Made for each other

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Diana paced the platform anxiously, Nala and and Simba stood on the peak of Pride Rock looking down into the savannah, watching for Kion, Rani and the others. They've been gone for quite some time now and everyone was a little nervous. Had they been captured? Were they okay? Did something happen to them while they were trying to escape?

"Diana please stop pacing so much. The kids are fine I'm sure, just be patient," Burnt Eboney said to his wife.
"I can't help it Eboney, I'm a mother, they're my children. It's only natural that I worry for their safety and well-being," Diana said. "It's been hours since they've been gone, what if something's happened?!"

Diana was now hysterical and nothing her husband said could calm her down. Nala came over and placed a comforting paw on Diana's shoulder. "Diana listen to me. Kion and Rani are very competent, they will bring everyone back safe and sound. I promise," she said soothingly. Hearing this, Diana calmed significantly, but the worry still plagued her nonetheless.

"Oh Mom you worry too much, we're born and raised outlanders. We're perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves,"
Diana froze and turned quickly around and her heart skipped a beat upon seeing Kovu, Kiara, Vitani and Marisa standing there.

There was a great commotion as parents and children embraced one other for the first time the long, lonely days and nights that passed between them.
'Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did you eat? I missed you so much and I love you's' were passed around until they separated and compared notes on their harrowing experiences.

"Zayne has the ability to make his victims die an excruciatingly painful death. He looks at them and then they die. That explains the absence of Mia, Dana, Kori, Sia and Hadiya," Kovu said in a mournful voice.
"May they rest in peace. Their sacrifices will not be forgotten," Kiara said sadly.

"And what of Arsenal and Maana?" Diana questioned.
"Maana has the ability to put negative thoughts in someone's head and make them antagonistic. It basically causes fights to break out," Vitani informed.
"Arsenal can make a person see things that they most desire," Marisa said.

"They are all equally dangerous. They stole magic from the Uchawi Oasis and that is how they attained their powers," Rani said gravely.
"How do we stop them?" Simba inquired.
"We kill them," Kovu said darkly.
Silence followed this.

"K..kill them? Isn't that a little... extreme?" Nala asked worriedly.
"No it is not. They killed five of my lionesses, they deserve to die," Kiara said with a growl. "I'll even kill them myself if given the chance."
"Dream on. I'm not letting you anywhere near them, when we leave to dispose of them, you will be going to the Tree of Life," Kovu said.

"What? You have got to be joking, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying and helping," Kiara retorted.
"No you're not. They're too dangerous," Kovu said sternly.
"This is my kingdom. I'm staying to help protect it," Kiara shouted.
"My decision is final!" Kovu shouted back.
"This is MY kingdom!"
"Correction, this is OUR kingdom!"
"I'm staying!"
"You're leaving!"

While Kiara and Kovu continued to shout at each other, everyone simply stood on the sidelines watching. Nala tried to intervene, but Simba stopped her.
"Let them get it out of their system. They'll stop eventually," he said in an amused voice.
"Why are you so stubborn?!" Kiara yelled.
"Why are YOU so stubborn?!" Kovu yelled back.

"Should we stop them?" Alisa asked Vitani.
"Nope. I'm enjoying the show," Vitani replied with a smirk.
"Kovu, Kiara please stop fighting," Diana pleaded gently.
They continued to yell.
"You just came back home, please stop," she said a little more loudly.
They were unfazed by her pleads.
They stopped immediately. 

"You're home after so long, why must you argue?" Diana asked.
"She's being stubborn,"
"He's being overprotective,"
They said this at the exact same time making everyone laugh.
"I'm starved, let's get something to eat," Marisa said.
"Me too. My cub is draining me of my energy, we'll eat, get some rest and tomorrow we'll figure out how to deal with Cougar and his pride," Alisa said practically.

Finding this suggestion sensible, everyone agreed and trooped down into the savannah.
"Okay, what are we going to hunt? All the herds are asleep," Nala said as they walked noiselessly through the darkened savannah.
"Venicia what would you and your leopards like to have?" Kovu asked turning to face his friend.
"Whatever you all like is fine with me," Venicia said graciously.

"Looks like the zebra herd is out late," Kiara observed.
"At this point I'm willing to eat anything," Alisa said.
With everyone's minds made up, the lionesses got into position and the hunt began.
Rani's family,  Venicia and her leopards and the male lions stood on the sidelines while Kiara, Vitani, Charise, Nala, Diana and the five lionesses hunted the zebras. Alisa wanted to help, but she and Marisa were made to wait as a result of their pregnancies.

Four zebras were hunted and everyone dug in. They all engaged in small talk while they ate and talks of their time spent in the outlands was avoided.
When everyone had eaten their fill, they drank some water and went back to Pride Rock.

"Kovu, my leopards and I will sleep in the trees. It appears that the den isn't big enough to accommodate everyone," Venicia said as they mounted the steps and stood on the platform.
"If that's what you want to ahead," Kovu replied.
"We'll sleep in Scar's old cave like last time," Charise told Kiara.
"No it's okay, you may sleep in the den," Kiara said with a small smile.
"Make yourself comfortable,"

With sleeping arrangements in place, everyone went to their corners and fell asleep almost instantly.
Kiara and Kovu laid in their corner, awake in the dark cave.
"Hey Kovu?" Kiara whispered softly to her mate.
"Hmm? What is it," he asked.
"I'm sorry," she said.
"Sorry for what?" Kovu asked turning to face her.
"I yelled at you in front of everyone,"
"No I'm sorry. It was my fault. Forgive me?"
"Of course,"

Happy that she and her love were on good terms again, Kiara scooted closer to him and snuggled into his fur, loving their proximity.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too," Kovu whispered back.
"It's funny you know,"
"What is?"

Kiara rose a little off the ground and looked at her mate smilingly.
"We were yelling at each other a little while ago, now we're snuggling and cuddling together," she said with a giggle.
Kovu chuckled and kissed her on her lips.
"I know, it's funny. You wanna know why?" he asked playfully.
"No. Why?"
"Cause we my love were made for each other," he replied.

Author's note:
Yayyyy! They're back!!!! Kion and the others rescued them and now they're back home. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Vote, comment, share and.... Follow!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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