Let's Talk About...Part 1

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This is heavily based from the Netflix show Sex Education.

For those of you not familiar with the show, the protagonist kinda starts up an unofficial clinic to help his fellow students with sex related problems. Now I'm not sure what kind of sex education Xavior's school would have, but since I haven't really seen much about that aspect in either film, television, or in the comics, it'll be basic and somewhat lackluster in this one-shot.

That's where the reader comes in, where her fellow peers ask her various questions about sex, and since these students are mutants, I imagine a lot of them probably have their own unique challenges in terms of sex and feeling pleasure.
Reader is also an empathic mutant.

Mentions of sex (obviously). Enjoy.

"Alright Rogue," you say as you sit on the bed, with said mutant student sitting on the chair, "What uh, brings you here today?"
"It's about Gambit," Rogue begins, "As you know we...can't quite be as intimate as I would like to be for...obvious reasons."

Rogue was your first appointment of the day. You hoped it wouldn't take too long as you had several more clients to work with today, courtesy of Quicksilver.
Rogue had previously visited you before as she was need of advice on how she could physical with Gambit without actually skin-to-skin contact.
In this moment, you could sense she was feeling nervous about something that concerned her and her boyfriend.

 "Have you and Gambit tried the outercourse stuff I recommended?" you ask.

"We did," Rogue nods, "but lately he's been wanting to try other things, it's kinda freaking me out if I'm being honest." "How so?" you ask. "Well it started last night," Rogue explains, "We were in my room, things were getting hot and heavy. He started touching me, with gloves on obviously, but before things could go further he...suggested we try a vibrator." "And what exactly is the problem?" you ask her. "It's just...are things that bad in our sex life that we really need the extra help?" Rogue exasperates, "I mean, sure we can't do a lot of things because of my mutation but still...*sigh* I guess it was too much to hope that we we're doing now would be enough. Why couldn't he just tell me?"
You felt her insecurities and started to have some kind of idea of what might actually be going on.

"Rogue," you say, "is it possible this...sex toy hesitancy of yours is a symptom, or a manifestation of your own relationship insecurities?" "What do you mean?" "You say, you hoped what you and Gambit were doing was enough. You ever worried he might leave you for someone else because of that?" "Well I wouldn't blame him if he did," Rogue shrugs, "he's had way more experience than me, so I can't understand why he would settle for me who's never even managed to get passed kissing." "Maybe because he truly cares about you," you suggest, "And because he cares about you he probably is trying to find ways to make you feel good, however limited they may be."

"And him suggesting a vibrator doesn't have to mean what the two of you have isn't enough," you continue, "it could just mean he wants to make it better. And, I also should probably mention, there are lots of couples out there, those who can manage to touch each other without sucking the life out of them, who use sex toys it's a lot more common then you think. Ain't no shame in that."
"I guess I didn't think about it that way," Rogue admits, feeling like she made some sort of breakthrough, "thanks (y/n), this was actually pretty eye opening."

As soon as Rogue leaves, Peter sped right in. You didn't have to ask why, knowing full well he wanted a cut of the money you were paid for these sessions. "Nice," Peter nods, counting the money, "okay, your next appointment is with Kitty," he tells you, "and let me tell you she's got a lot to unpack it sounds like." "Don't you think it's a little weird you of all people are actually interested in helping people fix their sex lives?" you ask as you count the rest of your money. "Not as weird as the fact all these same people are getting sex advice from a virgin," Peter says back.
"Very funny," you say, "that's what books and porn are for."

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