Things aren't always the way they seem

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Now that Kovu knew exactly where Kiara was, he could formulate a plan that would not only bring her back safe and sound, but would also eliminate Cougar, Isis and their sadistic family- for good. While Kovu stood on the peak of Pride Rock, contemplating on what was to be done, Alisa sat next to Marisa, her eyes teary and her throat raw from the crying.

Vitani eyed Alisa suspiciously as she cried and was soothed by Diana and Nala. She didn't trust her innocent good girl act and voiced her opinions to Kovu, who was too absorbed in his thinking to pay much attention to his sister's speculations. 
"By the way Alisa do your family members know of Cougar's plot? Or have you not told them," Kovu asked Alisa after several minutes of tense silence.

Alisa shook her head in denial. "When I heard of Cougar's plot, I simply rushed here as fast as I could to warn you," she said sincerely. "Kovu I know you have your reservations about me and to be perfectly honest, I neither blame your nor do I fault you. After the despicable deeds my family has commited, you have all rights and reasons to doubt me. But I ask you to please trust me, all I want is to ensure Cougar and his pride are eliminated, I have no other ulterior motive." 

Kovu listened to this speech and felt something rise up deep from within the very centre of his being- relatability. When he was accused of setting up an ambush for Simba that fateful day, he desperately tried to prove his innocence to Simba, but was doubted and therefore exiled. He gazed into Alisa's eyes and saw sincerity and honesty mixed with a desperate desire for acceptance.

She was lost, conflicted and misunderstood, three emotions Kovu was all to familiar with. If anything, he related to her and could find no reason to doubt her stories, but still he would proceed with caution. Just in case her facade was just an act to get access to the Pride Lands' inner circle. With resolve, Kovu looked at Alisa once more and nodded his head, to which Alisa sighed in relief.

Kovu believed her story, good. That would make their plan so much easier. Simba stepped forward and faced his son-in-law, inquiring what was to be done. Vitani, Marisa, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Tasha and Nala also moved up and they stood around and waited for Kovu to speak.

"Kiara is contained in the outlands, Cougar and his pride are planning to keep her there and use her as leverage over me. In order to get Kiara and bring her back unharmed, Vitani, Marisa and myself will have to go in alone and confront Cougar, hear his conditions then we'll go from there," the dark maned lion said solemnly. 

"Are you insane? We've known Zayne and his family since cubhood, when they want something, they'll go at any lengths to get it," Vitani said to her brother. "Cougar isn't Frank Kovu. Frank comes up with a plot and when his ego and delusional beliefs get in the way, his plan fails. Cougar isn't like that. He's a planner, a manipulator, a psychopath with a few loose screws and an urge that drives him forward to pursue his goals in a deranged and unhinged manner."

Realizing Vitani was right to some extent, Kovu stopped and put what she said into consideration. "We have to at least hear his conditions Vitani, if he sees that we're willing to listen to what he wants, we can come up with a plan to conteract it," Kovu said reasonably. 

Just as Vitani was about to say something else, there was a loud roar that came from the steps. Everyone jumped and turned around, prepared for action and what they saw made them stiffen.  Everyone turned to Alisa, anger evident in their eyes. Alisa herself was shocked.

She stepped forward and tried to look surprsed, but the dread in her eyes betrayed what she was really feeling. Facing her was Chad and Charise, hatred flared in their eyes. For a while no one said anything, until Charise stepped up to her younger sister and broke the silence, her cold voice brought everyone out of their trance. 

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