Outland rescue

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"Honestly they've been down there for two days and a night, obviously they've been captured, I say we rescue them," Diana said to her mate as she paced the platform, anxious that her children had not returned home after they went to the outlands to rescue Kiara. With her was Simba and Nala, Sarafina and Sarabi and Burnt Eboney.

"Darling you have to relax, you've been like this since they left, there's not much we could do," her mate said as he tried to get Diana to calm down.
"How can I relax Eboney, when my babies are down there? We have no idea what's going on and Kovu specifically said we can't find down, we have to stay here," she replied frustratedly.

"Dad? Mom? What's going on?"
All heads turned and saw Kion standing there with Rani by his side, worried expressions on their faces. Nala approached her son and hugged him tightly.
"Oh Kion, your sister has been kidnapped by some of Kovu's enemies in the outlands," she said tearfully.

Upon hearing this Kion growled, pulled away from his mother and approached his father.
"Who kidnapped Kiara? When did this happen? Why didn't you call me Dad? I'm her brother I have the right to know!" he exclaimed. "Where's Kovu, did he go to rescue her?"

"Yes son, the ones who kidnapped Kiara are extremely dangerous. The children; Zayne, Arsenal and Maana, possess some kind of ability. They kidnapped Kiara and Kovu took five lionesses along with Vitani, Marisa, the Lion Guard, Chad and his sisters to attempt a rescue mission. But they haven't returned as yet," Simba said gravely.

Hearing Zayne, Arsenal and Maana being mentioned by Simba, Rani came over and stood next to her mate.
"I know them. Zayne's father Cougar came to the Tree of Life several years ago and stole from the Uchawi Oasis, guarded by my ancestors, and that's how Zayne, Arsenal and Maana got their powers," she said.

"But why would they do that?" Nala inquired. "Couldn't they just ask for the magic?"
Rani shook her head at this.
"Nala they are evil. They wished for vengeance and since the laws of the Tree of Life prohibited the Uchawi Oasis being used for evil, they had to steal it."

Tense silence enveloped everyone as they heard this piece of information from Rani.
"We have to get them back from the outlands, Kion, Rani, we may need reinforcements, can you both assist us?" Simba asked.
"Of course Dad, we can leave Fuli and the others to help protect the Tree of Life until we return. The Night Pride is skilled in things such as these, we can bring them in to help," Kion replied.

"We'll go in tomorrow night and try to rescue them. If we can get a message to Kovu, they may be able to help us from the inside. We'll need a diversion, some skilled fighters and darkness; lots of darkness," Rani said.
"I am skilled in rescue missions and hostage situations, I will gladly lead the charge into the outlands, and Kion can stay behind with some outsider lionesses, in case of an emergency."

Finding this plan practical, everyone agreed.
"I'll leave for the Tree of Life tonight to gather the Night Pride and leave instructions with Fuli. I'll probably be back by noon tomorrow, in the meantime prepare for the mission," Kion said.
"Dad we should send Skylar to the outlands tonight, she can tell Kovu the plan and they'll prepare themselves to escape."

"Who's Skylar?" Diana asked.
"Skylar is our chameleon friend, she's small and can change colour and become almost invisible," Simba replied.
"But there are so many tunnels in the outlands, how will she ever find them?" Diana protested.
"Skylar has an excellent sense of smell, once she gets a sample of Kovu or Kiara's scent, she'll have no trouble funding them, and she has night vision," Kion said.

"Okay so we'll send her. Where is she?" Burnt Eboney asked.
"Probably in her tree, located in the lion guard's lair. Since she had no family, we allowed her to stay there, in solitude," Simba replied.
"Kion get Skylar here before you leave for the Tree of Life, up gonna have a huge fight on our paws when they find out what's going on," Kion declared.

"The Mirihi Forest is on your way Kion. Kovu's friend Venicia lives there with her leap. If you can gather her and some of her leopards, she can help us," Simba said.
"Kovu said she and her leopards are skilled in strategic planning, rescue missions and certain crises. She said if need be, we can come to her and she'll be at our disposal."

"Excellent, I'll do that. We'll need all the help we can get, if there's a possible war on our paws." Kion said smiling.
Rani nuzzled her mate tenderly.
"You'd better get going if you are to make it to the Tree of Life tonight. Use The Roar to get you there faster," she said.

"How can he use The Roar to get him there faster? Diana asked confusedly.
"We've recently discovered that The Roar can transport Kion and whoever is with him to the Tree of Life when he uses it. It requires deep concentration and can be very loud so he'll need to get a safe distance away," Rani replied in response to Diana's question.

"Then it's settled. Kion get Skylar, send her to the outlands, go to the Tree of Life, get the Night Pride here by noon tomorrow, get Venicia and her leopards here also and we'll prepare for battle. There's no time to lose!" Simba declared.

Author's note.
Oh my gosh! They are going to attempt a rescue mission?! I don't believe this,  what a twist of events! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, from here onwards things are going to get really exciting (spoilers) lol.

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