The odds against us

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No one found Kiara that day. They searched and they searched but still no avail. When night fell, the pride was exhausted being belief, so exhausted they didn't even take the time to hunt dinner. They just went to Pride Rock and collapsed half-heartedly in the den, falling asleep almost instantly.

Simba had decided the best course of action was to take rest now and wake up early, take time to eat breakfast and resume their search anew. No one slept very well that night, sleeping just for the sake of sleeping and no other motive. Kovu had it worst. He tossed and turned, desperate to get some sleep, but it was useless.

For the first time since before he fell in love with Kiara, Kovu was sleeping alone. The love of his life wasn't there beside him and he felt emptier than ever. Seeking some sort of comfort, Kovu moved to where his parents slept and pressed himself against his mother's fur. Awakened by the sudden movement, Diana's eyes opened and she gazed down at her son.

"Sweetheart what is it, are you okay?" she asked softly stroking Kovu's mane with her paw.
"She isn't here Mom," he replied sadly. "Kiara isn't here, she's out there somewhere, lost, cold, alone missing us. It's all my fault Mom, I was so cold and harsh to her and this is my punishment." With empathy directed at her son's situation, Diana sighed and licked the top of his head, her maternal instincts kicking in as she tried to ease his suffering.

After several minutes of this,  Kovu curled up to her side and fell asleep with his head on her paws. Diana smiled at this and glanced to her left where her mate was fast asleep, and to her right where Vitani and Marisa were curled up against each other. After a moment or two, Diana closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. 

The next morning, Kovu skipped morning assembly and everyone went straight to the savannah where the lionesses hunted a large male buffalo and everyone had a hasty but fulfilling breakfast.
"Now that everyone has eaten, it's time to renew our search. Everyone divide into groups of four and each group will search a specified area," Kovu said authoritatively.

"The areas to be searched are the gorge, the four borders as well as their waterholes. The Imbali fields, Chakoola Plains and everywhere in between, do I make myself clear?" Kovu concluded his announcement and everyone dispersed.

Kovu, Simba, Nala and Tasha were in one group, Vitani, Marisa and their parents were in another group, Tazama, Kasi, Shabaha and Imara were in another group; the lionesses divided themselves into their own groups. With the groups established, everyone began their search. 

"Father are you insane?! Why should I dispose of my cubs just because their father disowned them, why should I dispose of something that is a part of me? No Father, I will no NO such thing," a female voice said as she pleaded her father to change his mind.

She was just a few weeks into her pregnancy and upon discovering that her mate had left her, her family was outraged by this act and had demanded she get rid of her cubs immediately, but she was having none of it.
"Mother, please try to make Father understand, I love my unborn cubs, I don't want to give  them up. Please Mother I beg of you," the pregnant female said pitifully as she grovelled at her mother's feet.

"Your father is right dear, if your mate doesn't want the cubs, there is no reason for you to carry them. I'm sorry it has to be this way." 

"NO! I don't care if he doesn't want them. I want them, they're mine and I am their mother, I will take care of them with or without a father," the pregnant female said adamantly shaking her head. Her father growled and advanced upon her, much to the the wariness of her mother.

"You will abort those creatures now. I have a lioness who is skilled in medicine and procedures such as this, she will assist in the abortion, don't be stubborn Alisa and listen to what I am saying, this is what must be done." Alisa glared at Frank, a look of resentment painted on her face.
"Father I will not abort my cubs. They are mine, I will raise them by myself if need be, but I REFUSE to abort them just because you don't want them!"

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