Off to the Isle of Upendi

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After sunset Simba made an announcement to the pride.
"Now everyone as you all know, Kiara and Kovu will be going to the Isle of Upendi tonight and they will be coming home in two week's time-"
"TWO WEEKS?!" shrieked Kiara. She began to jump around Kovu in exhilaration.
"Did you hear that my love? Two weeks of fun, games and romance!"

"That's what I'm talking about!" Kovu too began to jump around.
"Excuse me? Hey hello, supposedly King and Queen, maturity and conduct where have you disappeared to?" Diana said as she tried to gain the attention of her son and daughter-in-law; but they paid no attention.
"KIARA AND KOVU!" she shouted causing them to halt in their tracks.

"Sorry," they said in unison.
Diana rolled her eyes and apologized to Simba, motioning him to continue.
"After they return, Kiara and Kovu will be tutored on running the kingdom by Nala and myself since they have no experience in doing so," Simba addressed everyone.
When they heard that statement, Kiara and Kovu groaned in exasperation.

"What's wrong kids?" asked Nala amused.
"I hate kingdom lessons," they said in unison. They looked at each other and laughed at the fact that they said everything at the exact same time.
"Well who else do you want to run the kingdom, Kion?" asked Vitani smugly.

Kovu glared  at Vitani in annoyance but said nothing.
"After some consideration, we've decided that Kovu and Kiara should step up as King and Queen in two years time. Kovu needs to know how the kingdom operates and Kiara needs to learn to hunt," said Simba.
"I know how to hunt Daddy," protested Kiara.

"Yes darling but after speaking to Kovu, I'm starting to worry,"
"What did you tell him," said Kiara through clenched teeth.
"Who me? Nothing," said Kovu innocently walking off.
"Kovu get back here I'm talking to you!" shouted Kiara.
Kovu didn't move, quite scared of his wife's temper.

Kiara walked up to him and stared into his eyes.
"Ohh she's really mad this time," he thought to himself.
"We need to talk," she said lowly and dangerously. Kovu gulped and nodded nervously.
Kiara looked at her father and then back at Kovu and walked into the den.

Kovu waited until she was out of sight before he ran to hide behind his parents, in-laws and sisters.
"Oh great King Mufasa, please guide Kovu and prohibit Kiara to find him," said Nala.
Not a moment too soon, Kiara walked out of the den and searched for Kovu. Not seeing him, she walked off the platform.
After waiting six minutes Kovu emerged and exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Gave wifey a slip," he said proudly.
"She's gonna find you sooner or later, and when she does, you'll regret you hid in the first place," said Marisa.
"Ha! She'll never find me. Unlike her I'm a pro at stealth and hiding so therefore-"

Kiara jumped out and pounced on Kovu from behind.
"Some slip huh," she said mockingly.
"Darling I'm so proud of you," said Kovu smiling widely.
"You are?"she asked blushing.
Kovu nodded.
"Thanks honey, I've improved haven't I?"
"Yes. Now get the hell up you're heavy," he said straining with Kiara's weight.

Kiara rolled her eyes and got up.
"Oh come on where did the yelling go? I thought you were going to blow his brains," complained Vitani.
"Oh yes I was! Thanks for reminding me Tani," said Kiara wickedly.
"You just had to spoil the moment didn't you," said Kovu  disgustedly.

"Well my name is Vitani so that would be a yes,"
"Kovu did you tell Daddy something?"asked Kiara lowly.
Kovu sighed and nodded.
"I only told him that you're a little inexperienced as far as I can see. You need training and it might be a little dangerous for you to hunt and you don't know what you're doing. You understand don't you honey?"

Kiara smiled, understanding where Kovu was coming from and licked his cheeks.
"I understand but try to involve me next time you and Daddy have a discussion, okay honey?"
"Of course darling," replied Kovu.
"Should we wait until tommorow to send them off or tonight?" said Nala looking at her husband, Diana and Burnt Eboney.

