Overly Protective- Kurt Wagner/Raven Darkholme

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This may have been one of a few unresolved matters from Dark Phoenix, but  I am determined to take the mother/son dynamic between Nightcrawler and Mystique into my own hands....sort of.
The reader is a none mutant who goes to the school and starts dating Kurt. Raven discovers this and gets protective of her son because she thinks the reader just sees Kurt as some kind of fetish and not an actual being (and since mutants are a metaphor for discrimination I think we all know where this is going).
Some angst and fluff. Enjoy.

It was a quite day in the mansion...for now anyway. The team hasn't had to go on any missions in a few days, so it was best to enjoy these peaceful moments while they lasted. For you, these were the moments were you could sit back and relax on a couch in the main room of the manor while your boyfriend curls up next to you with a book in his hand.
Well not this time around. Yes you were laying back on the couch reading while Kurt was curled up next to you, taking a nap. He's been on back-to-back missions for the last several days so he deserves a good rest.

You were reading a book of your own while Kurt was sound asleep, his tail swishing about every so often and small snores coming out every once in awhile as well (you've mentioned the snoring bit to him dozens of times but Kurt refuses to believe it). Looking up from your book you see his tail was swishing close to you, so you decide to mess with him a little. You coax the tail closer to you and rub the shaft part a little, curious to see what would happen. You look down at Kurt while doing so, you could feel Kurt shiver a little, followed by rumbling sounds emanating from his chest. You were a little confused at first before you realized he was purring, like a cat. You giggle a little, but kept quiet so as not to wake him up. Feeling even more curious you rub the spade like end of the tail to see if it would a similar effect.

To your wide-eyed surprise he let out a small moan. It took you off guard so you rub the spade again to make sure you weren't hearing things. He moaned again, only a little bit louder this time. Kurt's eyes opened as well. He looks up to you to see his tail in your hand, "Err, were you just...?"  You immediately release the tail feeling the heat rising to your cheeks, like you were caught in an act that crossed some sort of line. "Sorry," you squeak out, "I didn't...I was just...I should've asked first." "It's alright," Kurt assures, moving his tail to the side, "you're not in trouble. But yes, maybe next time you could ask. You don't need to be shy with me, you know, liebling."
You giggle at that and press a kiss to Kurt's lips, "if I'd known your tail was super sensitive I would've used it to my advantage a long time ago."

Meanwhile, unknown to the two of you, Raven was watching from around a corner; not intentionally at first, she was walking into the lounge and caught you on the couch with Kurt, rubbing his tail while he was napping. She stormed off though before Kurt actually woke up; what she witnessed made her a little...a lot uncomfortable, and not just because Kurt is her biological son. She saw the way you were fixated on the tail, like it was something fascinating, exotic, and maybe, just maybe...no she didn't want to think like that. She had to trust that not all humans treated mutants THAT way, like some kind of fetish.

In her younger days as a spy for the mutant cause, Raven played many roles to collect information from many people. Such roles ranged from a stripper at some run-down club to men/women in positions of power. Occasionally, Raven would have to use her seductive charms to gather needed information, and that usually ended in two ways. On one hand she would shape-shift into a form deemed desirable by society's standards and lure her targets to the nearest hotel room. When she'd take her true form, said targets who previously looked at her in lust, would then cower away in revulsion at the very sight of her. At least with those people, she knew where she stood with them.

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