Mistrust- Warren Worthington

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This came to me after watching this clip from Fairy Tail. I was thinking what if Storm and Angel joined the X-men after the Apocalypse incident and it was kinda like when Juvia and Gajeel joined Fairy Tail after the Phantom Lord arc. I imagined there would be some mistrust here and there especially at Warren. Read more to find out.

The reader also has the ability to manipulate wind currents.

Some language in this along with slight mentions of self-harm. Enjoy.

"Wow, I really love what you guys did to the place," you compliment staring at the inside of the newly built X manor. You and a few of your teammates had just gone back from a short mission while the interior of the mansion was still under construction, and the final results of the rebuilding were promising.

"I'm glad you like it," Jean smiles brightly. "Just wait till you see some the extra features we added to the inside," Jubilee quips in. "Extra features?" Peter zooms up at the mention of such, Scott's attention was also grabbed at that. "Yeah, see for yourself," Jubilee ushers the three of you further inside.

Indeed were some extra special rooms that have been added. Along with the extra classroom for electives the professor decided to include to the school curriculum, there were also an arcade, a pool table, a large room for laser tag, and an all access snack bar.

"So what do you think?" Jubilee asks with a smile.
"I think this school just got a whole lot awesomemer," Peter nods in approval, "if the professor added all this stuff I would've moved here a long time ago." "It is nice and all," you agree, "but don't you think this is a tad bit excessive?" "You think that's excessive wait till you see outside," Jean ushers the group to the nearest window to show you all the new baseball sandlot and outdoor pool complete with waterside. "I may as well stay here for the rest of my life," Scott smirks, "Screw going on anymore missions."

"Well in that case I'm glad you made back for your last mission safe and sound," you all turn to the sound of professor Xavior's voice."Oh hey professor," you greet, you and the others also noticing another familiar face standing next to the professor. "I'd like you all to meet our school's newest member," Charles introduces, "Ororo Munroe, or as you know her as Storm." "I am very excited to start working with you," Ororo greets with a bright smile on her face.
"It's great to see you made it in," Peter nods in approval. "I'm so glad to see you here too," Jean agrees, "And I don't think any of us had the chance to thank you for helping us stop Apocalypse." "I'm the one who should be thanking you," Ororo insists, "If it weren't for any of you, I wouldn't have found a new family to live with." "Well either way welcome to our merry band of mutants," you shake Ororo's hand, "I have a feeling we'll be the best of friends." 

"I'm very glad to hear that," Charles speaks up, "Because we also have someone else joining the school. I believe it's someone you recognize." He nods in that direction. You and the team turn to see this new student. Indeed it was a face you recognized, but it was not a face you had wanted to see anywhere near this place. The feeling was mutual with Jean, Peter, and Scott. "What? You gotta be kidding me," Scott exclaims, him and Peter taking a fighting stance at the sight of a certain mutant with blonde hair and metal wings leaning back against the window.

"Archangel," you sneer. "Everyone I'd like you meet Warren Worthington the Third," Charles introduces, "And yes you know him better as Archangel." "I know him better as one of the horsemen...of death to be exact," Scott retorts in anger. "Seriously, professor, why'd the hell you let this guy in of all people?" Peter agrees. "Calm down," Ororo steps in, "I asked Warren to come along with me and be part of this team." "I don't mind Ororo," Jean glares at the blonde mutant, "But he's the reason we nearly died on the jet, why we almost lost the professor." Warren merely scoffs and averts his gaze in the other direction, acting like he didn't care what the rest of you were saying.

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