Kovu's Anger Takes Over

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When Kovu and Kiara woke up the next morning, they were totally confused.
"Where are we Kovu?" asked Kiara looking around.
"We're in our PLC, remember?" asked Kovu smiling. Kiara grinned widely and gave Kovu a kiss on his cheeks.
"Oh yeah, I remember now." They got up and slowly relaxed their muscles.

"We should be getting back to Pride Rock," said Kovu yawning.  "We don't want your dad to come looking for us now do we?"
"Oh of course not Kovu sweetie, I don't think you want a repeat of yesterday, now do you?" asked Kiara blinking, innocence gleaming in her gleaming amber eyes.

Kovu shook his head and rolled his eyes in a 'just try me' attitude. They got out of the cave, got a drink from the nearest stream and walked back to Pride Rock, little knowing what awaited them.

Meanwhile, At Pride Rock

Simba was pacing the platform, his eyes were lit with anger. Nala didn't dare approach him, knowing that if she did, Simba wouldn't want to listen to whatever she had to say. His rage blinded him. Vitani and Marisa stayed close by their parents, they were too scared of Simba to even open their mouths.

Kovu and Kiara walked onto the platform, laughing and joking. Simba advanced upon the couple his claws all unsheathed and ready for use.
"Good morning you two, how are you feeling today?" asked Simba in a  dangerously nice voice.
Nala shuddered at the tone, this  wasn't going to end nice.

"Good morning Simba," said Kovu just as nice. Kovu knew exactly what to say so he could avoid any confusion. But Simba didn't waste another minute, he lunged at Kovu, who didn't expect such a move. He sat down and awaited the lash but the lash never came. Instead he heard Nala yell. "KIARA!"

His eyes shot open as he looked around for Kiara. He found her in front of the boulder, her eyes were closed,her leg was stained with blood and tears were falling down her face.
"KIARA NO!" yelled Kovu. He ran to where her body lay and placed his head on her chest to hear if her heart was beating or not. He knew she wasn't dead, but he just wanted to make sure.

His sharp ears detected a slight heartbeat. He sat down next to her and closed his eyes his claws scratched on the ground and his muscles were tense. Simba was horrified at what he just did to his daughter. Kovu got up and opened his eyes, but his eyes which were usually kind and loving were now gleaming with anger and threatening with death.

"How dare you," were the only words that came out of his mouth.  Hearing his tone, Vitani flinched, in all her life growing up with her brother, she's never ever seen him so angry. Hi emerald green eyes never left Simba's face. Simba was speechless.

"Do you think that I'll let you hurt Kiara, right in front of me Simba?" asked Kovu his teeth were clenched in anger. Simba said nothing his gaze was directed at Kiara.

Simba looked at Nala, hoping she would say something in his defense. But Nala said nothing, her eyes were teary as she held Kiara close to her.  He turned to face Kovu, whose eyes were burning in hatred. Diana tried to stop her son from yelling at Simba, but it was no use, Kovu refused to listen to anyone. His eyes were focused on Simba.

"Some father you are," said Kovu shaking his head, utterly disgusted with Simba's act.
"All Kiara wants to do is live her life without you acting like a dictator, she loves me and I love her. She and I just want to be together but noooo."
Kovu picked up Kiara by her scruff and carefully placed her on his back and walked into the den. 

When he came back out, he ordered Katie to get Rafiki. At first Katie hesitated, not sure what Simba would do to her if she did.  But Kovu wasn't hearing it.
"I said go and get Rafiki," he said a little aggressively.
"But a storm is coming, the sky is so dark and-"
She didn't finish because Kovu whirled around and scratched her muzzle.

"Ahh!" she screamed painfully.  "Katie I hate repeating myself, go and get Rafiki now! Kiara is in need of medical attention, go and get Rafiki!" Kovu shouted.
Poor Katie had no choice but to go. When she left Kovu returned to his injured Kiara not sparing Simba a second glance. The platform grew quiet.

Everyone's eyes were directed at Simba who sighed and turned and walked to the peak of Pride Rock, staring into the horizon, watching the storm that will soon reach Pride Rock. But that wasn't the only storm that was coming. Another storm was also coming, one that was already here, but just hasn't burst free of its barriers- yet.

Author's note: chapter 14 of A New Life has been edited and before I write any more chapters, all of them must be edited and properly written. I apologize for the errors and short chapters. Thank you for your continued support. ❤️❤️❤️

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