Mischievous Speedster-Peter Maximoff

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This one-shot is heavily inspired by this commercial up above. It really is the sort of thing the speedster would do and I had to write about it.

No warnings really come to mind other than it being funny.

It was near the end of the day; classes were done for the day, you managed to get all your homework out of the way surprisingly, so all that was left to do was sit back, relax and screen a movie on your laptop.

There was only one problem though...everybody else currently in the lounge also had the idea to sit back and relax all while hogging the broadband. Scott was on the big TV playing video games, Ororo was also screening a movie on her laptop sitting on a couch across from you (while munching on some popcorn), Hank appeared to be typing stuff on the desktop and Kurt was scrolling through a tablet looking at Gothic churches or something.   

You had to internally sigh; it was going to be a laborious task for you to watch the movie you wanted to, but you were still determined...after all the homework you managed to get out of the way, you at least deserve that much.

Half an hour in and you were starting to get sick of the laptop buffering every other minute. You'd bang the damn thing in a futile attempt to fix the problem. "Can you keep it down over there?" Ororo demands from you, "Some of us are trying to relax with a nice film to watch." "What do you think I've been trying to do for the last half hour," you mutter, "Why don't you watch what you're watching somewhere else? Or maybe finish the rest another time?" "I only have forty-five minutes left, you'll survive," Ororo brushes off, grabbing another handful of popcorn.

You exhale in exasperation; maybe someone else in the lounge would be willing to dial it down with the internet. Turned out that wasn't the case at all; Scott was busy trying to beat his high score, Hank was in the middle of some important research, and even Kurt was reluctant to get off doing what he was doing (you did scare the guy to teleport out of the room so you could power down his tablet but that only lasted for like 17 seconds).

You sit back down on the couch in a huff. It looked like you were going to have to suffer the buffers until someone else got off the broadband.
At this time, you feel a familiar gust of wind rush past you. "Watcha doing?" Peter inquires of you. "Hey, Pete," you casually greet back, "Just trying to watch a movie, but as you can see," you gesture to the buffered screen, then to everybody else in the lounge, "That's not going to be happening anytime soon." "Yeah," Peter takes a good look around, "All these people hogging the broadband again...so uncool." "It wouldn't be so bad if this thing wasn't so damn slow," you agree, "You'd think with Professor Xavior's money we'd have something a little bit faster than this." "A little bit faster eh?" Peter makes a knowing smirk as he places his goggles on.

"What do you think you're doing Maximoff?" you raise an eyebrow, knowing full well mischief was about to transpire. "Just sit back and relax, sweetheart," Peter grins, "All we just need...is a little speed."  

Sure enough, the silver haired speedster runs at full speed, where time seems to slow down for him and no one else could see what he was up to...well except for you thanks to your mutation which allows you to perceive time and space in a way that's different from your peers, which also allows you to see exactly what Peter was doing. He got to work turning off the TV, while giving Scott a little spin on his chair (and briefly removing his glasses so a small laser could shoot out of Scott's eyes and redirecting said laser with a mirror), knocking a bowl of apples there was previously set in the lounge, with enough time to solve a rubix cube and do a photobomb on Kurt's tablet before turning that off, turning off Hank's computer (while moving Hank out of the way from Scott's laser) and of course shutting off Ororo's laptop.

Peter then came back to you with enough time to slice up one of the apples from the stray laser and also using said laser to light some candles and place them on the coffee table in front of you; he even ran to one of the flower vases and pulled out one of the yellow flowers to give to you.

Once time sped up to the normal rate, the stray laser made it through the window, Scott was spinning uncontrollably on his chair, Hank's papers were scattered everywhere, Ororo now had a sizable hole in her bucket of popcorn, and the apples from the bowl landed with a thud which caused a startled Kurt to teleport to the ceiling (where he used his tail to hang off the chandelier).

No matter how many times you've seen Peter in action, it would always amaze (and amuse) you how much the guy could get away with. "You're welcome," Peter clears his throat getting your attention, which was when he handed you the flower. "Thanks," you accept, then start to burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" a puzzled Ororo asks as she picks up the fallen pieces of popcorn, it seemed to get the others attention too. "Nothing," you finally manage to say, all while trying to hold in your laughter. "Must be somezthing," Kurt quips in, crossing his arms, still hanging upside down. "Oh it's something alright," Scott confirms, getting up, still dizzy from the spinning action he took from Peter, "and based on what just occurred it has something to do with a certain sliver haired speedster that's sitting right next to (y/n) there...is it me or does it look like I'm seeing two Quicksilvers there?" Scott then ends up falling to the floor, he was so dizzy, which made you burst out laughing again, and even caused Peter to join in too.

In between the fits of laughter, Kurt teleports back to the floor to check his tablet, which revealed the picture Peter took on it while he was in speed mode. Kurt snarls at you and Peter, and shakes his head witnessing the laugh fest in front of him and everyone else in the lounge. "Peter, I appreciate what you did, I do," you wipe the tears from your eyes, "But...that wasn't really what I had in mind." "But it worked," Peter gestures to your now working laptop which was playing the movie unbuffered, "Fast enough for you?"

"If I were you, I'd like to see how fast you are at getting the hell out of dodge?" Scott stand in front of you and Peter, arms crossed. "I'd like to see if Quicksilver here is faster than the speed of lightning," Ororo angrily stands up, making ready to create a storm in the lounge. You and Peter cease your joy and laughter, realizing how serious the two mutants were being. "Uh, maybe we should take this to another part of the mansion," you nervously suggest, "Maybe there's another lounge we could go to." "How about a lounge in a coffee shop far away from here?" Peter suggests, "Possibly in another country." "Sure that'll work," you quickly nod to which Peter gets you to your feet and whisks the both of you to some place far away until the others cooled off for a bit.   

First one-shot down, hopefully bunch more to come.    

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