Its blood they desire

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After catching and hastily eating an antelope, Kiara and Kovu left the Isle Of Upendi and ran home to the Pride Lands. The run was long and exhausting but they reached eventually and collapsed at the Northern Border, gasping and panting for breath. After several minutes, the lions got up and ran in the direction of Pride Rock.

They shared little conversation as they ran, they were worried about the troubles they would encounter when they arrived. Soon, they reached the steps leading to the platform and bounded up. The sight before their eyes made them stop and stare in horror. As fast as the horror came, it disappeared almost instantly to be replaced by hatred and anger.

Standing facing the pride landers were over twenty lions and lionesses. They were snarling and growling at Simba's pride and Simba's pride snarled and growled right back. But it wasn't them Kovu and Kiara were staring at; it was their leaders. Who were no other than Frank, Nora, Chad, Charise and Alisa. 
Simba, Nala, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Vitani and Marisa stood in front of the pride and Frank, Nora, Chad, Charise and Alisa stood in front of theirs.

Kiara looked at Kovu and Kovu looked right back.
"Kovu w..what are t..they doing here," Kiara whispered.
Instead of answering her, Kovu straightened up and approached Frank and Nora's pride with sure determined strides.
"Well this is a pleasant surprise," he said sarcastically. All heads turned in his and Kiara's direction.

"Kovu? Kiara? What are you doing here? You left The Isle of Upendi early?" Simba asked obviously not expecting to see his daughter and son-in-law there. 
"Kovu, my old friend! I missed you so much. Where have you been all this time?" Chad said with fake pleasure.
Kovu smirked and walked to the front where Simba stood and Kiara followed, aiming glares at the opposing pride.

"I think the better question should be, what are you doing here? I went on a honeymoon with my wife for three days and come back and find you here. What, did you expect me to welcome you with open paws and say, 'Welcome, welcome sit down, have a zebra stay awhile' Well did you?"  
Kovu said this with such contempt and hatred, everyone stared at him like he was a whole different lion.

Charise decided to play along with Kovu's game of sarcasm. "Well thanks Kovu, its so nice of you to invite us in. Such a gentleman," she sneered. Kiara stepped forward and smiled at Charise with no trace of warmth in her amber eyes. "You and your family got your butts kicked the last time you challenged our pride,  I'm surprised you're back for more. What, did you forget what happened that day, or would you like a repeat of it to refresh your sick twisted little minds," she asked venomously. 

Alisa laughed and stepped up to look at Kiara.
"You should be the last one to talk Kiara. Have you forgotten what my brother did to you that day, or would you like him to have another round with you?" she said smiling deviously. Kiara growled lowly but stood her ground. While Alisa was speaking, Vitani stepped up to Kovu and whispered something in his ear. He turned to look at his sister and smiled. She smiled back and quietly went back to her previous position. 

Then without warning, Charise and her brother lunged at Kovu and Kiara and the rest of their pride attacked when the pride landers were distracted from the unexpected assault on Kiara and Kovu. Fortunately, Kovu and Kiara managed to break free of Chad and Charise and faster than anyone could blink, the tables had turned and the pride landers were attacking Frank's pride with renewed strength and vigour.

Alisa stood on the sidelines, keeping herself out of the way of the fighting. Her parents and siblings seemed to have everything under control so she wasn't a bit worried.
"Aww, did you miss us?" Charise said tauntingly as she scratched Vitani's muzzle. Vitani growled and dodged Charise as she attacked once more, then she lunged at the lioness and pinned her down with her paw pressing down on her neck.

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