Initiation of the new Lion Guard

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It was the first morning of Vitani being the Pride Lands' new Lion Guard leader. She stood on the peak of Pride Rock and stared down into the savannah, where animals both prey and predator were bustling about tending to their young, taking a morning drink or grazing in the lush African grass.

The pride was yet to wake up but Vitani had woken up early and had ventured out of the den to watch the sun rise. As a cub living in the outlands, Vitani had always dreaded sunrise, mainly because sunrise indicated that she, Kovu  and Marisa would have to get up and start training. Brutal training which would at the end of the day leave them bruised and weary.

Then as teenagers, it got worse. They would get up at dawn when the sky was still purple and go to the West River and swim in the frigid water to 'wake them up' then they would train from morning to night. Hard training that would sometimes leave them with broken bones and bruises. And if they showed any signs of weakness, it would be beaten out of them. It was all Vitani had ever known. 

"Hey looks like someone's up early," a soft female voice whispered. Vitani turned around and saw her mother standing at at the den's entrance, a welcoming smile on her face. Vitani's heart fluttered upon seeing her mother- her real mother who gave birth to her, but didn't have the joy of watching she and her siblings grow up.  

With a smile of her own, Vitani walked up to her mother and nuzzled her tenderly. "Good morning Mom, how did you sleep?" 
"Mmhmm I slept fine. But how did YOU sleep? You're the leader of the Lion Guard now, you'll need ample rest in order to keep your strength up," Diana said as she kissed her daughter on her cheek.

"I know Mom, being the leader of the Lion Guard is no easy feat and it requires concentration and a lot of clear judgement in order to solve everyone's problems and to protect them from danger. Don't worry I'll be a good leader, this I promise you," Vitani said confidently. Diana smiled, proud of the confidence Vitani showed when she made a promise she had no doubt her daughter would keep.  

Morning Assembly...

Morning assembly was going to be special this morning, it was one where Vitani and her Lion Guard would be properly introduced to the pride. It was an initiation of sorts in which Kion would bestow the mark of the Lion Guard on Vitani's shoulder and the roar and all the powers associated with it will be transferred onto Vitani.

The various responsibilities and expectations; everything. Kion, his Lion Guard, the royal family and Rafiki were all there waiting on the platform, waiting for Vitani to make her entrance. Vitani knew they were waiting for her, but she couldn't make herself move to go out.

She wasn't sure if it was just nerves, or the fact that she was experiencing insecure feelings that was preventing her from leaving the den. Whatever it was, it was making her a nervous wreck.   

"Kiara, Kovu, where is Vitani? We have to get back to the Tree of Life soon, Rani is trying her best to keep everyone there calm and I really need to be there for her. Is Vitani coming out?" Kion asked looking at his sister and brother-in-law. Kovu sighed and apologised to Kion for the delay and called Vitani out yet again.

When she did not appear the third time she was called, Kovu groaned and walked quickly into the den and seconds later, a shout of surprise was heard, followed by a growl and several cries of protest. Then Kovu came out dragging Vitani by her tail, with the lioness' claws scraping against the floor.

"I'M NOT READY KOVU! I'M NOT READY TO FACE ANYONE YET, LEAVE ME FOR KING'S SAKE!" Vitani shrieked as Kovu dragged her towards the front where Kiara, Simba, Nala, Kion and his lion guard, Rafiki and the four other lion guard members were waiting. 

"Stop this audacious act and behave yourself! You are the leader of the Lion Guard and you will carry yourself in the way it is expected of you," Kovu scolded his sister. Vitani ignored him and made another attempt to escape.
"I'm not ready for this, just a few more minutes," Vitani protested.
"This is ridiculous! You're acting like a cub!" Kovu said.

Vitani was just about to say something else but was stopped by Kovu, who said in a stern tone,
"When I became King of the Pride Lands do you think I could have behaved the way you're behaving now? I was feeling insecure just like you but I sucked it up and took on my responsibilities without complaint; why can't you do that now?" 

Vitani ceased her struggle and stopped to think about what her brother had just revealed. He was feeling insecure when he became King? She had no idea, she was always under the assumption Kovu took on his responsibilities with ease and had no problems adjusting to the demands that came with being King, clearly she was wrong in her assumptions.

She cleared her throat and Kovu released her tail and she sat up and shook her fur out. Then without another word, she walked up to Rafiki and nodded her head as a signal she was ready for the initiation to commence. Rafiki gave a knowing smile, patted Vitani lightly on her back and walked up to face the pride. 

"After that little squabble between Vitani and her brother," Rafiki paused as several pride members began to giggle and continued when it was finished. "I am sure Vitani is ready to take on her responsibilities as the Pride Lands' new Lion Guard. Let the initiation of the Guard commence!"

The pride cheered for a moment to acknowledge Vitani and her guard then Rafiki asked for silence and picked up his staff and stepped in front of Vitani, a solemn expression on his face. "Do you solemly swear to lead the Lion Guard with a fair paw and a firm exterior? Do you solemnly swear to protect the Pride Lands and work alongside your King and Queen with loyalty, honesty, bravery and integrity?" the mandrill asked. 

Vitani took a deep breath and glanced at Kovu, a look of uncertainty in her purple eyes. Kovu smiled encouragingly and nodded his head, giving his sister all the reassurance she needed to give her answer. Vitani smiled back and turned to Rafiki once more and with a voice that radiated confidence and promise, she said, "I solemly swear to lead the Lion Guard with a fair paw and a firm exterior. I solemly swear to protect the Pride Lands and work alongside my King and Queen with loyalty, honesty, bravery and integrity." 

With that being said, Rafiki moved to the side and Kion stepped forward. This was it. The moment when she would officially become the leader of the Lion Guard. She would recieve the mark of the guard and the status of the Lion Guard would be transferred onto her.

Kion raised his paw and pressed it on Vitani's left shoulder and a tingling feeling coursed through her body as the mark was transferred from Kion onto her. When Kion removed his paw, Vitani saw the mark. It was beautiful with the lion's head imprinted in crimson red.

She gasped delightedly and touched the mark with her paw. Kovu stepped forward and embraced his sister. "I'm proud of you little sister, well done," he said softly. 

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