I'm sorry, who are you? I didn't call set up any meetings with any buyers yet."

"I'm not here to buy anything...not that I could even afford anything in here," you mutter, "Uh, my name is (y/n), and, I know this is going to sound outlandish and crazy but...I think the man who used to live in this house was my father."

Warren was shocked at this declaration, and Ororo and Kurt's own facial expression mirrored the same thing.
"Your...The man who lived here. Warren Worthington the Second. Your father?" "You don't believe me?" you raise an eyebrow, "I mean, I get it, he was an old, rich, white man, there surely must be no way he could possibly be my father." "I wasn't thinking that," Warren assures. "Yeah you were," you counter, "Anyone would, it's understandable."

"Is there anyway you prove it?" Ororo interjects. "I think so," you confirm pulling up some papers, "This was delivered to my home address a couple days ago. Saying Mr. Worthington was dead. I asked my mom about this, why it came to us, and...after some grilling, she told me this man was my father. Apparently she used to work for him and his wife many years back before I was born, as their maid. I have this picture of her, in case you might recognize her." You show Warren, Ororo, and Kurt the picture of two women, "That's my mom," you point, "Biological mom. The other woman is my other mom. Yes, I have two moms."

"I'm guessing you know her, based on the way your mouth is all agape," Kurt points out. "Yeah...I do," Warren nods, "This is (y/m/n). She worked for my parents as their cook and cleaner. I remember she'd sometimes bake cookies and she'd let me sneak one or two before dinner..." he looks to you, "And my father apparently was having an affair with her behind my mother's back." "You don't sound all that surprised," you observe. "As someone who walked in on their father screwing the secretary and then is later bribed with toys and candy so as to not say anything to their mother about said screwing, yeah, it doesn't surprise me one bit."   

"So..." Ororo looks to you, then to Warren, and back at you, "Warren, wouldn't that make her your half sister?"
"Yep," Warren deadpans. "Well no need to sound overly excited about it," you sarcastically retort.
"Huh, oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Warren quickly recants, "It's just...this is all unexpected." "Well...not quite the worst reaction I was expecting," you sigh, still feeling disappointed, "You know, after finding out how I came to be, I was starting to get the feeling my mother had a similar reaction when she found out she was pregnant with me."

"(y/n)-" "Look, I know you weren't expecting this," you interrupt before Warren could say anything, "I just thought that maybe coming here, I might get some insight into the man who impregnated my mother, but now that I'm here, I realize I don't really care about that anymore. I did fine not knowing about him, and I'll be fine without ever knowing. I'll just go now won't have to worry about seeing me again."
"Wait," Warren stops you before you could leave, "It's not that I don't want you here, it really was unexpected. It's not exactly the best of circumstances though, you gotta admit."
"Well when would've been a good time?" you point out, "Early? Later? Maybe never?" "That's not what I meant-"

"It's fine," you stop Warren before he could put his foot in his mouth, "as I said before I'll leave and you won't have to think about me ever again. So, goodbye, Worthington."

You turn and leave before anyone could try and stop you.

I will be writing a part 2 for this one-shot.

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