It's great to have her back

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I am oh so very sorry for the delay in updating A New Life. I had no inspiration for the next chapter and since I am a writer who prefers to present to her readers entertaining, suspenseful and exhilarating books, I wanted only the best. Plz forgive me and enjoy the chapter ☺️🙂☺️

When Cougar and his family left the den after Zayne  had murdered Mia, Dana, Hadiya, Sia and Kori, Kovu and everyone else were left alone with their thoughts. No one spoke, they simply sat, laid or stood in the cave, their eyes roaming the desolate, cold cave where the stench of death hung heavily in the air. The five dead lionesses had long been removed by Cougar's lions but a smell still lingered in the dry dusty air.

Kovu sat in the corner, his head bent low as he mourned the death of his lionesses. His loyal lionesses who had come into the outlands to rescue their Queen, only to be slaughtered without a second thought. Their valiance would not be forgotten nor the strength they displayed. Their deaths will be avenged, Kovu would see to it personally.


A soft moan made his eyes snap open and his heartbeat accelerate. He turned and saw Kiara looking at him with  sinfully gorgeous amber eyes that seemed to pierce through him and stare into the depths of his very soul.  Emotions rushed to the surface, threatening to suffocate him as he stared into her eyes, captivating him, holding him hostage.

"My love, you're awake. At long last you're awake," Kovu whispered in a choked voice, attracting the attention of everyone in the cave. Kiara nodded and tears streamed down her face as she leapt from her space on the floor and ran to her beloved crying his name, desperation evident. Kovu crushed her to him and hugged her tightly, shoving his face into her neck and inhaling deeply through his nose.

"My darling, you came for came for me, you came, you came!" Kiara cried hysterically as she grasped her mate's fur, relishing the warmth that she had been deprived of for so many days.
"Of course I came, I love you Kiara, how could I NOT come? Oh baby I missed you so much, for so many days I wished you would come back to me," Kovu whispered hoarsely as he hugged her with no intention of ever letting go.

After a few minutes of hugging, the two separated and Vitani and Marisa came and hugged Kiara, saying how thankful they were that she was okay. When they were done, Kiara looked to the other side and saw Chad and his sisters standing there, her friendly demeanor fled, replacing it were hate and anger.

"What are they doing here?" she asked bitterly as she glared at Charise, her amber orbs reflecting coldness and disdain.
"They helped us Kiara," Kovu explained to her.
"Chad and his sisters hate Cougar and his family just as much as we do. They're willing to help is defeat him."

Kiara looked at her husband as though he had grown two heads.
"Are you crazy? Have you forgotten what they did to us? To me? Chad got close to raping me, Alisa slapped me, Frank and Nora kidnapped me, Charise insulted me so badly I felt like dieing!" Kiara yelled angrily.

Alisa flinched and nervously walked up to Kiara, her eyes held guilt and sadness.
"Kiara you have every right to be upset, we did despicable things to you and your family that are not worth forgiving, but trust me, we have no intention of hurting you or anyone else. As your husband says, we hate Cougar. Loathe him if you may. All we want is to see him fall, please, a chance is all we ask."

Alisa finished her speech with a break in her voice and Kiara couldn't help but feel sorry for her. With much trepidation, she nodded her head.
"Alright Alisa, I forgive you, you may not fully earn my trust but I'm sure I can at least forgive you," she said graciously. Chad and Charise exhaled sighs of relief but stopped immediately when they caught the deadly look Kiara sent them.

"But that doesn't mean I'll forgive you two so easily. You sir nearly forced yourself on me and you ma'am are a very nasty person. Prove yourselves to me and I might forgive you," Kiara said with a low growl.
Chad and Charise stiffened and nodded their heads in agreement making Kovu chuckle slightly.

Turning around, Kiara looked at her mate and smiled  lovingly at him making him smile back, adoration evident in his emerald green eyes. Kiara walked up to him and raised her head to his. Kovu smirked and lowered his head and she began to lick his cheek while holding him close to her.

Before she could kiss him however, Kovu stopped her with his eyes and turned to their obviously uncomfortable audience and cleared his throat. They understood immediately and went back to whatever they were doing; Charise grooming her fur, Chad napping, Vitani conversing quietly with her team members and Alisa and Marisa chatting about their pregnancies.

Satisfied that no one was watching them, Kovu and Kiara went back to cuddling and hugging each other. Then suddenly, without warning, Kovu crashed his lips on Kiara's and kissed her with a deep sense of want, need, desperation and lust. Kiara opened her mouth and Kovu's tongue plunged in, stroking her own tongue with his. They wrestled with each other for several seconds before they eventually separated, needing oxygen.

Kiara blushed furiously and Kovu smirked. He took his paw and stroked her face, loving the feel of her. Then he bent down and began to suck on her neck hard, making her moan. He sucked hard and long with Kiara buying her lip to keep from moaning too loud so to attract attention.

"I love you so much baby," Kovu groaned as he continued to suck on her neck. Kiara sighed blissfully and hugged her beloved mate even closer to her.
"I love you too baby," she said softly. After several seconds they stopped.

Kiara laid down first and Kovu climbed on her back and pressed down on her and she groaned sexually as she felt his shaft poke her from behind. It was fully erect and feeling it so close to her untouched treasures made her shudder as she picturised what it would feel like when she and her husband would finally, at long last make love to each other.

With her seductive thoughts in her mind, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Although she had just woken up, the Outlander Root had her feeling a bit drowsy. So she got herself comfortable on the ground with her mate on top of her back and fell asleep, dreaming of her lover and herself, alone in a dark cave and Kovu claiming her as his and wondering how his engorged manhood would ever fit in her tight virgin hole.

Again I apologize for the wait and yes Kiara and Kovu are back together once more. Whoopee!!! Lol. And as for the last chapter, just a slight spoiler for things to come.  Buckle up kiddies, it's gonna be a wild ride from the next chapter onwards.

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