I'll be Home for Christmas Part 2

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"What do you mean he left?" you inquire of the professor once word reaches your ears that the one and only Wolverine had just left the mansion, "He...he said he'd stay this time. At least until after the holidays."
"I'm afraid he said it was rather urgent," Charles tries to explain to you, "something about remembering parts of his past again and needing to rediscover them." "But..." you were shocked that the man would just take off and leave without saying goodbye...okay not really shocked about that, it was the fact that he leaves just days before Christmas that got to you. You asked him to stay this time and he promised he would.

"Did he say anything else? Will he make it back in time for Christmas?" you frantically question. "As I said before (y/n) I do not know," Charles says once more. You clutch the present that you meant to give to Logan close to you; last time the man left, it'd been at least three months before anyone ever saw him again. Would you have to wait another three months before you could finally give your gift to him?

You were about to leave the professor's office, but you stop in your tracks. You weren't going to leave things to chance again. You wanted Logan to come home and you wanted him to stay for the holidays this time. "Can't we find him?" you ask the professor, which took him by surprise, "You could use Cerebro to pinpoint his current location right?" "And if I did what would you have him do?" Charles inquires. "Me and maybe some of the other X-men could track him down and bring him back home," you tell him. "And if he doesn't want to?" Charles points out. "Well..." you think about that for a moment, "Maybe I could at least go myself and give him his present." "(y/n)." "It's not fair," you exclaim, "He promised he'd stay this time. Why would he just take off like that when he promised? I know he'll come and go as he pleases, but he could at least think of how it affects everyone else once in awhile."

With that, you storm out of the office.

You ignore the stares of concern from the X-men you ran past as you head for your bedroom.
In frustration, you slam the door and lean against it, sliding till you were on the floor, still clutching the gift in your arms. You take in deep breaths. You should've seen this coming. Logan wasn't exactly someone who liked to stay in one place for long, but you thought maybe he'd make an effort this time. Logan was the reason you were at this school in the first place, he was the reason you and your family were still alive, and since that day you thought of a Logan as something of a father figure. 

You look at the present in your hand. You didn't know much about Logan's past other than what he could remember, and that wasn't exactly saying much. You began to wonder how many Christmases, that he may or may not have celebrated, have been completely erased from his memory. Were they happy ones? Did he have people to be with during this lovely holiday? Or where they always times when he was sad and lonely?
Far as you knew, since you've been here, Logan was never around for Christmas, and even when he was, he always seemed so distant. When no one was looking, he'd slip away and be gone for weeks on end. 

You close your eyes, a look of determination on your face. Not this time. You weren't going to let this man run off like that again. You stand on your feet and grab a backpack. You pack some spare clothes and snacks along with a map and a first aid kit. You check outside your room, not really wanting anyone to know about this quest you were about to embark.
You head to Logan's old bedroom and grab one of his shirts he keeps lying around whenever he stays at the mansion. Your mutation gave you dog-like senses which means it would be easy for you to pick up Logan's scent a continent away. 

Backpack slung over your shoulder, you take a good look into the hallway. No one was around. At this time, most of the students or the X-men should either be in their rooms or training in the danger room.
Seeing that the coast was clear, you walk down the hall and make your way to the foyer. Right when you were about to open the door, however, something stops you.

"(y/n)?" you hear Kurt's voice. You turn around to see the blue mutant looking at you with concern "Oh, hey, Kurt," you casually greet, "I'm just going out for some fresh air, no big deal." "It's late and a bit cold to be going hiking, ja?" he nods at the backpack over your shoulder.
"I'm going to find Logan, and bring him back to the mansion," you decide to tell Kurt, knowing it would be no use lying to him. "And how do you plan to do zhat?" Kurt fold his arms, seeming rather skeptical. "I'll use my senses to track his scent," you explain, pulling out Logan's shirt, "And when I find him, I'll ask him to come home." "Noble as that sounds, how do even know zhat's vhat Logan even wants?" Kurt asks you.

"What's going on?" You hear Rogue's voice as she and Kitty walk into the foyer. "Logan's gone again," you explain to the two, "and I'm going to find him and bring him back." "Even though you have no idea he even wants to come back," Kurt adds. "That's not...," you sigh slightly annoyed, "Since when does anyone want to be alone on Christmas of all times of the year. Yes, I know he's always been more of a loner, but I thought he should know he shouldn't always be alone, that even if he doesn't have much of a past he still has a family to talk to and spend time with," you look at Rogue, "Come on, Marie, I know you hate it when he takes off like that without saying goodbye. Doesn't it bother you even just a little when he goes solo like that?" "Well yeah," Rogue admits, "But, once Logan's made up his mind, there's no changing it. Realistically, there's really not a whole lot we can do."

"Kitty, can't you back me up on this?" you ask the other girl. "Sorry, (y/n/n), but I'm with Rogue and Kurt on this one. If Logan wants to leave, then we can't really stop him or make him come back. You know how stubborn he can be." 

You look at your friends in disbelief, shocked that they would be so callous. "Fine, think that way if you will, but I'm not giving up on Logan, I'm going to find him one way or another." "(y/n)," Kitty speaks up as you exit the door. "We're not giving up," Rogue attempts to reason, "We're just being realistic is all." You ignore them and take off.
"We're just going to let her leave?" Kurt asks the two ladies, "She may freeze to death trying to find Logan you know. She is just as stubborn as he is." Kitty and Rogue exchange looks, knowing the blue mutant had a point. 

Meanwhile you starting to the gate to the mansion. You honestly didn't know what you were going to do. The garage was locked down so transportation from the mansion was out of the question, especially since this mission was technically incognito from the rest of the team.
You could always just hoof it to the nearest bus station the moment you pick up Logan's trail, that was an option.

As you were going over the main game plan in your head, a voice pulls you from your thoughts. "Wait!" You turn around again and see Kurt, Rogue, and Kitty were running to catch up with you. "Whatever you going to do, I'd stop right now," you tell them, "You can't talk me out of this." "Ve're not trying to stop you," Kurt replies, "Ve're coming with you." You see the three had backpacks of their own.

"You don't have to," you state, "You don't have to feel obliged to do so." "Logan's our friend too," Kitty points out, "And it would be nice for him to spend the holidays with us for once. I don't see the harm in just trying to persuade him to come back." "Well okay then," you concede, "Thanks for coming then. How do you want to go about this?" "Well you're the tracker," Rogue points out, "you start with the trackin."

Grinning, you pull Logan's shirt from your backpack and take a whiff. The scent was still fairly fresh. "He went that way," you point North, taking another whiff of the air, "I can smell traces of motor oil too." "He must've taken Scott's motorcycle again," Rogue realizes, "We won't be able to catch him on foot."

"I can help with zhat," Kurt holds the three of you close before teleporting all four of you away from the mansion and on route of the scent trail.

Still more to come in Part 3.

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