Strenght, Speed, Sight and Bravery

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"Good afternoon to all and welcome to the tournament of the Lion Guard where a competition will be held in just a few short minutes which will declare the new Lion Guard!" Kovu announced. Everyone from prey to predator cheered at the words spoken by their new King.

The elephants trumpeted, the monkeys chittered, the zebras and antelope thumped their hooves against the ground and the lions roared.
"As we are all aware of, Kion can no longer lead the Lion Guard as his duty is serving the Tree of Life and its subjects," Kovu continued in a strong voice.

"The Pride Lands need a new Lion Guard and since Kion can't leave the Tree of Life to move between there and the Pride Lands, we the royal family have made the decision to anoint my sister Vitani as the new Lion Guard leader."

More cheers emitted from the animals as they roared their approval. In the background, the eight candidates stood in a line and waited for their names to be called. Vitani stood in front of them and watched as her brother spoke to the animals.
"Kovu has so much confidence in me," she whispered to herself.

"He believes in me, he trusts me and he has no doubt in my leadership abilities. I won't disappoint you brother; you have my swear." 
"And now without further delay, I will call my sister up here along with the eight lionesses and the tournament will begin," Kovu said.

The animals cheered again and true to his word, Kovu called Vitani and the lionesses up to be surveyed by the animals. Vitani, with all the strength and courage she could muster, walked up with her head held high and stood next to her brother and bowed to show her respect.

She turned to face the animals before her, a smile on her face. "Good day to you all. As you know my brother has made the decision to make me the new leader of the Lion Guard to protect, serve and instill peace and justice among the inhabitants of the Pride Lands from the Northern and Southern borders, to the Eastern and Western borders. I will not disappoint you this I swear!"

Loud cheers followed Vitani's words and Kovu smiled, pride shining in his eyes as he listened to  the promises made by his sister. When the noises died down, Kovu stepped up and one by one, he called the names of the eight candidates.
"Mia, Ukali, Tamma, Msaada, Shabaha, Tazama, Kasi and Imara."

The eight lionesses stepped up as their names were called and bowed low to the ground in front of their King. Kovu looked behind him where Kiara sat with her parents, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Marisa and Kion. Nodding twice, Kovu signalled for his mate to come up and speak her part. Kiara came over and Kovu went to sit behind. 

"In case anyone missed something when we spoke the rules yesterday, I will relay them once more. In the Lion Guard there is the fiercest, the bravest, the strongest, the fastest and the keenest of sight. Two lionesses each from the two groups will represent the title of one of the four I previously mentioned," Kiara said in a strong voice.

"Kasi and Ukali will represent the fastest, Tazama and Mia will represent the keenest of sight, Imara and Msaada will represent the strongest and Taama and Shabaha will represent the bravest. The four that come out victorious will then go up against Kion and his lion guard along with Vitani and if they win, they will be elected the new Lion Guard. And if they lose, eight more lionesses will be called up and we will have yet another tournament to determine the winners. Let the competition begin!"

Imara and Msaada- Trial of Strength.

"To prove who is the strongest, Imara and Msaada will each  have to carry a full grown African Spurred Tortoise a distance of  five kilometers and back without wavering, stopping or causing the tortoise to fall. If any of those things happen, the lioness will lose her chance to compete again and the next tournament will commence," Kovu said.

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