Little Helpers- Kurt Wagner

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I've been reading X-men comics recently and I really REALLY wanted to do a Nightcrawler one-shot featuring the bamfs.
For the none comic savvy people, bamfs are kinda sorta these blue demon like creatures who used to serve Kurt's father Azazel (there are still a few that still do, they're the red ones) but Kurt made a deal and long, story short, they look like him and hang around with him and stuff like that. Despite being the good guys they still like to caused mischief.
Anyway, here goes my shot at writing about the bamfs.

Some fluff. Enjoy.

You were just starting to stir from sleep around the time the alarm clock went off. You blindly reach out and press the snooze button. Opening your eyes you turn to see your husband Kurt still sound asleep next to you. You smile a little; the blue mutant had been working really hard at the school recently so he's practically earned this day off. 

You turn on your side and lean in a little, pressing a gentle kiss on the cheek. He stirred and his tail twitched a little but didn't wake. You look down a little and noticed several small blue kittens wedged between the two of you, also sleeping soundly.
Okay, they weren't actually cats, they were called bamfs; gremlin like creatures who strongly resembled Kurt. You nudge the little guys on the head a little, and they slowly start to wake.

"Morning little guys," you say quietly as they yawn, stretch, and rub their little eyes. One of the bamfs, who was particularly fond of you, perches himself on your shoulder, sleeply rubbing his head against your cheek. You put a finger to your lips, signaling the bamfs to stay quiet for Kurt's sake, "Why don't we surprise your big brother and make him breakfast in bed today?" you suggest in a whisper. At once the bamfs all lit up in excitement, you had to shush them to keep them from waking your husband.

You silently slip out of bed, two bamfs on each shoulder, one on your head, and a few more latched to your legs and back as you head for the kitchen. You rummage through the pantry and and fridge to gather the proper ingredients to make pancakes. "Uh oh, looks like we're running low on flour," you noticed, "And we'll need more eggs." Although it doesn't take much to make pancakes you had to remember you were not just cooking for Kurt but for his hoard of bamfs too. At once the little guys poof somewhere else, and the next minute they show up with a jar filled with flour and a carton with eggs. You were shocked at that, "Tell me you guys didn't raid the X manor's pantry again," you shake your head. The bamfs shake their heads. "Then where did you get the stuff?" you cross your arms, "Did you steal it from the local store?" The bamfs exchange looks, refusing to make eye contact. "Seriously?" you face palm, "Come on, guys, you're better than that." Some of the bamfs couldn't help but cackle. Sighing, you get your purse and pull out some money and hand it to your favorite bamf, "Take this back to the store and place it on the nearest register. This should  be more than enough to cover for your little thievery," you scold. The bamf salutes and poofs back to the store. The rest stay to help you with the pancakes.
While you started mixing the batter, the little gremlins started to toss flour at each other. One tried to sneak in and dip a finger into the batter but you slap it away and give him a scolding look, to which he couldn't help but giggle with an innocent look on his face.

Ever since the bamfs came into the picture, there was never a dull moment in the house you and Kurt shared. The little guys were a little hard to live with at first, as they had an un-tamable love for pranks and practical jokes...oh and whiskey too. After awhile, they really started to grow on you, and you on them. They felt like something between children and pets. 
And it turns out they're a big help with chores around the house; they'll help with the dishes, with the dusting and the laundry,  and the cooking, and occasionally they'll help pick out your clothes.

They were a really big help to Kurt the day he proposed to you. He wanted everything to be perfect, so he had the bamfs keep you distracted while he set everything up. 
When it was time, the bamfs escorted you to Kurt where he was sitting under a tree with picnic spread out which also included a bottle of champagne on ice.
And when it came close to proposal time Kurt reached into his pocket, expecting to pull out the engagement ring, but found it wasn't there.
You noticed two of the bamfs chasing each other, something shiny in their hands. "What's that you guys have over there?" you point. The bamfs stopped and approach; you see one of them holding the shiny thing between their teeth; you recognized it was a ring, and you noticed Kurt was looking rather agitated, "What? Kurt where you...?" "Zhis wasn't how it vas suppose to happen," he admits, "but I guess it is out in zhe open now."
He got on one knee and the bamf gives him the ring. He asked if he would marry you and of course you said yes.
The bamfs were a big help with planning the wedding and stood up front during the ceremony (one of them might have stood as the ring bearer and they all wore cute little tuxedos). They were also the life of the party during the reception (Several of the X-men had to keep an extra eye on the wedding cake in case the little guys tried to sneak a taste or ten).

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