Catching up with Tasha

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"My sister's home, my sister's home, my sister's home MY SISTER'S HOME!" Kiara squealed ecstatically as she bounded in a circle around Tasha who was laughing with her sister. Simba, Nala, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Kiara, Kovu and his sisters were at the back of Pride Rock, lying in the sun and chatting.

"So tell me, how are you? Why'd you leave? Didn't you miss me? Did you miss home? Did you-"

Kiara's  questions were brought to a screeching halt when Kovu planted his lips on hers for a brief moment. When he ended the kiss, Kiara's faced was flushed red as she tried to catch her breath.
"Easy babe, ask her one question at a time. I don't think she can keep up with your pace," he said laughing.

Kiara blushed as Vitani, Marisa and Tasha started to laugh and tease her. "Well that's one way to shut her up, good call bro, good call!" Vitani said. Kiara rolled her eyes as they had their fun. 
When the laughing had died down finally, Tasha began to talk about the things that happened to her in the past few months.

"When I left the Pride Lands,  Kiara had been training for her first hunt. I figured she needed time to train without any kind of distractions so I went to Mom and Dad and told them of my concerns. They agreed that some time away from home might be good for me and Kiara as well so I left and went to stay with Mom's younger brother Mheetu,"

"How is your uncle by the way? Is he well and taking care of himself?" Nala asked her daughter.
"Yes Mom, uncle Mheetu is fine. Other than the fact that he's missing you, he's fine," Tasha reassured her mother. Suddenly Zazu came up and perched himself on a branch.

"Good day your majesties," he said bowing. Everyone acknowledged Zazu's greeting and when he saw Tasha, he  nearly fell off his branch in surprise.
"Princess Tasha? Is that really you?" the bird asked regaining his composure.
"Yes Zazu it's me, how are you?" Tasha asked smiling at the bird.   

"All is well, your highness," he replied.  then he turned to Simba and updated him of the afternoon activities taking place."The grazers are grazing as usual, the gazelles and zebras are getting along just fine, everyone is happy and as far as I am concerned, your majesty, there is not a horn nor hoof out of place."

Simba thanked his majordomo and Zazu flew off, leaving them alone once more.
"Mom, Dad, where is Kion?" Tasha asked. "Is he here or on patrol with the lion guard? I don't see him."
"Tasha your brother has been away from home for quite some time. We haven't seen him for a while.

He said he would come back when he and the guard had taken care of some business," Simba informed his daughter scratching behind his ear. Tasha nodded and laid down carefully, her head resting on her paws.

"So how's the married life going little sister?" Tasha asked Kiara. Kiara blushed and looked at her husband, love shining in her eyes.
"It's great Tash. Kovu and I are loving the life we're leading, it's so well...romantic,"
Tasha rose and looked at her sister, a mischievous glint in her amber eyes.

"Any little ones on the way yet?" she asked teasingly. Kiara's face flushed and Kovu groaned and covered his face with his paw.
"Why does everyone keep asking that?" he said exasperatedly. "Kiara and I will start our family when we're ready and when we step up as the new King and Queen. It's better that way."

Vitani gasped and looked at her brother in horror.
"You mean Mom, Dad, Simba and Nala have to wait so long before they have their grand cubs? That's not a good idea, Mom wants a cub to play with; right Mom?" Diana sighed and looked wistfully at Kovu and Kiara.
"I would love a grandcub to play with," she said smiling sweetly at her son. "Kovu will oblige I'm sure."

Vitani and Marisa laughed loudly as Kovu moaned and covered his head with his paws. He looked up at his father and begged him to let them stop. Burnt Eboney shook his head and claimed he was going to stay out of the matter.
"Dad they're driving me crazy, do something for King's sake!" Kovu cried in desperation.
"I have nothing to say abut that. You're the future King you make them stop," his father smirked. Kiara felt sorry for Kovu and said so.

"Leave him alone you guys, this topic is sensitive for him," she said stroking Kovu's mane and smiling at her husband.
"As sensitive as the matter is, it's also important. Kovu was supposed to get you pregnant while you were on your honeymoon. That's why we sent you on one in the first place," a laughing female voice said.

Everyone turned around and saw Sarafina coming towards them with a devious smile on her face.
"Grandma!" Tasha cried excitedly as she rushed over to give Sarafina a hug.
"Oh my darling, it's wonderful to see you again," Sarafina said embracing her granddaughter with affection.  

"I missed you so much Grandma, how have you been?" Tasha asked as she led her grandmother to the group.
"I've been around as usual," she replied stroking Tasha's cheek. "By the way what were you saying about Kovu getting Kiara pregnant on their honeymoon?" she asked shooting Kovu a devious wink.

Sarafina laughed and sat next to Kiara. "When we sent them on their honeymoon, we joked about it for sometime. Sarabi and I have been expecting Kiara with her belly showing evidence that she was carrying our great- grand cub, but it appears Kovu failed in that particular task," 

Not seeming to take anymore, Kovu got up and ran away from them yelling in frustration. Vitani snickered as Kiara ran after him calling his name.
"Aww looks like my brother couldn't take our taunts any longer, he ran and left us," she said laughing. Marisa shook her head and Tasha was rolling on the grass laughing hysterically. "Priceless!" she shrieked. "It was priceless! Oh Kings, the poor guy ran like the devil, I almost feel sorry for him. 

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