"Why not tonight?" said Diana. "the night is warm and there's a full moon, so they'll have light to see where they're going,"
The others agreed and decided that Diana was right.
"I'll call Rafiki to conduct the leaving ceremony," said Simba.
When Rafiki arrived, everyone gathered around the future King and Queen to bear witness to this auspicious occasion.
"I have been called by King Simba to conduct the honeymoon leaving ceremony of the future King Kovu and his future Queen Kiara," said Rafiki.
Kovu and Kiara smiled at each other.
Rafiki broke a passion fruit and smeared the juices over both their foreheads and looked at Kiara.

"May you be a fertile, young Queen and may you bless this pride with many healthy cubs,"
Kiara blushed and looked at her stomach.
Then he looked at Kovu.
"May you be a wise, caring and just King and may the great Kings of the past bless you with the patience to deal with your over- possessive father-in-law,"
Everyone chuckled at that statement.

Kiara nudged Kovu and he blushed.
"Your journey starts here, greet your elders and depart," said Rafiki.
Simba, Nala, Burnt-Ebony and Diana lined up in parallel lines along with Sarabi and Sarafina.
Kovu and Kiara smiled and sought the blessings of their elders starting with Simba and Nala.

"May the great Kings of the past be with you in every step of the way," said Simba.
"Have fun and enjoy yourselves, don't think about anything else but each other," said Nala smiling.
They smiled and bowed respectfully.
They then moved to Diana and Burnt Eboney.

"Have fun honey but not too much fun," said Diana teasingly.
Kovu scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Son don't listen to your mother, have all the fun you desire. A honeymoon is a once in a lifetime opportunity don't waste it," said his father sternly but with humour.

Kovu laughed as his mother scoffed at her husband's words.
When they moved to Sarafina, the blessings they received almost made Kovu die of embarrassment.
"May your womb be filled with many cubs and please don't let Kovu's seed spill out when he impregnates you,"

Vitani collapsed in laughter as Kovu covered his eyes with his paws.
"I want many grandcubs from you Kiara so please start as soon as possible," said Sarabi firmly but with a hint of grandmotherly love and affection.

"Mom!" cried Kovu as he desperately tried to leave.
But Diana seemed to be thoroughly enjoying her son's obvious distress. So instead of helping him, she laughed and ignored his pleas.
The only one who wasn't laughing was Marisa. She felt sorry for Kovu; or did she?
"Aww it's okay Kovu we all know you wanted this arrangement ever since you married Kiara," she said smugly.

Kovu stared at his sister in absolute horror.
Rafiki shook his stick and got everyone's attention.
"The time for travel is fast approaching, ate you both ready?" he asked solemnly.
"We are ready," the young couple said in unison.

Rafiki shook his stick over their heads and a great wind blew;
Mufasa was here.
Diana felt tears coming to her eyes and Burnt Eboney comforted her with a reassuring nuzzle.

Vitani and Marisa walked up to their brother and sister-in-law and hugged them both.
"Have fun guys," said Marisa choking back tears.
"If I find out that you've been mistreating Kiara, I'll pummel you when you come back," threatened Vitani.
Kovu rolled his eyes.

"Not a chance," he countered.
Kiara giggled as Vitani stuck her tongue out at Kovu.
The pride came forward to wish the young couple a happy honeymoon.
"Have fun,"
"Behave yourselves,"
"Treat her good or I'll never let you live it down Kovu,"
"Don't kill him,"
"Be good to each other,"

As each member said a word to them, Rafiki motioned for them to stand at the peak of Pride Rock.
"Follow that star and you'll reach your destination. Don't let it out of your sight and be happy on your glorious honeymoon,"
Kovu and Kiara hugged Rafiki and walked to the steps.

They looked behind them at the pride and smiled.
"We love you all," they said in unison.
Everyone smiled and bade them farewell.
Kovu looked at Kiara and smirked.
"Ready my love?" he asked her.
"Whenever you are my love," she replied.

After a final glance at their friends and family and beloved pride, Kiara and Kovu bounded off the steps and into the darkness to follow the North Star which would guide them to the Isle of Upendi to celebrate their two week long honeymoon.
And now we've seen for ourselves;
Love has found a way.


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