Two sides of the scale

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Kovu paced the platform worriedly with Marisa, Alisa, Chad and Venicia on the sidelines. It's been an hour since Kiara, Charise and Vitani went the savannah to capture Arsenal and Maana and they still haven't returned. Vixen and the others left a while ago and Kion, who followed them to see if they'd reached the gorge hasn't returned either.

Kovu was getting anxious as frightening thoughts rushed through his mind. Kiara. What if something had happened to her. Then suddenly something else occured to him, his parents, Nala, Simba, Rani and the Night Pride and the Lion Guard had been hiding under Pride Rock, he hadn't heard them in a while, maybe he'd better check on them. So he went to the top of the steps and called,not too loud so Cougar and Zayne could hear.

"Mom, Dad, Marisa, Nala, Simba? Are you all still there?"
No answer. He called again, this time a little louder, still no response. Just as he was about to call again, he had a sickening feeling that he was being watched. He turned slowly around and his eyes widened in shock then narrowed in anger.

Standing behind him was Zayne, Cougar, Isis and Frank, disgusting grins on their faces. Chad, Alisa, Marisa and Venicia were in the far corner, looks of hatred and resentment in their eyes. Zayne had Tasha in his grip; her fur was disheveled and her eyes held anger and frustration.
"Tell me you didn't," Kovu growled.

"Didn't what. Mate with her? I might have, my sperm is rather strong, I'd be surprised if she didn't get pregnant with the amount of times I mated with her," Zayne said with a cruel smirk.
Kovu stiffened at his words. He was silent as he stared at Tasha.
He was just about to step forward when Cougar held out a paw.
"Don't come any closer or I'll kill her before her pregnancy is confirmed!" he warned.

Kovu growled and stepped back, but the looks of sheer hatred he felt for them did not go unnoticed.
"And just a little added security, if you do anything that can land you in trouble, your precious baby will also die. I advise you to be careful," Frank said laughing.

Just as Frank said that, Arsenal and Maana came out of the den and with them was Kiara, Vitani, and Charise. Vitani and Charise looked angry enough to kill, but Kiara looked scared to death and she was crying her eyes out.
Kovu's face went pale as he looked at his mate, then he looked at Zayne and Cougar, and if glares could kill, they would've been lying on the ground- in a pool of their own ashes.

"If you hurt her, you won't live long enough to regret it," Kovu said softly.
"You're in no position to make threats. Just pipe down," Arsenal said rolling her eyes.
"Where's your boyfriend Arsenal? Kovu should meet him," Charise said sarcastically.
"Boyfriend? Arsenal has a boyfriend? Hah! I feel sorry for the poor sucker who could ever be tied to her," Marisa said with a snicker.

"He's just like her, manipulative, sadistic, cruel. Bring him out let everyone meet him," Vitani said looking intently at Arsenal.
"Daddy, they want to meet my fiancé, should I let them?" Arsenal put her head on Cougar's shoulder and gazed up at him, a wicked glint in her eyes.
"Okay sweetheart, bring him out," Cougar consented.

Arsenal giggled and Isis helped Maana hold Vitani and Charise while Arsenal went into the den to bring out her fiancé.
"Baby did they hurt you?" Kovu asked Kiara, a pained look in his eyes.
"I was hit in the back if my head with a stick," Kiara said shooting a glare at Maana who shrugged innocently and flexed her claws, clearly bored with the current activities.

"He's here," Arsenal said excitedly as she came out of the den dragging behind her, her fiancé, a lion with dark brown fur, a white mane and piercing gold eyes.
Marisa and Alisa's faces turned ash white as they stared at the lion. The lion who did what he had to do with them and left them alone, not bothering to stay and take responsibility for his actions.

Arsenal nuzzled the lion and turned to face Kovu.
"Everyone I'd like you to meet my mate- my soon to be husband-"
"VIKTOR!" Marisa and Alisa shrieked.
The platform was silent. No one said a word. They simply stared.

"He's the lion who got Alisa pregnant and left her!" Chad yelled furiously.
"He's also the lion who got me pregnant!" Marisa said.
"HE DID WHAT?! Vitani and Kovu shouted in unison.

"His name is Viktor, he said he loved me and he didn't want anyone else to carry his cubs but me, he got pregnant and left two days later after saying he didn't want to stick around anymore since he was feeling insecure," Alisa said crying into her brother's fur.

"He said the same thing to me, but instead of the insecurity part, he said he was being hunted by lions all over Africa and he didn't want me to be in danger," Marisa collapsed on the ground and Venicia hugged her to her chest.

"You son of a bitch!" Kovu forgot about what Cougar had said and lunged at Viktor, knocking him to the floor. They started to fight, biting, scratching and clawing at each other. Cougar stood on the side with Isis and Maana and they held onto Charise and Vitani preventing them from joining the fight. Frank held Tasha and Arsenal held Kiara, holding her tightly as she screamed and tried to get to her mate.

Chad and Venicia left the corner and lunged at Isis and Maana, who were too distracted by the fighting and didn't see Chad and Venicia move. With Charise and Vitani free, they pounced on Frank and Arsenal, freeing Tasha and Kiara. Tasha grinned and turned to Zayne who was stunned by the way things had gotten out of hand so fast and was looking around like he had lost his way.

Tasha lunged at the oblivious lion and bit down on his shoulder, making him growl painfully. Then she scratched his muzzle with her claws and pushed him in the ground and proceeded to strangle him.

Kovu was fighting Viktor, Chad and Venicia were fighting Isis and Maana, Vitani and Charise were fighting Arsenal and Frank, Tasha was fighting Zayne with assistance from Marisa, who had joined the fight, and Cougar, instead of fighting with the rest of his family, turned and ran off the platform like the coward he was. And Alisa, without alerting anyone, followed to get help.

The odds against them were bad. Zayne was slowly freeing himself from Tasha's grip, he could break free any minute now, and when he did, who knows what will happen. Lives may be lost. He would kill without a second thought. They might win, they might lose. It all depended on the weight placed on both sides of the scale.

Author's note:
Well damn. This is crazy! I can't believe this! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Love from me. Buckle up, shits getting intense!!!!!

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