So Much to Say and So Little Time- Piotr Rasputin

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Another request by GlamRockCrash
Lots of angst with mentions of past torture, but with a happy ending rest assured.

It was evening at the X manor, nothing really out of the ordinary.
It was also movie night in your room as it has always been with Piotr since your relationship with him started two years ago.
It had been your turn to choose a movie and had decided to go with A Walk to Remember. You weren't the biggest fan of Nicholas Sparks movies, or books for that matter, but this one had been recommended by was either that or the Notebook.

You didn't even know what the plot to the movie actually was but once the film reach the point that would be described at the climax, you were beginning to wish you had looked it up ahead of time and had chosen the second movie option instead.
It felt too real at this point, too relatable, especially when you had no idea how much time you had left, and that you weren't sure how to disclose this sensitive information to your boyfriend.

-----------flashback to one week earlier---------

"Do you know when this started?" Hank McCoy inquires as he checks your vitals and does a quick exam before auscultating your lungs. "Sometime this morning...and yesterday morning too," you explain, "I uh, it's happened before, but not on this scale...and it's becoming more frequent."

"Wait a second," Hank's eyes widen in shock, "you mean to tell me you've been coughing up blood before? And you never saw fit to see me or a doctor in general?" "Hank, it's fine, really," you assure, "my mutation, it uh, you know how it functions, it kinks every now and again...just not this badly."
"Well I'm not hearing anything abnormal in the thoracic region so to speak," Hank admits as he takes of the stethoscope, "we may need to run some tests. I'd recommend a scan and some blood work to rule out some things."
"Okay, I guess that sounds good," you nod your consent and let Hank lead you to the machine for the scan.

You waited in anticipation as he checked the results.
By the time they come up, you try and read Hank's facial expressions; though the man usually did his best to remain neutral, you noticed he was having a difficult time with this, which did not do anything to comfort you.

"Well, what's the prognosis?" you ask, trying to keep calm.

"Uh, well...," Hank took a deep breath and took off his glasses to clean them, something in this situation you knew was a nervous gesture on his part.
"I think you might want to sit down for this one, (y/n). There...there is no easy way to explain this."


"...are you certain?" you finally ask after what felt like an eternity of silence?
"I'm afraid so," Hank tells you in a somber tone, "there...there is no other way to explain it. You cells, your's slowly breaking down from the inside. (y/n)-"

"I know," you say, "you don't need to tell me...I'm dying. We all do eventually."

The casualness of your tone told Hank you knew this was coming, "you know?! I don't...(y/n)-how?"
"It was years ago," you tell him, "before we met. I uh, underwent some experiments, against my will, they wanted to try and extract my mutation with hopes of creating a kind of...regeneration machine I guess, one that is fueled by plants and organic material to heal injuries and even cure cancer. Of course the experiment went wrong, the project got tanked, and it effed up my body as it turns out on a cellular level. Something I didn't realized until a few years ago when I started coughing up blood more frequently." 

"How were you managing to survive this whole time?" "My life force power," you answer, "I uh, I've been using it to keep going, whenever the 'symptoms' started to show, I would just siphon from organic life around me and it would keep me going for weeks or even months at a time. But, I've noticed recently the symptoms have been coming a faster and sometimes worse. I was starting to think my mutation, the thing that was keeping me alive, is now starting to kill me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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